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Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Buddhafield Through The Years

By Candradasa on Mon, 20 May, 2013 - 17:15

Buddhafield Through The Years

By Candradasa on Mon, 20 May, 2013 - 17:15This week we’re also going to be bringing you some of the sights and teachings from Buddhafield on video! The Buddhafield Festival and other events attract a lot of folk. And these days, what with mobile phones, tablets and laptops, we have quite a collective record of the events. There are many little jewels on YouTube illuminating the years. This video is one of the earliest, from 1996.

To go deeper into the Buddhafield experience,...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Buddhism and the Big Questions - ongoing talk series draws crowds in Manchester

By lokabandhu on Fri, 5 Aug, 2011 - 06:00

Buddhism and the Big Questions - ongoing talk series draws crowds in Manchester

By lokabandhu on Fri, 5 Aug, 2011 - 06:00Triratna Manchester’s Buddhist Centre is currently half-way through a major series of talks entitled ‘Buddhism and the Big Questions’.

Speakers and topics have included -

Vajragupta on We Live in a Beautiful World: Buddhism and Nature

Ratnaguna on Stop buying stuff and learn how to be happy instead

Kavyasiddhi on ‘All in this together — is it time for a Buddhist economics?’

Mahashraddha on Searching for truth:...
