Triratna Translations
Triratna Translations
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Russian translations
Welcome to the Russian page of thebuddhistcentre's Translation Project. We’re collecting basic Buddhist texts and ceremonies as used in the Triratna Buddhist Community, including of course Russian, in as many of the world’s languages as possible. You'll find an excellent Russian-language introduction to both Buddhism and Triratna already online at Here’s some links to specific texts:

Basic Buddhist texts
The Dedication Ceremony Церемония посвящения
The Refuges and Precepts Прибежище и наставления
The Threefold Puja Трехчленная пуджа

Introducing meditation http:/что-такое-медитация.html
The Mindfulness of Breathing (mindfulness of breathing meditation)
Click here for an introduction to the Mindfulness of Breathing in Russian

The Metta Bhavana (development of loving-kindness meditation)
Click here for an introduction to the Metta Bhavana in Russian

Introducing Buddhism
What is Buddhismчто-такое-буддизм.html

Introducing the Triratna Buddhist Communityтриратна.html

Other resources
Seven-fold Puja Семичленная пуджа
Tiratana Vandana Тиратана Вандана

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