Oxford Buddhist Centre - Buddhism and Meditation in Oxford
Oxford Buddhist Centre - Buddhism and Meditation in Oxford
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An introductory course held over five Thursday evenings (7.00-9.30pm) - Book here

There is an old English saying: 

"Sow a thought, reap an action. Sow an action, reap a habit. Sow a habit, reap a character. Sow a character, reap a destiny".

The Buddha would have agreed with that. According to the Buddha, what we think, what we do with our minds, is the most crucial factor in how free and happy we become. This course will help us become more aware of the thoughts and habits of mind that are shaping our lives. 

We'll learn two types of meditation and other practical tools for freeing up the creativity of our minds. The course will be suitable for those totally new to meditation and Buddhism, and also anyone who has learnt mindfulness meditation and wants to explore further.

Venue - Peace House, 19 Paradise Street, Oxford, OX1 1LD

Book here

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Newcomers welcome on Tuesday Nights

Although we are not currently running introductory courses, Oxford Buddhist Centre holds classes on Tuesday nights which are suitable for newcomers.

We begin at 6pm with a drop-in meditation, where we teach either the Mindfulness of Breathing or the Development of Loving Kindness. You can arrive at from 5pm for a bring-your-own dinner and chance to meet people.

At 7pm we have Sangha Night, which will follow the format of talk/discussion on a theme, tea break and then a mediation finishing at around 9.15pm.

The broad themes we have covered at Sangha Night in 2017 are Ethics, Mediation and Wisdom.

Attached are a couple of resources that you may find interesting if you would like to come to either the drop-in or Sangha Night.

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Six Monday evenings starting 17th of October

Looking to harness the power of your creativity?  Mantras – sound symbols of Awakening – have been used for centuries as tools for energising and transforming the mind. In these six evenings we’ll use mantras as a launchpad for discovering the core teachings of the Buddha and how they help us to become wiser, more courageous, and better able to respond to the needs of the world.

You’ll also receive instruction in two essential meditation practices for developing awareness and strong positive connection with others.

Singers and non-singers alike will love this!

Monday evenings 7-9.30pm  
Starting 17th October 2016 
Peace House Paradise St, Oxford, OX1 1LD

No need to book – just show up

And all our events are run on a donation basis

Contact oxfordtriratna@gmail.com for more info

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Want to see what your mind can do? This six-week course introduces the core teachings of the Buddha and how you can use them to move from ordinary, divided consciousness into a fuller, richer and more creative approach to life. On this highly practical course you will receive instruction in meditation as well as experiencing first-hand some of the key principles that underpin Buddhism. You will also be encouraged to continue the training practices at home and in your daily life.

Mondays 20th June to 25th July 2016

Peace House, 19 Paradise St, Oxford, OX1 1LD

Free – donations welcome.
No need to book, just turn up on the night.

Introducing Buddhism by Chris Pauling, a companion to the course, will be available to buy on the first evening at the reduced price of £6. For more information contact oxfordtriratna@gmail.com

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Looking to make the most of your life? Want to transform your mind? This six-week course introduces the core teachings of the Buddha and how you can use them to free up your energy, your imagination, and your perspective on the world.

The course involves instruction in developing mindfulness and deep positive emotion through meditation, as well as outlining the key principles that take you from where you are now to beyond what you might think is possible. You will also be encouraged to continue the training practices at home and in your daily life.

Previous participants on our courses say:

“the approach was radically different to the books I’ve read … 7 out of 7”

“thought provoking, accepting, fun”


Mondays 25th  January to 29th February 2016

7.30pm – 9.30pm

Peace House, 19 Paradise St, Oxford, OX1 1LD

Suggested donation £30-60

Introducing Buddhism by Chris Pauling, a companion to the course, will be available to buy on the first evening at the reduced price of £3.

For more info, or to let us know you’re coming, email oxfordtriratna@gmail.com

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Break out

Break out - intro course Mondays 3rd August to 7th September, 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Peace House, 19 Paradise St, Oxford, OX1 1LD

Suggested donation £30-60

 Looking to overcome your limitations? Want to live more creatively? This six-week course introduces the core teachings of the Buddha and how we can use them to free up our energy, our imaginations, and our lives. The course will involve instruction in developing mindfulness and deep positive emotion through meditation, as well as investigating some of the key principles that underpin Buddhism. You will also be encouraged to continue the training practices at home and in your daily life.

Previous participants on our courses said:

“the approach was radically different to the books I’ve read … 7 out of 7”

“thought provoking, accepting, fun”

Introducing Buddhism by Chris Pauling, a companion to the course, will be available to buy on the first evening at the reduced price of £6.

