Online Meditators
Online Meditators
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Unfortunately, I have a new plan for the summer
Anapanasati Brahmaviharas Weekly with Kamalashila

I’m writing to everyone interested in the new weekly series of Anapanasati and Brahmaviharas practice sessions. Many of you won’t have heard about what’s happened, so I’m sorry, this will be a shock, please pause and take a breath. Over the last month I have discovered that I have cancer, that it is incurable, and that I am estimated to have just a few months to live. Yes, I’m afraid it's true. See my ‘journey into the unknown’ blog on

It’s likely to take two or more months for this to affect my teaching, and I plan to carry on while I can. So please stick around! I’m not going to stop practising and there is plenty still to explore.  

Here I’m also writing to the Order members who planned to register for retreats over the summer. I need to focus on my practice now so won’t be able to manage those.  Instead I will do a new weekly Saturday morning class for OMs 10am to 12pm where we will practice what would have been the content of those retreats (Mahakarunika, Manjughosa, Varjarasattva and other sadhanas and rituals). This will be easier for me. As you know, my teaching style is mostly about sharing my approaches to practice, and I’ll still be meditating, so the weekly format allows me to take it fairly easy.  If for any reason I can’t make a session I can let you know. 

If you haven’t already, everyone (OMs and NonOms:) will need to register for these new weekly classes - whether Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday - starting 18th May. 

It’s all the same registration:

As always, everything will be video’d and audio'd and made available on Vimeo / Soundcloud.  Registering just for the recordings is welcome.  

Dana is requested but that, and the amount, is up to you.  

I look forward to seeing you soon!  

Lots of love 


PS I’m very grateful and reassured to know that a legacy team has formed for preserving and presenting my best material online and publishing some bits and pieces. More on this over the coming weeks. 

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If you have been around Triratna and meditating for say three years you are welcome to come to the West London Buddhist Centre for this non residential Weekend on the third tetrad of Anapanasati meditation, which is mainly about the citta, heart or mind.  The retreat is primarily for people on my weekly online meditation classes* but I'd imagine most regular meditators can benefit.  The event is by donation whether you attend in person or online. 

Both online and in-person retreatants will have access to video and audio recordings if they wish. 

EVENT: FREEING THE MIND Meditation Weekend with Kamalashila

DATES: 6th and 7th January 2024

TIMES: Sessions 1030am-2pm (including breaks) and 4-6pm each day. 

VENUE:  West London Buddhist Centre, 45a Porchester Rd, W2 5DP

REGISTRATION for both online and in person attendance:

COST: no charge, but please consider making an appropriate donation. 

Full details will be sent when you register.  Thanks and look forward to seeing you!


*The Weekly class is Tuesday 10am Anapanasati, Thursday Brahmaviharas 5pm, register on

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RESCHEDULED Qualities of Karuna with Kamalashila - this weekend
study and meditation

Due to me getting Covid, and getting over it, this event has been RESCHEDULED for the coming weekend, 3-5 November. 

Register here for...

The Qualities of Karuņā and Anukampā 

An online Weekend Meditation Retreat with Kamalashila  
3 - 5 November 

For all with three years’ experience of meditation - Order members very welcome. 

No charge.  Dana Requested

Starts 8pm Friday 27th October, continues with meditation / teaching sessions through Saturday & Sunday 10-1pm, 4-6pm, 8-9pm.  Ends 9pm Sunday 29th October

This retreat is in the Brahmaviharas Series geared towards practitioners on the Weekly Classes, but all are welcome.  This weekend the plan is to look more deeply into the nature of Karuna, the second of the four Brahmaviharas.  

Both Karuna and Anukampa can be translated as compassion, which means the desire to remove suffering.  Anukampa means 'vibrating with’ and shows how compassion can feel.  
Karuna is a highly positive, dharma based, response to suffering.  Dealing with suffering is a tricky area that presents all kinds of pitfalls.  For example, how much can we commiserate with another person’s suffering without being drawn into it?  If we pity someone, that’s to be expected.  Is it compassion?  No.  For Buddhism, compassion is actually wanting to remove the suffering.  And what exactly is meant by suffering? There are the sufferings of fortune, and the sufferings of our habitual reactive mind states. These are two quite different things. We can’t do much about the first; the second is one of the main things we work on as practitioners.  We might feel sorry for someone whose life has taken a difficult turn, but how do we feel about the way they react emotionally to that? 

There’s a lot to clarify here, so my idea is to have a study component on this retreat as well as meditation.  

