Thinking of Asking for Ordination? Undertaking the quest together

This is part of an online event for people thinking of asking for ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order.

What are our next steps in this potent time, where the unconscious becomes conscious and we question where we are headed individually and collectively? What part does the Tiratana Buddhist Order play in a new post-lockdown world? Why have an Order at all? How can committing to the Order help us to deepen our Dharma practice and help the world? Vajratara explores all these questions drawing on the story at the centre of the Gandhavyuha Sutra, where the seeker meets wisdom in the sacred grove. A grove full of strange creatures, where the Buddhas of the past let go of what was hard to let go of.

If you are interested in exploring this theme further, book onto our zoom discussion group at 10.30am -12pm on Sunday the 28th of June.

Our income has been significantly reduced due to the drop in retreat income and we are dependent on donations. If you can give anything to support us while we are closed, please donate via our JustGiving page.