6 Sep - 10 Dec 2021
A three-month residential course providing you with an opportunity to live an intensive dharma life: living, practicing, studying and working together within the context of Adhisthana.
Over 14 weeks you’ll receive a grounding in the principles and practice of Triratna Buddhism through retreats, study with experienced teachers and communal living. You’ll also participate in the life of the wider Adhisthana sangha: meditating together, performing ritual, receiving 1:1 mentorship and joining in with a daily session of work as a spiritual practice.
The course is aimed at men under the age of 35 who are mitras or who have asked for ordination. In previous courses, often half of the participants have come from outside the UK. The cost of the course is £2000 – in the past, many people have fund raised within their local Sangha and we can offer some bursaries where needed.
We’re keen to hear expressions of interests/requests for application forms by 16 May, so do send your questions to ksantikara@adhisthana.org.
“I’ve grown a lot, and my perspective on life has changed, I feel more integrated, positive, awakened. Great conditions to follow the Buddha. Best thing that I ever did.” - Filip, Poland
“Allowed me to deepen my practice in the context of a full-time Buddhist life. I can recommend this course to any men wanting to practice in a more intense situation. It is one of the best things I have done”. - Tom, UK
“I’d been yearning for a chance to dive in head first, to really put the dharma and myself to the test. A total immersion of study, friendship, mentorship, meditation, work, ritual, culture and play. It’s been the most intensely transformative period of my life”. - James, Australia
‘Although it is an intense experience and hard work sometimes, it definitely shapes my future in a very positive way. If you dare to put time and effort in your transformation, Adhisthana offers you the best conditions to support you!’ - Dirk-Jan, The Netherlands
“A very rare opportunity. Offered me the very best circumstances to have a good, challenging look at my views. I also got new tools to further explore my practice. All warmly led by outstanding teachers in the very heart of Triratna.”- Marcus, Sweden