We will be studying the Introduction to Bhikkhu Analayo’s Compassion and Emptiness, Windhorse Publications.  Do support them, but time is short if you want to read in advance, so here is a free (and legal) pdf version you can read on a computer (Analayo’s works are often also available in the public domain):

see you there!


First evening 8pm Friday: Talk from Kamalashila, compassion meditation and dedication ritual

Saturday and Sunday: 

10am study to 11:00.  
11:15am Meditation to 12:00pm
12:15pm Meditation to 1pm

4:00pm study to 5pm
5:15 Meditation 

8:00pm Discussion, Meditation, Ritual 

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30 June to 2 July 

Open to all experienced Dharma practitioners (3yrs minimum meditation practice)

Starting 8pm Friday ending 9pm Sunday.

Sessions 10am-12pm, 4-6pm, 8-9pm (uk time). 

I'm trying out a weekend retreat on Zoom. It's open to Order members and all experienced meditators. it will be about deepening the practices of Anapanasati and Brahmavihara which I teach each week. If you want to have a look at how I approach these you can have a look at the videos on Vimeo (see the weekly classes post below this one) 

Looking forward to seeing you there and meditating with you, 

The Registration link is

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Centre Team
Centre Team

A Home Retreat: 24 – 28 November, 2023

Reserve your space on Emptiness and the Nature of Mind

Our deepest and truest nature, right now, is the Dharma. We can imagine – and ultimately experience – this as the total openness of the ‘Dharma body’, which is pure emptiness: empty of any divided-ness whatsoever.

Our world is literally made up from this total openness, together with the illuminating clarity of awareness and unlimited, spontaneous ‘compassionate energy’. Traditionally, the union of these is referred to as ‘mind itself’ or ‘the nature of mind’.

Of course, if we’re caught up in the bewilderment of delusion, we don’t realise that the true nature of our mind is these three ‘bodies’. We identify with our own very solid-seeming body and with our sense of ‘me’ as a substantial ‘self’ separate from everyone and everything else. This very natural mistake is a product of our deluded mind, and is the source of so much unnecessary suffering.

Over the five days of this online retreat we’ll be exploring our own body, just as it is, and the relationship between deluded mind and its true nature. As we settle and relax into this open perspective, we may well discover that the ‘compassionate energy’, the love and sensitivity of our deepest heart is – and always has been – informing every moment of our Dharma practice. Indeed, our whole life…

To take part in this intensive meditation retreat we ask that when reserving your place you affirm you have been practising meditation regularly within Triratna for at least three years. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this or your own potential attendance on the retreat.


Led by Tejananda. He has been teaching and leading retreats for many years at Vajraloka Retreat Centre in Wales, UK, one of Triratna’s earliest and foremost centres of in-depth meditation practice. He also teaches around the world, with a special connection to the Dharma community in and around San Francisco in the USA.

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Weekly Practices with Kamalashila

For experienced meditators (three years at least of Triratna meditation including some retreat)

I am offering weekly teaching and practice sessions over this year (and maybe beyond, who knows) on the Zoom platform for the Anapanasati and Brahmaviharas meditations.  All experienced meditators are very welcome. 

All sessions are recorded and available for offline viewing / listening.  
view current Anapanasati video sessions on Vimeo
view current Brahmaviharas video sessions on Vimeo 
audio sessions are also available on Soundcloud

10am Tuesdays  - Anapanasati 
5pm Thursdays - Brahmaviharas

No commitment required - come and go as you need to.

No charge - dana is appreciated. 

Register here:

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Dear friends,

As a team we’ve decided that it's the right time to bring Welcoming Liberation to a close.

We started this monthly gathering to support BIPOC/BAME in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd and resulting conversations in Triratna about providing safer, affirming spaces for the diversity of BIPOC/BAME within the movement and beyond. At the time there were few spaces for us to gather and practice together. It’s been a powerful space to get to know one another and explore issues specific to our experience of practicing Buddhism as BIPOC/BAME.

In the two years that have passed there have been a growing number of events and initiatives for BIPOC/BAME within Triratna which many on the team have spearheaded and continue to be involved in developing, including:

The weekly online PoC space hosted by the London Buddhist Centre and West London Buddhist Centre

- The development of a course for PoC in the ordination process (still in progress, watch this space!)

