Oxford Buddhist Centre - Buddhism and Meditation in Oxford
Oxford Buddhist Centre - Buddhism and Meditation in Oxford
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Mind Protection - an intro to Buddhism, Mantra and Meditation

Six Monday evenings starting 17th of October

Looking to harness the power of your creativity?  Mantras – sound symbols of Awakening – have been used for centuries as tools for energising and transforming the mind. In these six evenings we’ll use mantras as a launchpad for discovering the core teachings of the Buddha and how they help us to become wiser, more courageous, and better able to respond to the needs of the world.

You’ll also receive instruction in two essential meditation practices for developing awareness and strong positive connection with others.

Singers and non-singers alike will love this!

Monday evenings 7-9.30pm  
Starting 17th October 2016 
Peace House Paradise St, Oxford, OX1 1LD

No need to book – just show up

And all our events are run on a donation basis

Contact oxfordtriratna@gmail.com for more info