Triratna Translations
Triratna Translations
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The 5 and 10 Positive Precepts
in many Languages

Hi there,

We're in the process of producing a book with the 5 and 10 positive precepts as we recite them in Triratna.

In time there will be more information on this, but here is a link to the document that will turn into an online version of the book. This can be added to and corrected, when needed.

You can also have a peek at the working cover below.

Link to the book online

With metta, Viryabodhi 

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Translation News — May 2024
from the International Triratna Translations Board (ITTB)


from the International Triratna Translations Board (ITTB)

PLEASE READ the attached pdf for full story.

Read about: who received translation grants in 2024 from the ITTB and the first translation into Romanian; the wonderful Translation Pages at TBCO and a book of Buddhist Ceremonies in Many Languages; and marvel at a few book covers of funded projects.

Translation grants in 2024
Below you can see what languages and projects received grants in 2024, this year funded by the ECA (European Chair’s Assembly). Noteworthy is that Iulia Hau (who recently did the Dharma Life Course at Adhisthana) has begun on the first ever translation of a Triratna Dharma book into Romanian, Vajragupta’s Sailing the Worldly Winds. The book has already been translated and published in Hebrew and Spanish.

Buddhist Rituals in Many Languages & a review
Some years ago now Lokabandhu set up the Translations pages on TBCO – (now curated by the ITTB) – where you can find the most common ritual texts in most if not all languages where there is some ‘Triratna presence’. He has also produced and published a book called Buddhist Ceremonies in Many Languages (through Triratna InHouse Publishing). These are wonderful resources that may not be widely known. So please go and check them out and create a bookmark in your web browser and recommend them to your international friends.

As local sanghas review their ritual texts from time to time, we have just asked all languages to check that the translations published are the ones actually used, and while doing that also to check that the texts written or selected by our Teacher, Urgyen Sangharakshita, are correct and that, in his words, ‘translations of my writings into other languages are faithful to the original text’.


Finally, we’d like to express our heartfelt thanks to FutureDharmaFund who has funded translation projects since 2017 and a Coordinator for ITTB 12 hours a week, since 1 June 1022. We also thank the ECA who has funded translation projects since 2012 and half the support of the Coordinator since 2022.

Please consider supporting FutureDharmaFund in their wonderful work of helping to spread the Dharma across many countries and languages.

(A beautiful cloth cover for the New Puja Book in Finnish, and the cover of the Swedish edition of Living with Awareness. Free image from the MET museum, New York.)

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Challenges of Translating the Dharma – article part two
Part two of an Article on Translation within Triratna

This is the second article on translation within Triratna, by Viryabodhi, coordinator of the International Triratna Translations Board (ITTB), which goes more into specific challenges in translating the Dharma.

Here is a short url for this post:

I have been working on this for some time and hope you will enjoy reading it. If you have any questions or feedback you can write to me at: 

There is both a pdf and an ePub (if you prefer reading on your mobile phone or reading device). There will soon be versions in other languages, I hope.

The first article you can find here: 

with metta, Viryabodhi 

Stockholm, 8 August 2023

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This is the first article in a series of articles on translation within Triratna, by Viryabodhi, coordinator of the International Triratna Translations Board (ITTB). The next article, which will go more into the challenges, will be published within the next month or so.

Part 2 of the Article is found here:

I have been working on this for some time and hope you will enjoy reading it. If you have any questions or feedback you can write to me at: 

There is both a pdf and an ePub (if you prefer reading on your mobile phone or reading device).

And now there are versions of the article in German, French, Spanish and Swedish (more to come).

Here is a short url for this post: 

with metta, Viryabodhi 

Stockholm, 30 June 2023

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Wat is de Dharma?

A new edition of What is the Dharma? by Sangharakshita is available in Dutch.

