Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists
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27 August – 17 December 2024
Applications due Friday 1 March 2024

A four-month residential course providing you with an opportunity to live an intensive dharma life: living, practising, studying, and working together within the context of Adhisthana. 

Over 16 weeks you’ll receive a grounding in the principles and practice of Triratna Buddhism through retreats, study with experienced teachers and communal living. You’ll also participate in the life of the wider Adhisthana sangha: meditating together, performing ritual, developing kalyana mitrata and joining in with regular work periods as a spiritual practice. 

The course is aimed at men under the age of 35. In previous courses, half of the participants have come from outside the UK, and we remain really keen to receive applications from those outside of Great Britain.

Click here for more info and to apply

And you can email with any questions.

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A rare opportunity for the next generation of Triratna from across the world to gather together in large numbers, experience being part of a truly international community and explore the holy sites of the Buddha.

With over 150 participants, the International Buddhist Youth Convention takes place in India every three years and is organised by the National Network of Buddhist Youth - India. In 2023 the six-day convention takes place at Nagaloka in Nagpur. After the convention we will then embark on a two-week pilgrimage, walking in the footsteps of the Buddha in North India and Nepal.

Convention Only Option: 5-10 Feb
17,000 Indian Rupees (£180/
215 approx) due by end of September 2023.
Includes all accommodation and food, starting with a pick-up at Nagpur airport on and ending with a drop-off at Nagpur airport. Visa fees and return travel between your home country and India are not included. 
Register for con ntionhe

Register for Convention Here 


OPTION with Pilgrimage NOW FULL!
Convention & Pilgrimage Option: 5-25 Feb
98,000 Indian Rupees (£1040/€1,225 approx)
A 35,000 rupees deposit is required by 3 August 2023
Includes all accommodation, food, and travel within India starting with a pick-up at Nagpur airport and ending with a drop-off at New Delhi airport. Visa fees and return travel between your home country and India are not included. 

OPTION with Pilgrimage NOW FULL! 



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Sub35 Changemakers Weekends

Are you a Mitra aged 18-34? Keen to transform yourself and the world? We need you!

A renewed Buddhism needs to confront the modern world as it is. It needs to be a radical alternative to an individualistic consumer society. It needs teachings that help to overcome hatred and prejudice. It needs people living and working together to reduce suffering, tackle loneliness and give meaning to people’s lives.

The world needs a radical blueprint for change. The Dharma, as elucidated by Sangharakshita, provides a sustainable way to work with our minds and an alternative path to changing the world. In order to bring about this vision of a better world, we need to deepen our own practice, connect with others and build Sangha.

I'm organising two Changemakers weekends in early 2022. Both long-weekends offer opportunity to get to know other young Buddhists from different countries and will have workshops focusing on living together, working together and teaching the Dharma together.

20 - 23 Jan at Adhisthana (particularly for those in the UK).
3 - 6 Mar in Berlin (particularly for those in mainland Europe).

It would be great to see you there!

Young Buddhist Convenour (Europe)

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Dharma Life Course for Young Women | 7 March – 24 June 2022
Application deadline: Friday 10 Dec 2021, email

Dharma Life Course for Young Men | 22 Aug – 9 Dec 2022
Applications open January 2022 but express interest online now

A four-month residential course providing you with an opportunity to live an intensive dharma life: living, practicing, studying and working together within the context of Adhisthana. 

Over 16 weeks you’ll receive a grounding in the principles and practice of Triratna Buddhism through retreats, study with experienced teachers and communal living. You’ll also participate in the life of the wider Adhisthana sangha: meditating together, performing ritual, receiving 1:1 mentorship and joining in with a daily session of work as a spiritual practice. 

The course is aimed at mitras under the age of 35. In previous courses, close to half of the participants of each course have come from outside the UK.

If you're interested in dharma life courses but identify as neither male or female, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me to express your interest, so that then we can talk it through.

