Oxford Buddhist Centre - Buddhism and Meditation in Oxford
Oxford Buddhist Centre - Buddhism and Meditation in Oxford
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Dedication Ceremony
Dedication Ceremony for Oxford Triratna's New Venue (Peace House)

Tuesday 17th June

This week our sangha night sees the ritual marking of our move to Peace House. We hope you've been enjoying it so far: the greater space, the relative quiet, and the functioning toilet!

The Dedication Ceremony is a short series of verses recited in call and response. There will be an introduction to the ceremony before it takes place. Afterwards there will be tea and cake (do bring some if you'd like!). All are welcome to join us in this celebration of a new phase in the Oxford Triratna sangha. Please see the programme for the evening below.
Map and venue location: http://www.for.org.uk/peacehouse/

Peace House, 19 Paradise Street, Oxford, OX1 1LD

Buses: from Cowley Road, No. 5 goes along New Road, get off just past the turn for Castle Street.

Padmakumara will be leading us in a Buddhist ceremony (puja) to dedicate our practice at the new venue for the benefit of all beings.

5.15pm Food at the Art Café: 14 Bonn Square, opposite the Westgate, next door to the Coop Bank.

6.15 set up the room

6.30pm Drop-in meditation

7.20pm Tea and arrival for Sangha Night

7.45pm Sangha Night

9.20 - clear up (so we can leave soon after 9.30)

Costs: all our sessions are free of charge. We do have to cover our costs so donations towards this are most welcome.

Our costs include:

£30 per week for the venue (the rent is paid to an excellent charity: Fellowship of Reconciliation).

£3 per month storage of mats, cushions, etc.

Travel expenses for visiting order members and although they don’t usually ask for a fee, we like to show our appreciation by offering them a donation.

We also need to save up for more mats, cushions, etc. to meet our growing numbers!