For more info, or to let us know you’re coming, email oxfordtriratna@gmail.com

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Introductory course starting 20th April

Tools for training your mind: an introduction to Buddhism and Meditation

A six-week course on the core teachings of the Buddha and how we can use them to train – and transform – our minds. The course will involve instruction in developing mindfulness and deep positive emotion through meditation, as well as investigating the key concepts that underpin Buddhism. Participants will also be encouraged to continue the training practice at home and in their daily lives.

No prior experience is needed, just a willingness to try it out and explore the possibilities for oneself.

Mondays 20th April to 25th May, 7.30-9.30pm

​Peace House, 19 Paradise St, OX1 1LD.

A donation of £30-60 (£5-10 per evening) is suggested to help cover our costs.

For more info, or to let us know you're coming feel free to email us at oxfordtriratna@gmail.com.

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New Website

Check out our new website at www.oxfordbuddhistcentre.com!

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Dharmadipa at Parinirvana Day Oxford 2015
A recording of Dharmadipa's talk on Parinirvana Day 2015 in Oxford
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Dear Friends

Parinirvana Festival Day Retreat on Sunday 15th February, 10am-5pm.
You are all invited to join us for a commemoration/celebration of the Buddha's final release from unsatisfactoriness. It's a time that Buddhists often use to reflect upon impermanence, death, and Enlightenment. You can come to all or part of the day.
  1. Where? No. 4 Brookside, Headington, Oxford OX3 7PJ.
    There is no parking available on Brookside itself so if coming by car do park in a street close by. Brookside is well-served by buses from Oxford City Centre, including no's. 8,9, 400, 108, 275, 280, and U1.
    Our host, Sarah, has had some difficulty with the odd neighbour in the process of developing her venue. They are concerned about the security of their homes. Sarah has asked that if you get into conversation with anyone just indicate that you're going to the Buddhist day at Sarah's. She will be joining us on the day so we should have an opportunity to thank her in person.
  2. What should I bring?
    1. Some vegan/vegetarian food for a shared meal (there's only a microwave for reheating).
    2. If you'd like, a photo or symbol of someone you knew who has died and who you'd like to recollect, you'd like to remember. It might be someone with whom you had a particular connection, perhaps they inspired you in different ways, taught you something, or you admired how they lived. There will be an opportunity to share (in pairs) something of this person and what they mean to you. You are also invited to place the photo/symbol on the shrine within the cherishing radiance of the Buddha's loving-kindness. As part of our festive puja you can have their name read out and a line or two about why you wish to recollect them.
    3. Your own meditation equipment if you have something specific you'd like to use. Our usual mats, cushions, and blankets will be available and there are chairs at the venue.
  3. Programme - below
  4. Suggested donation £25/£12 concession for the day.

Warm wishes


Oxford Triratna Parinirvana Festival Day Retreat
Sunday 15th February 2015


10:00 Arrive
10:15 Welcome, Salutation of the Refuges, Refuges and Precepts, Mindfulness of Breathing Meditation, Reading – Prajñāketu
11:00 Leg-stretch
11:05 Metta Bhavana Meditation, Reading – Prajñāketu
11:50 Tea Break into …
12:00 Reflection exercise: bring to mind someone(s) who’s died that you’d like to remember. Spend some time ‘with them’, considering and reflecting upon your relationship with them and why you think/feel that they are worth recollecting. Did they have qualities you admire? …
... Share in pairs/small groups
Amitabha mantra-chanting, during which we can put a photo of them, their name (on a piece of paper for e.g.), or a symbol of them upon the shrine. – Padmakumara

13:00 Lunch
14:00 Silent relaxation/walk period

14:30 Light exercise (with Prajñāketu)
14:50 Parinirvana Talk by Dharmadipa (with questions at the end and into the …)
15:50 ... Tea Break
16:10 Festive Sevenfold Puja
17:00 Clear up and depart
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Oxford Triratna Classes Tuesday 20th January

Dear Friends

Last week proved a successful start to our new format, with all of us remaining together for a whole evening of Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. We looked at those troublesome habits that hinder us from living a more fulfilled life, especially in the context of meditation. This coming Tuesday, the 20th, we'll continue with this theme by investigating aversion. We'll illuminate its various guises and explore how we might creatively release ourselves from its clutches.

