Here’s a simple one minute Mindfulness recording to get you going...
Here’s a simple one minute Mindfulness recording to get you going...
Barrie writes with news of a Triratna meditation group in North Cyprus, saying - "Hello. I have been living in North Cyprus for 2 years and have been running a meditation class twice a week at my house for 18 months.
I have been a mitra ( formerly from Cardiff) for 10 years and asked for ordination 7 years ago.
I am aware of 2 mitras in South Cyprus but if anyone wants to meditate or study with me they can contact me via my e mail address barriecotterell[at] or my mobile 0090 533 8459568 or join the Facebook group Buddhism and Meditation in North Cyprus.
Regards, Barrie Cotterell
Welcome to Triratna Anywhere!
It’s easy to get started with Buddhist Meditation: all you need is a chair (or meditation cushion) and a download link. We suggest starting with one of the guided meditations below: choose which you’d like, sit down somewhere quiet, press “play” and introduce yourself to meditation. Using guided meditations is a good way to get started for anyone who can’t make it to a Triratna Centre.
If that goes well, next time you can invite someone you know to join you and meditate together. Then someone else - and before you know it, you’ll have a group…! You can do this as much or as little as you want, when and where you like. Don’t worry too much about posture to start with, the main thing is to be comfortable, a reclining chair is good for allowing you to fully relax. A standing posture is also good for making sure your approach is fully embodied, to make spiritual bypassing less likely.
Change Your Mind - Body Awareness And Relaxation by Paramananda
The Mindfulness of Breathing: Introduction and Guidance by Kamalashila
Metta Bhavana - Introduction and Basic Tools by Kamalashila
And here is a more in-depth introduction to our basic approach to meditation
At the moment this is all experimental and we are still in the trial stage. So, when you’re done, please do leave a comment below to tell us how it went. You can also email us at
Vimokshadaka and Lokabandhu
(for Triratna Anywhere)