I’m writing to everyone interested in the new weekly series of Anapanasati and Brahmaviharas practice sessions. Many of you won’t have heard about what’s happened, so I’m sorry, this will be a shock, please pause and take a breath. Over the last month I have discovered that I have cancer, that it is incurable, and that I am estimated to have just a few months to live. Yes, I’m afraid it's true. See my ‘journey into the unknown’ blog on https://kamalashila.co.uk/4004-2
It’s likely to take two or more months for this to affect my teaching, and I plan to carry on while I can. So please stick around! I’m not going to stop practising and there is plenty still to explore.
Here I’m also writing to the Order members who planned to register for retreats over the summer. I need to focus on my practice now so won’t be able to manage those. Instead I will do a new weekly Saturday morning class for OMs 10am to 12pm where we will practice what would have been the content of those retreats (Mahakarunika, Manjughosa, Varjarasattva and other sadhanas and rituals). This will be easier for me. As you know, my teaching style is mostly about sharing my approaches to practice, and I’ll still be meditating, so the weekly format allows me to take it fairly easy. If for any reason I can’t make a session I can let you know.
If you haven’t already, everyone (OMs and NonOms:) will need to register for these new weekly classes - whether Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday - starting 18th May.
It’s all the same registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtc-GvpzIiHNNmXa--dvqZNxIw8mfJ6M40
As always, everything will be video’d and audio'd and made available on Vimeo / Soundcloud. Registering just for the recordings is welcome.
Dana is requested but that, and the amount, is up to you.
I look forward to seeing you soon!
Lots of love
PS I’m very grateful and reassured to know that a legacy team has formed for preserving and presenting my best material online and publishing some bits and pieces. More on this over the coming weeks.