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European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

summary of the European Chairs Assembly Sept 2016 at Adhisthana

By Mokshini on Mon, 12 Sep, 2016 - 15:33

Twice a year the European Chairs of Triratna Centres, plus those members of the Order who are directors or chairs of major projects as Windhorse Publications or the buddhistcentre online, gather for a chairs assembly - to strengthen ties of friendship and create new ones, too share information and do business and to inspire and support those with the important responsibility of being chair at the Buddhist Centre. 

Here is a summary report of the topics and sessions that took place over that week. 

For more...

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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Dr Ambedkar, Sangharakshita and the Buddhist Revolution - Part 2

By Mokshini on Sun, 4 Sep, 2016 - 22:28

Here’s part 2 of a conversation on Dr Ambedkar, Sangharaskhita and the Buddhist Revolution at the European Chairs Assembly Day 7.  Windhorse Publications have chosen the celebration of Dr Ambedkar this October as the occasion to launch the first volume of the ‘Complete Works’  and here Priyananda tells us all about it!

More information on the Windhorse Publications website  - and do remember you can pre-order your copy of this volume  from the second week of September,...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Dr Ambedkar, Sangharakshita and the Buddhist Revolution - Part 1

By Mokshini on Sun, 4 Sep, 2016 - 22:23

Even within Triratna it may be some that not all of us are familiar with Dr Ambedkar - and if are, we may most likely associate him with his role as a statesman and social reformer.  But towards the end of his life Dr Ambedkar converted to Buddhism and with him hundreds of thousands of other people. As a result of his conversion there are now millions of new Buddhists in India. His conversion was the start of...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Using The Internet On Retreat - What's The Problem?

By Mokshini on Fri, 2 Sep, 2016 - 22:32

Maitreyi raises the point that it seems that more and more retreatants don’t heed the request not not to use their mobile phones on retreat.  But what are we in danger of losing when we crave continual connection to friends and family or reach for our phone the moment boredom or aloneness sets in? She suggests that it is only when we allow ourselves to experience a sense of aloneness, and truly give ourselves a chance to be with our experience...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Dhammamegha and Mokshini in Conversation - The Sikkha Project

By Mokshini on Thu, 1 Sep, 2016 - 11:49

Dhammamegha explains what the Triratna International Council is and does, and tell us a bit about an exciting new project. The ‘Sikkha’ Project is about starting a conversation within Triratna around how we teach meditation and Dharma at all levels, and aims to provide resources and teaching materials for both individuals and Buddhist Centres world-wide. 

See all posts from the ECA 2016

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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

2016 Summer European Chairs Assembly

By Mokshini on Wed, 31 Aug, 2016 - 09:44

At the start of the summer meeting of the European chairs of Triratna Buddhist Centres, Mokshini talks to Parina about what happens at these meetings, and why and whether Parina values coming to them. Parina is the chair of Metta Vihara, the Triratna Retreat Centre in the Lowlands (that’s the Netherlands and Belgium).

See all posts from the ECA 2016

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Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Concluding Thoughts At The End Of The ECA

By Centre Team on Mon, 11 Jan, 2016 - 18:02

A great summary of a very full week’s work and Dharma practice from Mokshini and Dassini as the great winter gathering of European Triratna Buddhists comes to an end.

As well as the overview we also hear about a special and moving ritual for one member of the assembly choosing to go deeper with the practice of simplicity and contentment in her life… A beautiful way to mark the close of a deepening kind of...

European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

ECA Winter 2016 - Podcast No.4: Ratnaghosha On 'One Sangha'

By Mokshini on Mon, 11 Jan, 2016 - 17:45

An exciting idea from the Triratna European Chairs meeting at Adhisthana. Mokshini talking to Ratnaghosha, the Chair of the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, on the theme of how best to celebrate our world-wide Triratna sangha. This would be both to promote unity across our sanghas as well help give those attending local Centres a sense of the internationality of our Movement which might not be obvious for those coming along. 

In fact, over the course of the next 18 months there...