It can be bought either as hardback or paperback on link to both.
Sadhu to all involved!
Best wishes,  Viryabodhi 

Here is what Sobhanandi wrote on Facebook:

The translation from 10 years ago has been checked and improved where necessary. Sangharakshita says: What is the meaning of life? How can we experience true happiness? These questions are still relevant even though they have been asked many times. The answer is found in Buddhism in the Dharma.

and later in an email to me:

The beautiful cover was made by an Ukranian bookdesigner called Getcovers. It designs bookcovers for all sort of books in all languages for 35 US dollars. Front and back and spine and for Lulu as well. Softcover and hardcover. I have used it a few times and they are very good. I delivered the text and a photo to give them some idea what I wanted. And the colors I wanted and they came back in three days with this beautiful cover. And you can make changes indefinitely if you want it different.
Maybe an idea for other translators who don't have designers in their sangha? 

Metta, Sobhanandi

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Read Prakashika's story of translating 'Sailing the Worldly Winds' into Hebrew and eventually getting it published.

לשוט עם רוחות העולם – מדריך בודהיסטי לצליחת סערות החיים / וג'רגופטה

Earlier today I finally received my printed copies of the Hebrew translation of Sailing the Worldly Winds – A Buddhist Way through the Ups and Downs of Life by Vajragupta. It’s hard to describe the feeling of flicking through this little book, seeing it stand on its own, after being in the making for some 18 months.

In Triratna it has been a classic for over a decade. I’ve led a study group at the Sydney Buddhist Centre using it, and the discussion it gave rise to was so helpful, it made me think it would be good to translate it into Hebrew and see if it gets taken up by fellow Israelis. If people took onboard the simple but profound message of this teaching, the troubles of the Middle East would be over. Well, maybe that thought was a little ambitious, but at the very least those who are looking for alternatives might discover a better perspective to live from.

Ironically, plenty of worldly winds blew around the process of translating, editing, and publishing the book. With each reading, I realized how relevant this apparently basic teaching was, even after twenty years of practice. The process of expressing in my own words (which is what translation is) the teachings – as well as the moving story that surrounds the writing of the book – has been insightful: Experiencing the relativity of culture, the connotations and assumptions that come with language, and the universality of the Dharma.

Many thanks to Vajragupta, Dhammamegha (from Windhorse), the International Triratna
Translation's Board, FutureDharma Fund and the ECA (European Chairs Assembly) for their support of this project.

The book is available in hard copy and electronically.

And just a reminder that Sangharakshita’s book, What is the Dharma, is available in Hebrew here and elsewhere.

November 2022

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Maltese (Malti)

In future we hope to post rituals and ceremonies here.

There is an Irish Order Member, Akshobin, who runs activities in Malta.

See his website: Malta Buddhist Centre

and on Facebook: Malta Buddhist Centre on Facebook


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List of websites for translated books

Where you can find and buy translated Dharma books within Triratna.
Let us know if something is missing or faulty, se bottom of page!

Wo Sie übersetzte Dharma-Bücher in Triratna finden und kaufen können.
Lassen Sie uns wissen, wenn etwas fehlt oder fehlerhaft ist, siehe unten auf der Seite!

Dónde encontrar y comprar libros de Dharma traducidos dentro de Triratna.
Háganos saber si falta algo o está defectuoso, véase al final de la página.

Où vous pouvez trouver et acheter des livres de Dharma traduits au sein de Triratna.
Faites-nous savoir si quelque chose manque ou est défectueux, voir le bas de la page !

Waar je vertaalde Dharmaboeken binnen Triratna kunt vinden en kopen.
Laat het ons weten als er iets ontbreekt of fout is, zie onderaan de pagina!

Dove è possibile trovare e acquistare libri di Dharma tradotti all'interno di Triratna.
Fateci sapere se qualcosa manca o è difettoso, se in fondo alla pagina!

Triratna'da çevrilmiş Dharma kitaplarını bulabileceğiniz ve satın alabileceğiniz yer.
Eksik veya hatalı bir şey varsa bize bildirin, sayfanın altına bakın!

kust saab leida ja osta tõlgitud Dharma raamatuid Triratnas.
Andke meile teada, kui midagi on puudu või vigane, vt lehe alaosa!

