Oxford Buddhist Centre - Buddhism and Meditation in Oxford
Oxford Buddhist Centre - Buddhism and Meditation in Oxford
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Oxford Buddhist Group August 5th Classes
We've a change to the usual schedule from this week and are excited to announce an introductory course on Meditation and Buddhism. Here are the details for the evening.

Drop-in Meditation 6.00-7.00pm
Taste of Freedom Introduction to Meditation and Buddhism Course (7.00-9.15pm for six weeks, until 9th Sept.) - an ideal way to begin exploring such well-tested ancient principles and practices. It's fine to just turn up on the first night and give it a try for a week before committing to the whole course.

Our events are run on the basis of generosity, a spirit that celebrates the shared wealth amongst us and our ability to connect through generosity's inherent open heartedness. To help give you a sense of how much we need to continue to offer classes we suggest amounts for our activities. Do be free to give as much or as little as is appropriate for you.
Drop-in Meditation Suggested Donation £2-£4
Taste of Freedom Course Suggested Donation £25-£60