Looking forward to seeing you at Adhisthana,

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Centre Team
Centre Team

Friday 27, Saturday 28 & Sunday 29 August

12.00 US PST  |  14.00 Mexico  | 15.00 US EST  |  20.00 IE & UK  | 21.00 Europe CET  |  05.00 Australia EDT (next day)  | 07.00 New Zealand (next day)

Three keynote talks live from Adhisthana, part of Sub-35s Festival Retreat, open to all

Watch again on YouTube


"Give me a few words of great import, an effective verse which I can memorize. Though I have not renounced the world, I would like to cherish within me a Doctrine which at a later time would lead me to Buddhahood”. To this the Guru replied, "Listen, Queen Ngang Chung! To begin with, pay urgent attention to impermanence, then strongly turn your mind towards taking Refuge, and direct your prayers to the lamas. These are the preliminaries without which no means exists”

These opening lines of Canto 103 from The Life & Liberation of Padmasambhava form the basis for the upcoming Sub35 Festival Retreat at Adhisthana: The Guru’s Advice. Each evening of the retreat people of any age are invited to tune in at 8pm (BST) to watch that day’s keynote talk live on YouTube:

Friday 27 August: ‘Turn your mind to going for refuge’ from Ratnaghosha
Saturday 28 August: ‘Direct your prayers to the lamas’ from Saddhanandi
Sunday 29 August: ‘Pay Urgent Attention to Impermanence’ from Dhammarati


Ratnaghosha: Born in Ireland, Ratnaghosha became a Buddhist after an encounter with a Sri Lankan monk in Berlin. He worked for Windhorse Trading for several years, and was Chair of the Cambridge Buddhist Centre. He moved to Adhisthana in 2021 to join the Dharma Team.

Saddhanandi: Trained as an artist, Saddhanandi initially was involved in the Glasgow Sangha. Prior to being chair at Adhisthana, she was at Taraloka for 20 years, and was chair there for the last 13 of those years.

Dhammarati: Ordained for almost 50 years, prior to founding the International Council, Dhammarati was Chair of the College of Public Preceptors and the London Buddhist Centre. His designs can be found on books and publicity throughout Triratna.

Watch again on YouTube

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The Guru’s Advice: Sub35 Festival Retreat
Thu 26 - Mon 30 Aug

Combining meditation, talks from experienced Buddhist teachers, collective rituals, storytelling, silence, discussion and (probably) volleyball; over this long-weekend, gather with other people aged 18 to 35 to delve into the mysteries of the Guru’s advice.

We've got over 100 people coming but there are still both camping and indoor places left!

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Dharma Life Course for Young Men 2021

6 Sep - 10 Dec 2021

A three-month residential course providing you with an opportunity to live an intensive dharma life: living, practicing, studying and working together within the context of Adhisthana. 

Over 14 weeks you’ll receive a grounding in the principles and practice of Triratna Buddhism through retreats, study with experienced teachers and communal living. You’ll also participate in the life of the wider Adhisthana sangha: meditating together, performing ritual, receiving 1:1 mentorship and joining in with a daily session of work as a spiritual practice. 

The course is aimed at men under the age of 35 who are mitras or who have asked for ordination. In previous courses, often half of the participants have come from outside the UK. The cost of the course is £2000 – in the past, many people have fund raised within their local Sangha and we can offer some bursaries where needed. 

We’re keen to hear expressions of interests/requests for application forms by 16 May, so do send your questions to 

“I’ve grown a lot, and my perspective on life has changed, I feel more integrated, positive, awakened. Great conditions to follow the Buddha. Best thing that I ever did.” - Filip, Poland

“Allowed me to deepen my practice in the context of a full-time Buddhist life. I can recommend this course to any men wanting to practice in a more intense situation. It is one of the best things I have done”. - Tom, UK

“I’d been yearning for a chance to dive in head first, to really put the dharma and myself to the test. A total immersion of study, friendship, mentorship, meditation, work, ritual, culture and play. It’s been the most intensely transformative period of my life”. - James, Australia

‘Although it is an intense experience and hard work sometimes, it definitely shapes my future in a very positive way. If you dare to put time and effort in your transformation, Adhisthana offers you the best conditions to support you!’ - Dirk-Jan, The Netherlands

“A very rare opportunity. Offered me the very best circumstances to have a good, challenging look at my views. I also got new tools to further explore my practice. All warmly led by outstanding teachers in the very heart of Triratna.”- Marcus, Sweden

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Big One Photos 2010-2019

'The Big One' was an annual young person retreat first held in 2007, albeit under a different name, until 2019. 