5pm (ish) Meet at the Art Cafe for food and friendship

6pm Drop-in Meditation

7pm Sangha Night (tea break about 7.50-8.10pm)

9.15pm Clear up and depart

Parinirvana Festival Day Retreat on Sunday 15th February, 10am-5pm. Please join us for a commemoration/celebration of the Buddha's final release from unsatisfactoriness. Lying between two sal trees he is said to have entered into a meditation from which he did not return. Traditionally it's a time to reflect upon impermanence and understand more deeply how we relate to what has past. There will be meditation, a talk, hopefully a mantra-chanting workshop, and much more. Venue to be announced.

Peace House is at no. 19 Paradise Street, Oxford OX1 1LD. Being located in Oxford city centre it is accessible via public transport from all corners of the county (and beyond) . Please let us know if we can help with reaching the premises. Though there is no parking available bicycles can be locked at the rear of the venue.

Oxford Triratna runs on the basis of generosity. In monetary terms you are free to give as much or as little as appropriate to your circumstances. To help people reach a decision and to offer a sense of our costs we suggest:

£2-£5 Drop-in Meditation

£5-£10 Sangha Night

Warm wishes


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Introductory Course

A Taste of Freedom

This three-week taster course is a great opportunity to dip your toe into the vast and inspiring world of Buddhism and Meditation.
Who was the Buddha? What’s Buddhism all about?
How do we realise the Buddha’s vision for humanity together, here and now?
How can I use meditation to develop clarity of awareness and freedom of heart?
Come along and find out.
No prior knowledge or expertise is needed, just a willingness to test everything in the fire of your experience.

Where? Restore Garden Cafe, Manzil Way, Cowley Road, Oxford
When? Monday evenings 7-9pm starting 17th
How much? We suggest a one-off donation of £15-30
What next? Just turn up on the 17th

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Returning from the Secret Realm

Dear Sangha

Prajnaketu recently gave a talk entitled 'Returning from the Secret Realm'. It was a reflection upon his recent step in becoming ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order. You can hear this talk by clicking the link below.

n sangha


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Oxford Buddhist Group August 5th Classes
We've a change to the usual schedule from this week and are excited to announce an introductory course on Meditation and Buddhism. Here are the details for the evening.

Drop-in Meditation 6.00-7.00pm
Taste of Freedom Introduction to Meditation and Buddhism Course (7.00-9.15pm for six weeks, until 9th Sept.) - an ideal way to begin exploring such well-tested ancient principles and practices. It's fine to just turn up on the first night and give it a try for a week before committing to the whole course.

Our events are run on the basis of generosity, a spirit that celebrates the shared wealth amongst us and our ability to connect through generosity's inherent open heartedness. To help give you a sense of how much we need to continue to offer classes we suggest amounts for our activities. Do be free to give as much or as little as is appropriate for you.
Drop-in Meditation Suggested Donation £2-£4
Taste of Freedom Course Suggested Donation £25-£60
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22nd July Details
After the Dharma Festival and Ben's Mitra Ceremony we resume 'normal' activities this coming week.

Drop-in Meditation 6.30-7.30pm (suggested donation £2-£5).
Sangha Night 7.30-9.15pm
Beauty and the Dharma Life - Padmakumara will explore what has been referred to as a hidden teaching in Buddhism: Beauty. How does living Buddhist teachings help us perceive more Beauty? What is it about the experience of Beauty that makes it so valuable? Join us for this, meditation, and much more (suggested donation £4-£10).

Full Programe:
5pm Set up at Peace House
5.15pm Meet for food in the Art Cafe (Bonn Sq.). All welcome
6.15pm Arrival for drop-in Meditation
6.30-7.30pm Drop-in Meditation
7.20pm Arrival for Sangha Night
7.30-9.15pm Sangha Night
Clear up and depart

Not by hatred are hatreds ever pacified here (in the world). They are pacified by love. This is the eternal law.
The Buddha quoted from The Dhammapada (The Way of Truth)
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Dharma Day Celebration with Mitra Ceremony
Dharma Day Celebrations - Tuesday 15th July

Please join us for an auspicious celebration of the Buddha's first discourse. Occuring two full moons after his Complete Awakening the Buddha spoke to five disciples from his time as an ascetic. One, Kondanna, woke up himself and at that moment the Buddha realised that others could understand for themselves how things really are. The rest, as they say, is history, over 2,500 years of it right up to us, here and now, in the City of Dreaming Spires.This Dharma Day is especially auspicious as Ben Linsey-Bloom will make a formal and public commitment to the Buddhist Path in becoming a Mitra (friend). You are welcome to join us in support of his commitment. It's traditional to bring along gifts for the new Mitras if you'd like to.

