Dear Friends
Parinirvana Festival Day Retreat on
Sunday 15th February, 10am-
You are all invited to join us for a commemoration/celebration of the Buddha's final release from unsatisfactoriness. It's a time that Buddhists often use to reflect upon impermanence, death, and Enlightenment. You can come to all or part of the day.
- Where? No. 4 Brookside, Headington, Oxford OX3 7PJ.
There is no parking available on Brookside itself so if coming by car do park in a street close by. Brookside is well-served by buses from Oxford City Centre, including no's. 8,9, 400, 108, 275, 280, and U1.
Our host, Sarah, has had some difficulty with the odd neighbour in the process of developing her venue. They are concerned about the security of their homes. Sarah has asked that if you get into conversation with anyone just indicate that you're going to the Buddhist day at Sarah's. She will be joining us on the day so we should have an opportunity to thank her in person. - What should I bring?
- Some vegan/vegetarian food for a shared meal (there's only a microwave for reheating).
- If you'd like, a photo or symbol of someone you knew who has died and who you'd like to recollect, you'd like to remember. It might be someone with whom you had a particular connection, perhaps they inspired you in different ways, taught you something, or you admired how they lived. There will be an opportunity to share (in pairs) something of this person and what they mean to you. You are also invited to place the photo/symbol on the shrine within the cherishing radiance of the Buddha's loving-kindness. As part of our festive puja you can have their name read out and a line or two about why you wish to recollect them.
- Your own meditation equipment if you have something specific you'd like to use. Our usual mats, cushions, and blankets will be available and there are chairs at the venue.
- Programme - below
- Suggested donation £25/£12 concession for the day.
Warm wishes
Oxford Triratna Parinirvana Festival Day RetreatSunday 15th February 2015 Programme 10:00 Arrive
10:15 Welcome, Salutation of the Refuges, Refuges and Precepts, Mindfulness of Breathing Meditation, Reading – Prajñāketu
11:00 Leg-stretch
11:05 Metta Bhavana Meditation, Reading – Prajñāketu
11:50 Tea Break into …
12:00 Reflection exercise: bring to mind someone(s) who’s died that you’d like to remember. Spend some time ‘with them’, considering and reflecting upon your relationship with them and why you think/feel that they are worth recollecting. Did they have qualities you admire? …
... Share in pairs/small groups
Amitabha mantra-chanting, during which we can put a photo of them, their name (on a piece of paper for e.g.), or a symbol of them upon the shrine. – Padmakumara
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Silent relaxation/walk period
14:30 Light exercise (with Prajñāketu)
14:50 Parinirvana Talk by Dharmadipa (with questions at the end and into the …)
15:50 ... Tea Break
16:10 Festive Sevenfold Puja
17:00 Clear up and depart