In 2021, instead of a Big One, you'll find A Sub35 Festival Retreat in late August. 

Click on photo to view slideshow of the annual group photo. Can you find yourself in any?

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2021 Young People Retreats & Online Gatherings

Sub30 Men's Weekend: The Lion's Roar 

9-11 Apr
Padmaloka Online | More Info

Sub30 Women+ Weekend: The Cremation Ground and the Skull Cup of Wisdom
30 Apr - 2 May
Taraloka Online | More Info

The Guru’s Advice: Sub35 Festival Retreat
26 Aug – 30 Aug
Adhisthana | More Info

Sub30 Retreat: Letters of Fire
15-17 Oct
Adhisthana | More Info


Weekly Online Sub30 Meditation (Ends 14 Apr)

Wednedsday Mornings
Online | More Info

Sub30 Online Seminar: Escaping the Wastelands
Monday Evenings 3 - 24 May
​Adhisthana Online | More Info

Sub30 Seminar: Encountering Enlightenment
Monday Evenings 22 Nov - 6 Dec
​Adhisthana Online | More Info

Got an event to add to this list? Email

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Weekly Online Sub30 Meditation (Ends 14 Apr)

A weekly chance for those aged 30 & under, who know both the Mindfulness of Breathing and the Metta Bhavana, to gather together. Having gathered every week since Oct 2020 these sessions will end on 14 Apr.

7.30am – 8.30am (UK Time)
8.30am – 9.30am (Central Europe)

3 March – Ksantikara
10 March – Moksadhi
17 March – Prajnahridaya
24 March – Moksadhi
31 March – Prajnahridaya
7 Apr – Moksadhi
14 Apr – Prajnahridaya (last session)

Zoom link > (Password: 2608)

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Sub30 Online Retreat: Taste of Freedom

Sub30 retreat: The Taste of Freedom
Led by Ksantikara, Aryadasa, Kusaladevi, Prajnahriyadaya & Prajnaketu

12-14 March

Book here

Drawing inspiration from Sangharakshita’s rousing (and much-loved) 1979 lecture, we’ll use our computer screens to meditate together, hear short talks, gather in discussion groups and try some online rituals – with plenty of breaks in-between to save our eyes (& our minds!)

If you’re aged 30 or under, then this retreat is for you – it doesn’t matter if you’re brand new to meditation and Buddhism, or have lots of experience of, just come along!

This retreat is by donation and is open to people of all levels of experience.


Presented in UK & Ireland Time (GMT) followed by [Central European Time]


7.30pm - 9.30pm Introductions, Short Talk & Opening Ritual [8.30pm - 10.30pm CET]


7.00am – 8.30am Meditation* [8am – 9.30am CET] 
10.30am – 12.45pm Three short talks from Aryadasa, Kusaladevi, Prajnahriydaya, each followed by discussion [11.30am – 1.45pm CET]
4pm – 5.30pm Meditation Workshop [5pm – 6.30pm CET]
7.30pm – 9.30pm Groups & Ritual [8.30pm – 10.30pm CET]


7.00am – 8.30am Meditation* [8am – 9.30am CET]
10.30am-12.45pm Meditation, personal talks from Lizzie and Tom, groups & closing ritual [11.30am – 1.45pm CET]

* The 7am meditation will have separate sessions for beginners & regulars

Book here

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Ben on joining the weekly Sub30 meditations

Sub30 Meditation Every Wednesday
7.30am – 8.30am (UK Time)
8.30am – 9.30am (Central Europe)
6.30pm – 7.30pm (Sydney/Melbourne)

A weekly chance for those aged 30 & under, who know both the Mindfulness of Breathing and the Metta Bhavana, to gather together. Expect 5 mins of brief teaching at the start, followed by 30+ mins of meditation and then a chance to meet (& talk about meditation) with other young people in breakout groups for 15 mins at the end.

