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Triratna Highlands
Triratna Highlands

Life with Full Attention Meditation Course - Stornoway, Isle of Lewis and Skype!

By dhanimisha on Mon, 8 Apr, 2013 - 12:38

Life with Full Attention Meditation Course - Stornoway, Isle of Lewis and Skype!

By dhanimisha on Mon, 8 Apr, 2013 - 12:38Beginning 17th April - 8:00pm to 9.30 every other week until 7th August (apart from 29th May), Animisha will be leading an 8-session course on mindfulness meditation based on Maitreyabandhu’s book “Life with Full Attention” in the Community Room of An Lanntair Arts Centre in Stornoway. This course will also be accessible on Skype for those who are too far away to attend in Stornoway or who are physically unable to attend. Suggested donations: £45 wages/£25 unwaged/concessions. Please contact Animisha...