Oxford Buddhist Centre - Buddhism and Meditation in Oxford
Oxford Buddhist Centre - Buddhism and Meditation in Oxford
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Newcomers welcome on Tuesday Nights

Although we are not currently running introductory courses, Oxford Buddhist Centre holds classes on Tuesday nights which are suitable for newcomers.

We begin at 6pm with a drop-in meditation, where we teach either the Mindfulness of Breathing or the Development of Loving Kindness. You can arrive at from 5pm for a bring-your-own dinner and chance to meet people.

At 7pm we have Sangha Night, which will follow the format of talk/discussion on a theme, tea break and then a mediation finishing at around 9.15pm.

The broad themes we have covered at Sangha Night in 2017 are Ethics, Mediation and Wisdom.

Attached are a couple of resources that you may find interesting if you would like to come to either the drop-in or Sangha Night.