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Sub30 Meditation Every Wednesday
7.30am – 8.30am (UK Time)
8.30am – 9.30am (Central Europe)
6.30pm – 7.30pm (Sydney/Melbourne)

A weekly chance for those aged 30 & under, who know both the Mindfulness of Breathing and the Metta Bhavana, to gather together. Expect 5 mins of brief teaching at the start, followed by 30+ mins of meditation and then a chance to meet (& talk about meditation) with other young people in breakout groups for 15 mins at the end.

More info here

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Triratna Young Buddhists Groups Worldwide

Lots of centres run classes/groups for young people - we've listed them below. Your local centre might not run events explicitly for young people but you'll still be very welcome there, here's the full list of Triratna centres and here's a list of centres currently offering online classes.


UK & Ireland
Ksantikara is the young person's coordinator for Europe - you can email him if you have any questions about young people's activities there.

Birmingham Buddhist Centre
Meets 2nd Friday of the month (Sub30)
Website | Facebook group

Bristol Buddhist Centre
Meets 1st Friday monthly meeting (Sub35)
Website Facebook group

Cambridge Buddhist Centre
Looks like young buddhist group is currently on pause. 
Website | Facebook group

Cardiff Buddhist Centre
Looks like young buddhist group is currently on pause. 

Looks like young buddhist group is currently on pause. 

Glasgow Buddhist Centre
Meets 1st Sunday of the month (Sub35)
Website | Facebook group

London Buddhist Centre
Meets 3rd Friday of the month + other adhoc events (Sub25)
Website | Facebook group

Manchester Buddhist Centre
Meets 1st & 3rd Mondays each month (Sub35)
Website | Facebook group

North London Buddhist Centre
Looks like young buddhist group is currently on pause. 
Website | Facebook Group

Norwich Buddhist Centre
Looks like young buddhist group is currently on pause. 
Website | Facebook Group

Meets final Friday of the month (Sub35)

Regular YUBS events (aka. Young (Under 35) Buddhists Sheffield)
Website | Slack channel


Mainland Europe
Ksantikara is the young person's coordinator for Europe - you can email him if you have any questions about young people's activities there.

Amsterdam Buddhist Centre
Looks like young buddhist group is currently on pause. 
Website | Facebook

Barcelona Buddhist Centre
Monthly classes for those aged 18-35.

Essen Buddhist Centre
Monthly classes for those aged 16-35.

Ghent Buddhist Centre
Regular events open to all aged 18-35
Website | Facebook group

Helsinki Buddhist Centre
Meets 2nd & 4th Thursdays each month (Sub 35)

Paris Buddhist Centre
Awaiting further details...

Stockholm Buddhist Centre
Regular events open to all aged 16-30
Website | Facebook group 

Valencia Buddhist Centre
Meets 3rd Tuesday of the month (Sub35)


Australia & New Zealand
Varadhi is the young person's coordinator for Aus & NZ - you can email her if you have any questions about young people's activities there.

Sydney Buddhist Centre
Meets every Wednesday evening (Sub35)
Website | Facebook

Melbourne Buddhist Centre
Meets every Saturday afternoon (Sub30)
Website | Facebook

Auckland Buddhist Centre
Meets every Wednesday evening (Sub35)

Wellington Buddhist Centre
Meets every Wednesday evening (Sub35)
Website | Facebook


Head over to The National Network of Buddhist Youth website.


To update or add your details or for more information about starting a Young Buddhist group at your Triratna Buddhist Centre contact Ksantikara


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Sub30 Seminar: Looking again at friendship

Sat 13 Feb
9am – 12pm UK & Ireland
10am – 1pm Central Europe
8pm – 11pm Sydney/Melbourne

Book Here

To change the world we need to actively create a new one. If we want to make the world a better place the best way to start is by looking at our friendships. But do our actions really matter? Can we really affect the world around us? And should we be trying to change the world anyway?