- A gathering for Southeast/East Asian PoC (for further information please contract Danadasa at

Reading circles for PoC and white allies

- The appointment of a Diversity Coordinator by the European Chair’s Assembly (Aryarakshita can be reached at

- Residential retreats for PoC

- Local PoC groups (Birmingham, Manchester)

The Welcoming Liberation Facebook group

Given the amount of time and energy these initiatives are taking, we realistically can’t continue to offer Welcoming Liberation.

Thank you so much for all you’ve contributed to our gatherings. We hope our connections can continue through the above and other offerings that will emerge out of our shared inspiration.


The Welcoming Liberation Team - Aryavacin, Bodhilila, Danadasa, Guhyasakhi, Padmadhara, Singhashri, Sujiva, Vimalasara and Viveka

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Seven days of meditation, soulful exploration, and strong, supportive friendship: a safe space to go deeper into experience and practice.

Friday 25th February - Thursday 3rd March 2022

Reserve a space now!

About the retreat
With his deeply grounded approach to Buddhist meditation and practice, Paramananda offers an approach that is a challenge both to the way we experience ourselves, and the way in which we see and ‘be’ in the world. 

He guides us in rooting meditative experience in the body, turning towards whatever comes up in a kindly and intelligent way, and seeing through to another way of understanding and being in the world.

During this retreat, Paramananda will invite some friends to co-host the ritual space of practice. 

What to expect
The sessions will be a mix of meditation, poetry, presentation, practice, interaction and inquiry. One session each day will feature breakout groups.

There will also be a private community message board for all taking part in the retreat.


Reserve a space on this home retreat

Revisit Paramananda’s 2021 Home Retreat: The Alchemical Heart

Buy Paramananda’s book, ‘The Myth of Meditation’ from Windhorse Publications

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12-17 November 2021
Led by Advayasiddhi and Vajrapriya 

How to meet difficulties with an open heart and a big mind? In fact, how to meet everything that way? 

A traditional Buddhist answer is to strengthen the Brahma Viharas and unlock the secret potential of our being’s capacity to live with love, compassion, joy and equanimity; to live with courageous wisdom whatever we encounter in life. 

The retreat will be a mixture of input, practice, ritual and a chance to engage with each other. The plan is also to offer meditation reviews to those who would like so. The timings have been made so they especially cater for people in Europe, but you are welcome wherever you are in the world. The language will be (simple) English. 

The retreat is open to all experienced meditators in Triratna with 3 years+ experience. More details at If you are in doubt if it is suitable for you, please get in touch at 

Team: Advayasiddhi and Vajrapriya are old friends, and both very committed meditators. We both have extensive experience of leading retreats and helping people make the most of their meditation and Dharma practice. 

Practical: Starts Friday 12 Nov at 20:00 CET (19:00 GMT/ 21:00 EET)  and ends Wednesday 17 November in the evening 

The retreat is run on Dana: please join if you want, and if you can give, great. 

Book here: 

Timings: CET (Mainland Europe) / GMT (UK, Ireland) / EET (Finland etc.) 

Morning meditation
08:00 - 09:00 CET |  07:00 – 08:00 GMT  | 09:00 - 10:00  EET
Morning session
11:00 - 13:00 CET  |  10.00 – 12:00 GMT  |  12:00 - 14:00 EET
16.00 – 16:30 CET  |  15:00 – 15:30 GMT  |  17:00 – 17:30  EET
Afternoon session
16:45 – 17:45 CET  |  15:45 – 16:45 GMT  |  17:45 – 18:45 EET
Evening session
20:00 – 21:00 CET  |   19:00 – 20:00 GMT  |  21:00 - 22:00 EET

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Led by Vajradevi

I'm running another online meditation retreat from Saturday 25th September to Friday 1st October 2021. The retreat is aimed at Order Members and Mitras and is offered on a Dana basis.

The emphasis will be on a relaxed, open, and attentive quality of ‘knowing’, receptive to whatever is happening within our experience. We will be cultivating mindfulness that is ‘uncontrived’ and natural and looking to bring ‘right view’ – a wisdom perspective - to each moment of awareness.

I’ll be drawing on my book (same name as the retreat) and particularly looking at how to use awareness and right view to explore, understand, and see through the ways in which we create suffering for ourselves and others.

As with the previous 2 online retreats we hope to offer optional check-in groups and meditation reviews. The retreat can be undertaken as if you were fully on retreat or combining awareness practice with home responsibilities.