Mistä voit löytää ja ostaa käännettyjä Dharma-kirjoja Triratnassa.
Kerro meille, jos jotain puuttuu tai on virheellinen, katso sivun alareunasta!

Hvor du kan finne og kjøpe oversatte Dharma-bøker innen Triratna.
Gi oss beskjed hvis noe mangler eller er feil, se nederst på siden!

Var du kan hitta och köpa översatta Dharma-böcker inom Triratna.
Låt oss veta om något saknas eller är felaktigt, se längst ner på sidan!

Gdzie można znaleźć i kupić przetłumaczone książki Dharmy w Triratnie.
Daj nam znać, jeśli czegoś brakuje lub jest uszkodzone, zobacz na dole strony!

Где можно найти и купить переведенные книги по Дхарме в Триратне.
Сообщите нам, если что-то отсутствует или неисправно, см. внизу страницы!

Deutsch (German)

Español (Spanish)

Eesti (Estonian)

Français (French)

עִברִית (Hebrew)

see also: 

Italiano (Italian) – no website, but you can find the books here on lulu:
Il Nobile Ottuplice Sentiero del Buddha
Chi è il Buddha?

​Magyar (Hungarian) – no website, but you can find the books here:

Nederlands/Vlaams (Dutch/Flemish)

Norwegian (norsk)

На русском языке (Russian)
- To read books as PDFs online:
  Скачать бесплатно книги о буддизме или читать их онлайн
- Should you want to listen to lectures:
  Слушать лекции о буддизме
- If you want to buy books:
  Купить книги о буддизме

Po polsku (Polish)

Suomalainen (Finnish)

Svenska (Swedish)

Türkçe (Turkish) - no website, but you can find the books here:
- Buda Kimdir?
- İyilik ile Yaşamak​

Please note: The list will be updated when new information is available. Please :
Email ITTB to let us know of new links or to correct old! 

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Translation project update

Here's a summary of all languages currently represented in the Triratna Translation Project - with Myanmar our latest addition!

Afrikaans | Amharic | Arabic | Aramaic | Armenian | Balinese | Bantu | Basque | Belarusan | Bengali | Berber | Breton | Bulgarian | Cantonese | Catalan | Chechen | Cherokee | Cheyenne | Chinese | Coptic | Cree | Creole | Croatian | Czech | Danish | Dutch | Egyptian | Eskimo | Esperanto | Estonian | Farsi | Finnish | Flemish | French | Gaelic | German | Greek | Hawaiian | Hausa | Hebrew | Hindi | Hungarian | Icelandic | Indonesian | Irish | Italian |Japanese | Kannada | Khmer | Klingon | Konkani | Korean | Kurdish | Lao | Lakhota | Latin | Latvian | Lithuanian | Macedonian | Malay | Malayalam | Maltese | Manchu | Mandinka | Manx | Maori | Marathi | Mohawk | Mongolian  | Myanmar | Navajo | Nepalese | Norwegian | Oriya | Pali | Pidgin | Polish | Portuguese | Punjabi | Quechua | Quenya | Rasta | Romanian | Romany | Russian | Samoan | Sanskrit | Serbian | Sign Language | Sinhalese | Slovak | Slovene | Sogdian | Somali | Sorbian | Spanish | Swabian | Swahili | Swedish | Tagalog | Taiwanese | Tahitian | Tamil | Telugu | Thai | Tibetan | Tongan | Turkish | Ukrainian | Urdu | Uyghur | Uzbek | Vietnamese | Walloon | Welsh | Wolof | Xhosa | Yoruba | Zulu

All the above have been assembled into a handsome hardback book, 'Buddhist Ceremonies in Many Languages', available from Lulu.