Join other people aged 30 and under as we explore the Culagosinga sutra with Maitreyabandhu. Maitreyabandhu first went along to the London Buddhist Centre in his second year of art school, aged 25. He was ordained in 1990 and has lived and worked at the LBC for over thirty years. Maitreyabandhu is an exceptional and passionate teacher, known for his accessible, direct and honest wisdom.

The idea of ‘study’ might make you yawn or maybe conjures an idea of just engaging your rational intellect rather than your whole being. Really though Dharma study is an essential and time-honoured spiritual practice that cultivates inspiration, develops wisdom, creates community and gives us a context in which we can work on our habitual ways of being.

Book Here

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An exciting online opportunity for young women, aged 18 to 30.

Friday 30 April 30 to Sunday 2 May.

The ancient Indian cremation ground is a symbol for any crucial situation where we meet impermanence, death, aloneness and fear. It is also a symbol of transformation, a place where death meets life and life meets death. A place where great yogis and dakinis gather at night in darkenss and secrecy, meditating, dancing, embracing and drinking from the skull cup of wisdom. A place of liberated emotion, upsurging passion and energy. A place of complete naked and wild freedom.

Through talks, ritual, meditation and discussion groups, we'll come together to explore the courage it takes to sit in the cremation ground, with Padmasambhava and the Dakini's as our guides.

Facebook event:

To book:

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Sub30 Symposium videos out now!

Weren't able to make it to the Sub30 Symposium? Here are all the conversations and Q&As from the weekend - evidence of inspiring friendships and deep Dharma experience!

Thanks to Sanghadhara at for the editing

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Sub30 Symposium: Four Gifts to the World

Fri 3 Jul | UK & IE 7pm | Europe 8pm CET | Mexico 1pm

Sat 4 Jul | UK & IE 10am | Europe 11am CET | Aus 7pm AEST

What can Buddhism offer the world today? What does it mean to live a Buddhist life? Gather with young people from around the world for four intergenerational conversations and a chance to meet others aged 30 and under through discussion groups.

On Friday 3rd July 7pm-9.30pm (UK time) join Prajnahridaya and Satyaraja for a conversation exploring ‘a method of personal development’, followed by smaller breakout discussion groups and then a chance to ask your questions. After a break we’ll return with another conversation (and group discussion), this time with Moksadhi and Parami on ‘a vision of human existence’.

Saturday 4th July 10am-12.30pm (UK time) follows the same format of: conversation, breakout discussion groups, Q&A, tea break, repeat! But on Saturday Ksantikara and Devamitra will talk to each other about ‘the nucleus of the new society’ before a conversation between Akasajoti and Saddhanandi on ‘a blueprint for a new world’. 

Spread over a Friday evening and a Saturday morning, this is a fantastic opportunity to dive into a Buddhist response to the world’s needs with other people aged 18-30 alongside some of the most experienced elders from the Triratna Buddhist Order and Community.

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Here’s a delightful conversation between friends: Akasajoti, based in London, UK and the recently ordained Varadhi, in Melbourne, Australia!

Akasajoti and Varadhi explore their favourite mind-training slogans – ‘of the two witnesses, hold the principal one’ and ‘liberate yourself by examining and analysing’ – looking at how empowering it can be to bring greater honesty and self-awareness into their lives.

Visit the Turning Arrows into Flowers home retreat page

See all posts on Turning Arrows into Flowers

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Prajnahridaya, living at Padmaloka retreat centre in Norfolk, UK, shares his reflections around this slogan, reflecting on the essence of the Mind Training teachings - a release from Ego Clinging.

⁣⁣⁣He reflects on the dangers of trying to get rid of something and focuses instead on the freedom, inspiration and beauty that can arise when we let go of clinging.

Visit the Turning Arrows into Flowers Home retreat page

See all posts on Turning Arrows into Flowers

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