The response of many people during the Coronavirus pandemic has been to want to help very practically by supporting the NHS, our friends and neighbours, and to want to deepen our Dharma practice, enabling us to better emotionally respond to the difficulties that arise. Some of us are thinking about the future, to how the pandemic will effect long term societal change. What part does the Tiratana Buddhist Order play in this? Why have an Order at all? How can committing to the Order help us to deepen our Dharma practice and help the world?
Vajratara will give a talk to be uploaded on YouTube here on Saturday 27 June. We will also have a zoom discussion group at 10.30am -12pm on Sunday 28 June to talk about our own reflections on this area and to ask any questions. You can book a place on the zoom discussion via our website. After you book we will send you out a zoom link 2 weeks prior to the event.
The zoom discussion will be led by Vajratara and Karunadhi. We are both looking forward to seeing you!