Triratna Anywhere
Triratna Anywhere
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One Minute Mindfulness

Here’s a simple one minute Mindfulness recording to get you going...

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North Cyprus meditation group

Barrie writes with news of a Triratna meditation group in North Cyprus, saying - "Hello.  I have been living in North Cyprus for 2 years and have been running a meditation class twice a week at my house for 18 months.

I have been a mitra ( formerly from Cardiff) for 10 years and asked for ordination 7 years ago.

I am aware of 2 mitras in South Cyprus but if anyone wants to meditate or study with me they can contact me via my e mail address barriecotterell[at] or my mobile 0090 533 8459568 or join the Facebook group Buddhism and Meditation in North Cyprus.

Regards, Barrie Cotterell

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Suvarnagarbha, an Order Member based in Cambridge UK, writes offering dana-based study sessions using Skype to anyone anywhere in the world. He says -

“I am continuing to help people with the Triratna Dharma Training Course over the internet and that's still how I make my livelihood. I've got more than twenty people that I'm working with and I'm thinking about starting study groups by conference call. I'd be interested in hearing from anyone inteerested in studying in this way. I'm less interested in text-based study using emails or even having shared documents that people comment on. What interests me is shared forms of study where people speak to each other in real time.

Please feel free to get in touch with me to tell me about things that might be useful to you or give me leads I could follow up to find people who are interested in similar things. I'm very grateful for your help. All the best, Suvarnagarbha”

Anyone interested is invited to contact him on
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Tuning in to Triratna Dharma talks
The Triratna Buddhist Community has a fabulous on-line library of audio Dharma talks hosted at Free Buddhist Audio. They have well over 1,000 talks from Buddhist centres around the world. But if that's a bit overwhelming (where exactly should you start?!) they also run two weekly Podcasts - FBA Talks and Dharmabytes. The first is a recommended talk chosen by the FBA team; the second, what they describe as "bite-sized Dharma".

They say - "Podcasts are a fantastically easy way to access our talks! It's safe (no viruses) and really simple – one click and you’ll be subscribed to a regular download service that delivers great Dharma automatically, straight to your computer. Copy the talks from there to your iPod or mp3 player, and away you go – your own portable archive."

Happy listening!

The Triratna Anywhere team

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Here's some 'level II' material for the 'Triratna Anywhere' project. They are a series of eight talks by Maitreyabandhu, an experienced teacher from the London Budhdist Centre, in which he introduces Triratna's System of Practice to a packed audience. The talks are very 'live', personal, slightly off-the-cuff - and brilliant...!

Taken together they cover the five stages in Triratna's system of practice - integration, positive emotion, spiritual death, spiritual rebirth, and spiritual receptivity.

First session
Second session
Third session
Fourth session
Fifth session
Sixth session
Seventh session (This recording is a little different to the others in the series as it includes the linked activities from the first part of the evening)
Eighth session

The first talk is available directly on the embedded audio player; the rest are links to the talks on Free Buddhist Audio, where you can either listen to them or downlaod them as you choose... Enjoy! And afterwards, please do leave your comments...
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Introductions To Meditation

Welcome to Triratna Anywhere!

It’s easy to get started with Buddhist Meditation: all you need is a chair (or meditation cushion) and a download link. We suggest starting with one of the guided meditations below: choose which you’d like, sit down somewhere quiet, press “play” and introduce yourself to meditation. Using guided meditations is a good way to get started for anyone who can’t make it to a Triratna Centre.

If that goes well, next time you can invite someone you know to join you and meditate together. Then someone else - and before you know it, you’ll have a group…! You can do this as much or as little as you want, when and where you like. Don’t worry too much about posture to start with, the main thing is to be comfortable, a reclining chair is good for allowing you to fully relax. A standing posture is also good for making sure your approach is fully embodied, to make spiritual bypassing less likely.

Change Your Mind - Body Awareness And Relaxation by Paramananda

The Mindfulness of Breathing: Introduction and Guidance by Kamalashila

Metta Bhavana - Introduction and Basic Tools by Kamalashila

And here is a more in-depth introduction to our basic approach to meditation

At the moment this is all experimental and we are still in the trial stage. So, when you’re done, please do leave a comment below to tell us how it went. You can also email us at

Vimokshadaka and Lokabandhu
(for Triratna Anywhere)

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Skype Meditators group
Did you know there’s a Skype Meditators group on It’s for anyone who wants to arrange to meditate on Skype with others. This came out of a Facebook discussion on practising in a community online - but you don't need to be on Facebook to take part!

And their first meeting is January 3rd at 4.30pm UK time (11.30am EST, 10pm Maharashtra). They say - “Join us if you can and let’s sit together. Maybe we could find some space too to discuss further meetings, other tech options (eg. Google Hangout), etc.? I’m making 90 mins free for the whole thing - hellos, meditation and discussion. Hope to see you online soon!”

To connect, just add the user on Skype (it’s a Premium account so we should all be able to see each other).

Happy New Year!
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'Triratna Anywhere'
'Triratna Anywhere' has been created! I hope it will encourage and support people where ever they live in the world to get involved and bring Triratna Buddhism to where they live! Here is a World Map of Triratna I found. Hopefully soon we will have an interactive map of who's involved with this project in different parts of the world.
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