Welcome to Tiratanaloka
We are a community of 7 Dharmacharinis living together in rural Wales (UK), running retreats and taking care of our retreat centre. As the Tiratanaloka Ordination team we offer a training for women seeking ordination. This training has two aspects: getting to know and understand the Triratna Buddhist Order, which is based on Sangharakshita’s vision, and deepening one’s practice to the point at which it becomes effective.

All of our retreats are either for women who have asked to join the Triratna Buddhist Order, called Going for Refuge retreats, or for Dharmacharinis, which include study retreats, preceptor retreats and Post Ordination retreats for those recently ordained.

We also keep in touch with women training for Ordination all over the world both personally and by visiting local Centres. I hope you will follow our project and keep in touch with us.