Check out my blogsite ( for more information and to book:

It will be great to see you there in the zoom space

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Centre Team
Centre Team
Equanimity: Morning Retreat with Ratnavandana

Saturday 10th July 10, 2021, 3 hours

09.00 US PST  |  12.00 US EST  |  17.00 UK & IE  | 18.00 Europe CET  | 21.30 India

"Try to love everything that gets in your way .....  
because if something is in your way it is
going your way, the way
of all beings; towards darkness, towards light."

From "Because even the Word Obstacle is an Obstacle", by Alison Luterman

This morning retreat is hosted by Vimalasara at the Vancouver Buddhist Center.  Her friend and preceptor, Ratnavandana, will explore Equanimity as a meditation (one of the 4 Brahma Viharas - Love, Compassion, Appreciative Joy and Equanimity) and a quality of being.  

Ratnavandana has a long and deep involvement with the Dharma having been involved with Triratna since the mid-1970s.  She has been involved in many facets of the life of Triratna including team based right livelihood, Mitra convening and community living and has rich inner world.  She has spent time on long solitary retreats and currently lives in the Welsh hills.For many years the particular focus of her Dharma-life has been the Brahma-viharas which are the fundamental bases of positive emotion: metta, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity.  

Here's a recent podcast with Ratnavandana talking about the Brahma Viharas.

Register for this online event hosted by the Vancouver Buddhist Centre

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Centre Team
Centre Team

A special episode of the podcast to invite you to Alive In Nature! - a series of live meditations and Dharma adventures from the Scottish Highlands!

Find our more and reserve your space on Alive In Nature!

For three Saturdays in spring or autumn - whichever hemisphere you are in, whatever state of lockdown you're living through - you're invited to sit with us and the amazing team from the Dhanakosa community in the birch woods of the Scottish Highlands. And to find your own "micro-adventure" in nature - in your own way, at your own pace (even if it's looking out your window!). 

By way of introduction to this experience, in this episode we go on a walk over the hillside at Balquhidder in the beautiful Trossachs region. The burn (brook) runs down the mountain through cataracts and waterfalls to the loch (lake) below; the snow in the pine forest crunches underfoot as we climb with Nayaka to a place of owls and foxes and roe deer...

As he walks, Nayaka reflects on his own experience of a reciprocated relationship with nature, where our own being is invited in. A relationship in which our aliveness and the aliveness of the world around us are not two separate things; where letting go can happen, where emergence can arise.
The sense of love and sheer delight is so strong here - and you are invited in!

Come to Alive in Nature!


Subscribe to The Buddhist Centre podcast: On Apple Podcasts | On other podcast networks

News, event coverage, mantras and rituals, Dharma conversations among diverse voices from the Triratna Buddhist Community around the world, keeping you up-to-date with the latest in our sangha.

Subscribe to our Buddhist Voices Podcast: On Apple Podcasts | On others podcast networks  

Our longer form podcast, featuring great in-depth conversations with Buddhists from around the world. Inspiring stories that illuminate for modern times the Buddha's example of how to live and find true freedom.

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Centre Team
Centre Team

Live from Forest House near Rivendell Retreat Centre in the UK - we're not sure a podcast setting gets any more mythic than that!

Our friends Mandarava and Nagasiddhi are running an online Home Retreat for us - with amazing puppets, original artwork for the event, and an abundance of magic images illustrating tales from the life of the Buddha. And you are invited!

Register for a space on 'In the Footsteps of the Buddha'

Meditation, storytelling, ritual, sharing collective spaces that can hold joy and difficulty - this will be an immersive, interactive space online like no other; a retreat to help keep you inspired at home that you can dip into or dive deep within, whatever your circumstances allow.

You can hear just from how these two working artists talk about the enchantment involved in gathering everyday materials to create objects replete with beauty and meaning that their approach to practice can help, especially through grief and life's sorrows.

Join us and come dwell in a forest of imagination with the richly resonant, living images from the Buddha's story. Sit beneath the oldest trees in good company, feeling how close that story is to our own, and how much hope it contains for us all.

Show Notes
Watch the Brave Little Parrot: A Puppet Show by Mandarava 

Nagasiddhi's Artwork

An Evil Cradling by Brian Keenan

The art of Robert Rauschenberg

The myth of The Descent of Inanna


The Wombles

Mister Benn

The Clangers


Subscribe to The Buddhist Centre podcast: On Apple Podcasts | On other podcast networks

News, event coverage, mantras and rituals, Dharma conversations among diverse voices from the Triratna Buddhist Community around the world, keeping you up-to-date with the latest in our sangha.

