Triratna Translations
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Translation News — May 2024
from the International Triratna Translations Board (ITTB)


from the International Triratna Translations Board (ITTB)

PLEASE READ the attached pdf for full story.

Read about: who received translation grants in 2024 from the ITTB and the first translation into Romanian; the wonderful Translation Pages at TBCO and a book of Buddhist Ceremonies in Many Languages; and marvel at a few book covers of funded projects.

Translation grants in 2024
Below you can see what languages and projects received grants in 2024, this year funded by the ECA (European Chair’s Assembly). Noteworthy is that Iulia Hau (who recently did the Dharma Life Course at Adhisthana) has begun on the first ever translation of a Triratna Dharma book into Romanian, Vajragupta’s Sailing the Worldly Winds. The book has already been translated and published in Hebrew and Spanish.

Buddhist Rituals in Many Languages & a review
Some years ago now Lokabandhu set up the Translations pages on TBCO – (now curated by the ITTB) – where you can find the most common ritual texts in most if not all languages where there is some ‘Triratna presence’. He has also produced and published a book called Buddhist Ceremonies in Many Languages (through Triratna InHouse Publishing). These are wonderful resources that may not be widely known. So please go and check them out and create a bookmark in your web browser and recommend them to your international friends.

As local sanghas review their ritual texts from time to time, we have just asked all languages to check that the translations published are the ones actually used, and while doing that also to check that the texts written or selected by our Teacher, Urgyen Sangharakshita, are correct and that, in his words, ‘translations of my writings into other languages are faithful to the original text’.


Finally, we’d like to express our heartfelt thanks to FutureDharmaFund who has funded translation projects since 2017 and a Coordinator for ITTB 12 hours a week, since 1 June 1022. We also thank the ECA who has funded translation projects since 2012 and half the support of the Coordinator since 2022.

Please consider supporting FutureDharmaFund in their wonderful work of helping to spread the Dharma across many countries and languages.

(A beautiful cloth cover for the New Puja Book in Finnish, and the cover of the Swedish edition of Living with Awareness. Free image from the MET museum, New York.)

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