Update and Request from Tiratanaloka

At present we are not able to run our residential retreats, but we have been providing online study weeks, Prostration Practice in the afternoons, as well as continuing personal communication with people.

We are doing all of this on a dana basis, at the same as loosing much of our regular income from retreat payments. We still have our overheads to cover and a full team to support.

What we ask from you is to make a donation to support us. We need to raise enough to cover what we need to keep Tiratanaloka running: £11,000 a month to cover our overheads and support costs, and £125 a month to maintain our internet services. What we would like is for you to set up a standing order to help us during this time, or to give a one off gift. This will enable us to carry on running our activities online, on a dana basis, for however long we need to. Please use our just giving page to donate now, and enable us to carry on giving the gift of the Dharma.

This is an unusual time and I would say a spiritual potent time. When everything else is taken away and our future plans dissolve, we realise how important Dharma practice really is. Let us keep practising and build a stronger world for the future.

Thank you so much for considering to support us to keep giving the gift of the Dharma.