You can also click here for a summary of the main Triratna Dharma Resources already in translation. Languages in bold but not hyperlinked indicate that the Triratna Buddhist Community has an active group in that language, but don't yet have anything up on the web.  Any questions, comments or suggestions? Please email us at

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The Triratna Translations project aims to translate the main texts and ceremonies used in the Triratna Buddhist Community into as many of the world’s languages as possible. It recently celebrated its 30th language with the addition of Malayalam, principlal language of Kerala in southern India. Here’s what we’ve got so far - the

Afrikaans | Amharic | Arabic | Aramaic | Armenian | Balinese | Bantu | Basque | Bengali | Breton | Bulgarian | Burmese | Cantonese | Catalan | Chechen | Chinese | Coptic | Cree | Creole | Croatian | Czech |Danish | Dutch | Egyptian | Eskimo | Esperanto | Estonian | Farsi | Finnish | Flemish |French | Gaelic | German | Greek | Hawaiian | Hausa | Hebrew | Hindi | Hungarian | Icelandic | Indonesian | Irish | Italian | Japanese | Kannada | Khmer | Klingon | Konkani | Korean | Latin | Latvian | Lithuanian | Malay |Malayalam | Maltese | Manchu | Mandinka | Maori | Marathi | Mohawk | Mongolian | Nepalese | Norwegian | Oriya | Pali | Pidgin | Polish | Portuguese| Punjabi | Romanian | Romany | Russian | Sanskrit | Serbian | Sign Language | Sinhalese | Slovak | Somali | Sorbian | Spanish | Swabian | Swahili | Swedish | Tagalog | Taiwanese | Tahitian | Tamil | Telugu | Thai | Tibetan | Tongan | Turkish | Ukrainian | Urdu | Uyghur | Uzbek | Vietnamese | Walloon | Welsh | Xhosa | Yoruba | Zulu

You can also click here for a summary of the main Triratna Dharma Books already in translation. Languages in bold but not hyperlinked indicate that the Triratna Buddhist Community has an active group in that language, but don't yet have anything up on the web.

Questions, comments and suggestions for further contributions are all very welcome - please email us at
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Indonesian recordings of Triratna ceremonies
There’s a selection of Indonesian recordings of Triratna texts and ceremonies appearing on our Indonesian Recordings page over on the Triratna Soundcloud space. More languages coming soon - check the main Triratna Translations page for details. Many thanks to Vimalabandhu for these.

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Latest news from the Triratna Translations project is that we've received texts in three new languages - Hungarian, Russian and Norwegian. Each now has translations of the Dedication Ceremony, the Threefold Puja, and the Refuges and Precepts - plus links to other Triratna translations, if any, available on the web. Many thanks to our three contributors - Derdak Tibor from Sajókaza, , Gunaketu from Oslo, and Suvannavira from Moscow.
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Russian translations
Welcome to the Russian page of thebuddhistcentre's Translation Project. We’re collecting basic Buddhist texts and ceremonies as used in the Triratna Buddhist Community, including of course Russian, in as many of the world’s languages as possible. You'll find an excellent Russian-language introduction to both Buddhism and Triratna already online at Here’s some links to specific texts:

Basic Buddhist texts
The Dedication Ceremony Церемония посвящения
The Refuges and Precepts Прибежище и наставления
The Threefold Puja Трехчленная пуджа

Introducing meditation http:/что-такое-медитация.html
The Mindfulness of Breathing (mindfulness of breathing meditation)
Click here for an introduction to the Mindfulness of Breathing in Russian

The Metta Bhavana (development of loving-kindness meditation)
Click here for an introduction to the Metta Bhavana in Russian

Introducing Buddhism
What is Buddhismчто-такое-буддизм.html

Introducing the Triratna Buddhist Communityтриратна.html

Other resources
Seven-fold Puja Семичленная пуджа
Tiratana Vandana Тиратана Вандана

If you’d like to be notified anytime there's news eg more Russian Dharma texts added , please click the 'Join' tab above. Don't worry, we'll never 'spam' you or pass your details to anyone else. If you have any problems, questions, or suggestions, please feel free to contact us on
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