Drop-in Meditation
Join us for an introductory class offering a taste of meditation in a supportive environment.
N.B We've a six week course introducing Buddhism and Meditation starting on 5th August - an excellent way of exploring the benefits of these ancient teachings and practices. Ask at the class for more details.

Sangha Night
Dharma Day Celebration with Mitra Ceremony
7.30 Introduction followed by a short Meditation
8pm Sevenfold Puja with Mitra Ceremony
9pm Tea followed by tidy up


Generosity - living the spirit of Buddhism
All our events are run on the basis of donations in celebration of the human capacity to connect through generosity. First and foremost we invite people to join our classes and enjoy them irrespective of their means. As we’d love to continue to offer classes in future you’ll see suggested donation amounts to help us do so. Thank you for any help you can give.

Getting to us
The address for Peace House is 19 Paradise Street, Oxford, OX1 1LD. Located in the heart of Oxford it is easily accessible by public transport. Unfortunately no car parking is available at the House though there is a place to secure bikes.

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Class Changes from 5th August
Changes to Classes from 5th August 2014

Drop-in Meditation 6-7pm
Suggested Donation £2-£5 per class

Taste of Freedom Course Introducing Buddhism & Meditation
Six weeks from 5th August to 9th September
7-9.15pm each evening
Suggested Donation £25-£60 per course
No need to book, just turn up on the 5th
E: oxfordtriratna@gmail.com
T: 07818 483 336
W: http://www.thebuddhistcentre.com/oxford/

Generosity - living the spirit of Buddhism
All our events are run on the basis of donations in celebration of the human capacity to connect through generosity. First and foremost we invite people to join our classes and enjoy them irrespective of their means. As we'd love to continue to offer classes in future you'll see suggested donation amounts to help us do so. Thank you for any help you can give.

Getting to us
The address for Peace House is 19 Paradise Street, Oxford, OX1 1LD. Located in the heart of Oxford it is easily accessible by public transport. Unfortunately no car parking is available at the House though there is a place to secure bikes.
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Dedication Ceremony
Dedication Ceremony for Oxford Triratna's New Venue (Peace House)

Tuesday 17th June

This week our sangha night sees the ritual marking of our move to Peace House. We hope you've been enjoying it so far: the greater space, the relative quiet, and the functioning toilet!

The Dedication Ceremony is a short series of verses recited in call and response. There will be an introduction to the ceremony before it takes place. Afterwards there will be tea and cake (do bring some if you'd like!). All are welcome to join us in this celebration of a new phase in the Oxford Triratna sangha. Please see the programme for the evening below.
Map and venue location: http://www.for.org.uk/peacehouse/

Peace House, 19 Paradise Street, Oxford, OX1 1LD

Buses: from Cowley Road, No. 5 goes along New Road, get off just past the turn for Castle Street.

Padmakumara will be leading us in a Buddhist ceremony (puja) to dedicate our practice at the new venue for the benefit of all beings.

5.15pm Food at the Art Café: 14 Bonn Square, opposite the Westgate, next door to the Coop Bank.

6.15 set up the room

6.30pm Drop-in meditation

7.20pm Tea and arrival for Sangha Night

7.45pm Sangha Night

9.20 - clear up (so we can leave soon after 9.30)

Costs: all our sessions are free of charge. We do have to cover our costs so donations towards this are most welcome.

Our costs include:

£30 per week for the venue (the rent is paid to an excellent charity: Fellowship of Reconciliation).

£3 per month storage of mats, cushions, etc.

Travel expenses for visiting order members and although they don’t usually ask for a fee, we like to show our appreciation by offering them a donation.

We also need to save up for more mats, cushions, etc. to meet our growing numbers!

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Sthiradeva Hubbard
Sthiradeva Hubbard
We are moving
We have a group every Tuesday:

6:30 - Drop-in meditation (guided - no experience required)
7:20 - Tea
7:40 - Sangha night (meditation, puja, talks & discussion)
9:15 - End

All are wlecome, it's completely free to attend but donations are appreciaed.

We are moving
From Tuesday 3rd of June we will be moving to Peace House.
Please see the Peace House website for map and venue location.

Buses: from Cowley Road, No. 5 goes along New Road, get off just past the turn for Castle Street.
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Tim Holden
Tim Holden
Talk: Buddhism - a Philosophy or a Religion?
Recording of a talk given by Tim Holden at the Oxford Brookes University Open Discussion Society on November 14th 2013.
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