Dear Friends
Last week proved a successful start to our new format, with all of us remaining together for a whole evening of Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. We looked at those troublesome habits that hinder us from living a more fulfilled life, especially in the context of meditation. This coming Tuesday, the 20th, we'll continue with this theme by investigating aversion. We'll illuminate its various guises and explore how we might creatively release ourselves from its clutches.
5pm (ish) Meet at the Art Cafe for food and friendship
6pm Drop-in Meditation
7pm Sangha Night (tea break about 7.50-8.10pm)
9.15pm Clear up and depart
Parinirvana Festival Day Retreat on Sunday 15th February, 10am-5pm. Please join us for a commemoration/celebration of the Buddha's final release from unsatisfactoriness. Lying between two sal trees he is said to have entered into a meditation from which he did not return. Traditionally it's a time to reflect upon impermanence and understand more deeply how we relate to what has past. There will be meditation, a talk, hopefully a mantra-chanting workshop, and much more. Venue to be announced.
Peace House is at no. 19 Paradise Street, Oxford OX1 1LD. Being located in Oxford city centre it is accessible via public transport from all corners of the county (and beyond) . Please let us know if we can help with reaching the premises. Though there is no parking available bicycles can be locked at the rear of the venue.
Oxford Triratna runs on the basis of generosity. In monetary terms you are free to give as much or as little as appropriate to your circumstances. To help people reach a decision and to offer a sense of our costs we suggest:
£2-£5 Drop-in Meditation
£5-£10 Sangha Night
Warm wishes
Oxford Triratna Classes Tuesday 20th January