We recently had a enriching and inspiring online weekend on the symbolism of the jewel in Buddhism. Forged deep in the ground under the influence of strong pressures, the jewel emerges as something of beauty and value. In the same way, under the influence of the Dharma, something of great beauty is created or, we could say, discovered. The nature of our own mind, luminous bright and with a sensitivity to life and a beautiful aspiration towards the truth. How can we enable our practice to emerge from abundance, radiance and beauty, letting it shine in all directions?
The talks were recorded and are now available on freebuddhistaudio.
Vajratara gave the first talk, giving us an overview of the theme: the jewel like nature of mind and the significance of the jewel as a symbol for the Bodhicitta.
Saddhanandi and Kulanandi followed with personal reflections on how they experience the jewel in their Dharma lives.