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Exeter Triratna Group
Exeter Triratna Group

The Triratna Order

By Mokshini on Sun, 23 Apr, 2017 - 06:52

The Triratna Order

By Mokshini on Sun, 23 Apr, 2017 - 06:52

Here is Vidyamala, an order member who lives in Manchester, with her typically succinct and warm style, summing up why she likes being a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order. 

You may know Vidyamala as the founder of Breathworks and she has also written a couple of very well-received books on Mindfulness including ’Living Well with Pain and Illness’ 

Exeter Triratna Group
Exeter Triratna Group

What is mindfulness?

By Mokshini on Tue, 18 Apr, 2017 - 14:36

What is mindfulness?

By Mokshini on Tue, 18 Apr, 2017 - 14:36

Last week Vidyadasi led the class and explored what we mean by ‘Mindfulness’ - what qualities are we looking for? In addition to a guided practice and discussion there was time to reflect on some notes & points on the theme of mindfulness: 

Mindfulness is not the same as thinking about something.   It is more like ‘awareness’.

In mindfulness, we are just ‘being’, not ‘doing’.

These things are ‘doing’: planning, worrying, remembering, replaying, ruminating, comparing, going over, wondering, imagining.

Turn off the autopilot.

‘Mindfulness is the awareness that emerges through paying...

Exeter Triratna Group
Exeter Triratna Group

triratna @ 50: For the Welfare of the World - a talk by Subhuti

By Mokshini on Tue, 11 Apr, 2017 - 09:15

triratna @ 50: For the Welfare of the World - a talk by Subhuti

By Mokshini on Tue, 11 Apr, 2017 - 09:15

Subhuti is one of Sangharakshita’s closest disciples and a long- standing order member. Here is a link to a talk he gave at the London Buddhist Centre as part of their celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Triratna Buddhist Community 

Exeter Triratna Group
Exeter Triratna Group

The Six Distinctive Emphases of the Triratna Buddhist Community

By Mokshini on Thu, 6 Apr, 2017 - 19:17

Our weekly meeting yesterday took place just the day before a rather special event in the Triratna Buddhist Community’s existence: exactly 50 years ago, on the 6 April 1967 Urgyen Sangharakshita dedicated the Triratna Meditation and Shrine room (yes it was called Triratna!) in a basement below a shop in Covent Garden.  The few few decades of its existence though we were known as ‘The Friends of the Western Buddhist Order’. 

So many lives have been transformed by the Buddhist movement that grew from...

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Exeter Triratna Group
Exeter Triratna Group

Dying Matters Awareness Week - events in Exeter in May

By Mokshini on Sat, 1 Apr, 2017 - 09:20

Some of us might we interested in this - LivingWellDyingWell Southwest UK are hosting events in Exeter on 7,8 and 11 May to mark Dying Matters Awareness Week - see the flyer attached for more info. 

“70% of us want to die at home yet 50% die in hospital…… “”
We can put into place,...

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