Subscribe to our Buddhist Voices Podcast: On Apple Podcasts | On others podcast networks  

Our longer form podcast, featuring great in-depth conversations with Buddhists from around the world. Inspiring stories that illuminate for modern times the Buddha's example of how to live and find true freedom.

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Centre Team
Centre Team

4 workshops led by Tejananda for experienced meditators
3 years minimum experience required

Saturdays: 20th February and 6th March
1st session (90 mins): IE & UK 09:30 | Europe CET 10:30 | India 15:00 | Australia EST 20.30 | New Zealand 22.30
2nd session (90 mins): USA PST 11:00 | México 13:00 | USA EST 14:00 | IE & UK 19:00 | Europe CET 20:00 | Australia EST 06:00 (Sunday) | New Zealand 08:00 (Sunday)

Find out more and reserve your space!

The well-known metaphor of ‘a finger pointing at the moon’ is itself a pointer to something essential in Buddhist practice. It suggests: ‘Don’t mistake the finger for the moon’!  But what is the moon, and what is the finger? And how do we learn to tell the difference?

These four 90-minute workshops will be a mix of Dharma presentation, practice, interaction and inquiry. We’ll focus on the ‘moon’ by addressing a core delusion – that ‘I am separate’. Our approach will be to cultivate a sense of calm, embodied, aware presence, and to try and open up to unconditional love; exploring how we create and sustain the delusion of separation itself.

Each workshop will be unique with enough recap of previous material so that you can come to a single session. They will be ‘progressive’ though, and ideally you would attend all four or try to catch up what you miss using the video recordings, which we’ll make available online each day.

Tejananda has become known as one of Triratna’s foremost meditation teachers, deeply embedded in Buddhist tradition and practice, yet fresh, creative and pioneering. He is the director of Vajraloka Meditation Centre in North Wales and leads retreats and workshops all over the world.

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Centre Team
Centre Team

In this first podcast of 2021 we turn to the magic of inner transformation, with a special episode to mark our forthcoming Home Retreat on meditation: 'The Alchemical Heart' with Paramananda.

Happy New Year! May 2021 prove a kinder, more hopeful year for all.

In this first podcast of the year we turn to the magic of inner transformation, with a special episode to mark our forthcoming Home Retreat: 'The Alchemical Heart' with Paramananda.

In our conversation around the work involved with an "alchemical" approach to meditation Paramananda explores the relationship between Buddhist perspectives on life and the social, political and psychological realms. And most importantly, its connection to a sense of reality as fundamentally poetic in nature. All in service to figuring out how we can live from a genuine, authentic place in our own experience.

Aside from alchemy's place in various western wisdom traditions, if here it is all about internal change, then, says Paramananda, the body is the vessel: this is where the work happens - because it is the nearest bit of reality with which we can become intimate. And to do so we must engage with the language of the heart, which is the language of images.

To hear Paramananda speak about meditation as a way to truly experience "the poetics of the breath", we know we're in for something extraordinary. Come and join ups on the alchemical journey! In your own time and way on Home Retreat, bring your own body, longing and love. 

Revisit 'The Alchemical Heart' Home Retreat


Paramananda has been teaching meditation for over 35 years and is well known for his body-based, poetic approach. He has published a number of books on meditation including ‘Change Your Mind’ and, most recently, ‘The Myth of Meditation’.


Subscribe to The Buddhist Centre podcast: On Apple Podcasts | On other podcast networks

News, event coverage, mantras and rituals, Dharma conversations among diverse voices from the Triratna Buddhist Community around the world, keeping you up-to-date with the latest in our sangha.

Subscribe to our Buddhist Voices Podcast: On Apple Podcasts | On others podcast networks  

Our longer form podcast, featuring great in-depth conversations with Buddhists from around the world. Inspiring stories that illuminate for modern times the Buddha's example of how to live and find true freedom.

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Would you like to take your meditation practice off the cushion and outdoors? Maitridevi from Taraloka Retreat centre has been recording a series of five walking meditations under the title 'A Walking Week' to help you do just that!

From next week you will be able to tune into these meditations, which will be released daily on Taraloka's Youtube channel.

The five are as follows:
1. A simple walking meditation
2. 'Exploring our senses' walking meditation
3. 'Radiating metta' walking meditation
4. An elemental walking meditation
5. 'Heart Walk' walking meditation

Subscribe to Taraloka Youtube channel for more videos from Taraloka

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Alive! Aware! Awake! Online Retreat, 10 - 17 July

What is it to be fully aware, fully alive?  Mindfulness is an adventure!  In these times more than ever, the Buddha’s teaching of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness gives us an essential framework for how to stay present, clear-minded, and living from our deepest values, whether we’re meditating or in the thick of our daily lives.   

