Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Launch of the Triratna Video Library

By dayaketu on Fri, 3 Feb, 2023 - 21:01

Launch of the Triratna Video Library

By dayaketu on Fri, 3 Feb, 2023 - 21:01

The Urgyen Sangharakshita Trust is delighted to announce the launch of the online Triratna Video Library.

This remarkable new resource offers hundreds of videos documenting the breadth and depth of Triratna around the world. For the first time you can search hundreds of hours of never-before-seen footage, Sangharakshita’s talks, documentaries, news stories, videos for schools and the complete Clear...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Un travail d'équipe international: Le nouveau Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris / International Team Work: The New Paris Buddhist Centre

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 3 Mar, 2020 - 16:06

Un travail d'équipe international: Le nouveau Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris / International Team Work: The New Paris Buddhist Centre

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 3 Mar, 2020 - 16:06

« Nous avons reçu tellement de soutien - beaucoup de gens étaient intéressés par l’idée d’un nouveau centre à Paris. Cela a été un travail d’équipe international - sans la communauté internationale de Triratna, il n’aurait pas été possible d’avoir ce local ». - Aryanita, présidente du Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris.
Après plusieurs collectes de fonds et un travail acharné de la part de nombreuses personnes, et en particulier de Vassika, le nouveau Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris a été...

London Buddhist Centre
London Buddhist Centre

What the London Buddhist Centre (really) is...

By LondonBuddhistCentre on Fri, 18 Jan, 2019 - 11:07

What the London Buddhist Centre (really) is...

By LondonBuddhistCentre on Fri, 18 Jan, 2019 - 11:07

“It’s a lightning rod through which something utterly transcendent can find its way into the world”

Big thanks to Poppie Runa Sköld for our new video about life at the London Buddhist Centre.

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

5 Years Of The Buddhist Centre Online: #4 The Triratna Buddhist Order

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 26 Apr, 2018 - 17:35

5 Years Of The Buddhist Centre Online: #4 The Triratna Buddhist Order

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 26 Apr, 2018 - 17:35

If the Order is spiritually united, if it is in harmony, then a truly wonderful thing will happen. The Order then will be the locus for the manifestation of the Bodhicitta…I need hardly say how much the world needs the Dharma, needs such an Order, such a movement as ours. I have done what I can. I have started the movement. The future of the Order, of the movement is in your hands.

Sangharakshita, Looking Ahead A...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

What Is Meditation? Sparkling New Video From The LBC

By Candradasa on Wed, 10 Dec, 2014 - 16:05

What Is Meditation? Sparkling New Video From The LBC

By Candradasa on Wed, 10 Dec, 2014 - 16:05The groovy team at the London Buddhist Centre keep their great new Dharma content coming with this new video on meditation - a brilliant introduction to the power of conscious change in your life!

Watch more in the LBC ‘What Is?’ series

Meditate online with us!
Triratna News
Triratna News

Buddhist animator seeks team

By Munisha on Sun, 4 May, 2014 - 13:00

Buddhist animator seeks team

By Munisha on Sun, 4 May, 2014 - 13:00Seen the “What meditation isn’t” animation on our homepage this week? It’s the work of Stephen Heppell, a mitra training for ordination at the London Buddhist Centre.

“I’ve always been passionate about Team Based Right Livelihood”, he says, “and have always loved creativity so I thought I’d try and bring these interests together in the form of Moving Vision Motion Graphics, a video production company. I’ve set it up with two aims:
  • To be a Team-Based
  • ...
Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Dhammapada verses video

By lokabandhu on Wed, 26 Feb, 2014 - 22:55

Dhammapada verses video

By lokabandhu on Wed, 26 Feb, 2014 - 22:55Here’s a great animated version of the first two verses of the Dhammapada, created by Stephen Heppell, a young London mitra who’s set up the animation company Moving Vision Motion Graphics. Part of their mission is to “re-imagine the Buddha for the digital age”. The text is based on the translation by Sangharakshita and you can find Stephen’s introduction to the piece on his website here.
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

The Hero With A Thousand Faces: A Multimedia Event

By Candradasa on Wed, 26 Feb, 2014 - 17:05

The Hero With A Thousand Faces: A Multimedia Event

By Candradasa on Wed, 26 Feb, 2014 - 17:05The second of our experimental videos today comes from Sam Farquharson, also in the UK. He describes the day event as “Original multi-media theatre to explore the mythic in your life.” This piece written/directed by Sam, in collaboration with writers, film-makers, actors, and musicians associated with the Triratna Buddhist movement, is the creation of a modern day myth set in Bethnal Green, in which the archetypal is exposed in our everyday world.

It will take place at the...