Taraloka and The Buddhist Centre Online are collaborating to offer Alive! Aware! Awake! - an online retreat exploring the four foundations of mindfulness - mindfulness of our bodies, sensations, thoughts and emotions and the truth (or values or realities). The retreat runs from Friday 10th to Friday 17th July with live events and online resources to support you in your practice.

Engage with this online home retreat to train in the relief and ease of being in the present moment – whatever that present moment looks like.  How can we taste the deep excitement of opening experientially to the nature of reality itself – available in each thought-moment – right here, right now?  

See Taraloka's website for more details - including for women's online discussion groups.  Special, dedicated home retreat page coming soon on the Dharma Toolkit!   

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Centre Team
Centre Team
Online Meditations - Twice A Day

We’ll be offering two open meditation spaces Monday-Saturday via Zoom on our new online meditation space.  

You don’t need to pay for an account to take part.

Sessions will last for 45 minutes. They won't be guided meditations – just bring your own practice and sit with us!

No one knows how long the pandemic will last. We will continue to offer meditations at these times for the foreseeable future.

Please always check the main online meditation page in case the times change seasonally before this post is updated.
Connect here to our daily open sit meditations (see times below)

Meditation Times

First Sit (45 mins):  
UK & IE 7.30am   |   Europe 8.30am CET   |   India 1pm   |   Sydney 6.30pm  | Auckland 8.30pm

Second Sit (45 mins):  
USA 5am PST  |  México: 7am  |   USA 8am EST   |   UK & IE 1pm   |  Europe 2pm CET   | India 6.30pm

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Body like a mountain, heart like an ocean, mind like the sky.” - attributed to Dōgen, 13th Century Japanese Buddhist monk and founder of the Sōtō school of Zen

The Brahma Viharas are sometimes known as the four immeasurables because the number of living beings to whom they apply is immeasurable and the benefits of practising them are immeasurable. 

The Brahma Viharas meditation consist of cultivating loving-kindness (Metta), compassion / solidarity (karuna), sympathetic joy (mudita) and equanimity (upeksha).

This is how the Buddha describes these sublime states:

They keep pervading above, below, and all around, everywhere and in every respect the all-encompassing cosmos with an awareness imbued with good will…. compassion… appreciation … equanimity: abundant, expansive, immeasurable, free from hostility, free from ill will.  - From The Kalama Sutta, Aṅguttara Nikāya

Over five weeks we will be exploring these meditation practices, diving into the depths of positive emotion and dwelling in these ‘divine abodes’, the heart’s natural state. The series starts on Wednesday 16th October at 8am EST / 1pm GMT+1 / 2pm CET / 6.30pm IST.

Join us on Zoom here:

You can find out more about joining in on Zoom by watching this short video.  You can also download Zoom here.

So you can either bookmark the above Zoom link for when our sessions start but another option is to get notified of our weekly sessions is by subscribing to our Buddhist Centre Online Meditations calendar (which will prompt you with the Zoom link):-

Google Calendar  |  iCal

Looking forward to seeing you online!

P.S. If you enjoy these online meditations, please consider making a gift to support our work at

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Tuesday Meditation: Unlimited Heart

"Develop an unlimited heart of friendliness for the entire universe, sending metta above, below, and all around, beyond all narrowness, beyond all rivalry, beyond all hatred."

- Karaniya Metta Sutta

The next series of online meditations begins on Tuesday 30th April at 4pm GMT /  5pm CET / 9.30pm IST / 11am EST / 8.00am PST.

For a series of seven Tuesdays we will be exploring the practice of the Metta Bhavana, or 'development of loving-kindness'.  From grounding our practice in awareness of ourselves to ensuring a balance between activity and receptivity to understanding the importance of cultivating Metta in our everyday lives, we will be going deeper into this fundamental Buddhist practice.

Join us on Zoom here:

You can find out more about joining in on Zoom by watching this short video.  You can also download Zoom here.

So you can either bookmark the above Zoom link for when our sessions start but another option is to get notified of our weekly sessions is by subscribing to our Buddhist Centre Online Meditations calendar (which will prompt you with the Zoom link):-

Google Calendar  |  iCal

Looking forward to seeing you online!

P.S. If you enjoy these online meditations, please consider making a gift to support our work at

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