Croydon Buddhist Centre
Croydon Buddhist Centre
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Dreaming the Real: Poetry Night
A fundraiser for Tiratanaloka Unlimited

Dreaming the Real: Poetry Night
Saturday 24 February, 7:00pm-9:00pm
With special guests including Vishvantara and Annabeth Glittermouse Orton
A fundraiser for Tiratanaloka Unlimited, suggested donation: £15
In person and on Zoom

"Buddhism and art [...] are indispensable to a balanced spiritual life." Sangharakshita, The Meaning of Buddhism and the Value of Art   Developing the imagination and sensitivity for beauty is a key part of the spiritual path. Art can have a profound emotional impact and communicate the mystery of the Dharma to the depths of our being. It can be both the igniter and expression of our devotion.

Join us for an evening of poetry with around 15 poets from around the country including members of the Croydon Sangha, while also fundraising for Tiratanaloka Unlimited, a project supporting women training to join the Triratna Buddhist Order.

Vishvantara is an award winning poet who has been running 'Wolf at the Door' creative writing workshops and retreats for the last ten years. After six years in the community at the Buddhist women's retreat centre, Taraloka,  Annabeth is currently enjoying a sabbatical in the Welsh countryside as she continues to train for ordination

Zoom Details
Meeting ID:  846 8096 6572

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Centre Team
Centre Team

Dreaming the real poetry night - with friends and special guests from around the country Friday 7.00-9.00pm 17 February - a fundraiser for the Croydon Buddhist Centre (CBC)

15 poets from all over the country will be reading for your enjoyment. Warm up the cold February evening by coming and supporting these varied poets at different stages of exploration in their writing journeys.

The night will be headed by Satyadaka and Annabeth Glittermouse Orton.

Since placing first in the Kingston Young Poets award in 1989, Glittermouse has continued to entertain and delight with her ability to hold a myriad of weighty topics in lightness and ease. Her broad and lyrical use of language is as comfortable to skip along to at a rhythmic pace as it is to flow into free verse. She lives in the community at the Buddhist women's retreat centre, Taraloka.

Satyadaka was involved at the CBC for 12 years (1984 - 1996). Besides writing poetry and an autobiography ('Everything That Arises') he has been translating German poetry (into English). Since 1996 he's lived and worked in Norwich and been closely involved with the Norwich Buddhist Centre. He's also involved in 'Wolf At The Door' writing workshops and retreats.

Zoom link to join on the night of what promises to be a fine evening of poetry. 
Meeting ID: 815 2427 4611

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Mind Or Matter? Awakening and the Restructuring of Mind
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Mind Or Matter? Mind-Only and the Whirlpool of the Self
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Mind Or Matter? Scientific Materialism and Its Discontents
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An Overview of the Refuge Tree
Marking the 55th anniversary of the founding of the Triratna Buddhist Community, Vajragupta gives a simple overview and introduction of the Triratna Refuge Tree. This is a rich image, full of inspiring figures from the Buddhist tradition. This talk, however, looks not so much at the individual figures, but how the tree is "structured" and how this symbolizes and embodies key principles behind Sangharakshita's creation of Triratna and its place in the Buddhist tradition. Examples of this include the centrality of the Buddha, understanding the unity of the Buddhist tradition, seeing its full breadth and depth, and the centrality of Going for Refuge. A talk that can help understand what's distinctive about Triratna's approach to the Dharma and Buddhism.
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Mind and Cosmos Part 3
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Mind and Cosmos: Towards a New Buddhist Cosmology (Part 2)
For almost its whole history, Buddhism has been not only presented teachings about the mind, but also about the whole cosmos. In this talk (the second in a series of three), Viryadeva attempts to show why an understanding of traditional Buddhist cosmology is key to an understanding of the Buddha's teachings. He also shows how it has direct, practical relevance to urgent contemporary problems.
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Mind and Cosmos: Towards a New Buddhist Cosmology (Part 1)
For almost its whole history, Buddhism has been not only presented teachings about the mind, but also about the whole cosmos. In this talk (the first in a series of three), Viryadeva attempts to show why an understanding of traditional Buddhist cosmology is key to an understanding of the Buddha's teachings. He also shows how it has direct, practical relevance to urgent contemporary problems.
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The Alchemy of Meditation 4 - Keeping Going
How do we keep our meditation alive and fresh - especially over the long-term? Can we get lost and bogged down in our meditation and lose connection with creativity, play, and freshness? How do we go deeper? Responding to these questions, Vajragupta looks at the Four Iddhipadas - the four 'powers' or 'means of accomplishment' taught by the Buddha. These are: desire, discernment, heart/mind, and resolve. They are both four ingredients of a creative meditation practice, and they also draw out the alchemical process of meditation, or how the transformative process of meditation works. The fourth and final talk (36 mins) explores virya - energy and resolve. In particular, Vajragupta discusses stamina, keeping going, how we sustain a practice over the long-term through all the ups and downs of life. He offers four 'paradoxes' that we need to hold skilfully to maintain our inspiration.
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The Alchemy of Meditation 3 - Heart and Mind
How do we keep our meditation alive and fresh - especially over the long-term? Can we get lost and bogged down in our meditation and lose connection with creativity, play, and freshness? How do we go deeper? Responding to these questions, Vajragupta looks at the Four Iddhipadas - the four 'powers' or 'means of accomplishment' taught by the Buddha. These are: desire, discernment, heart/mind, and resolve. They are both four ingredients of a creative meditation practice, and they also draw out the alchemical process of meditation, or how the transformative process of meditation works. Talk three (36 mins) of four investigates citta, or heart/mind - the stream of thoughts and emotions that form our experience. How do we work with that flow and re-channel it into more helpful and expansive directions when necessary?
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The Alchemy of Meditation 2 - Discernment
How do we keep our meditation alive and fresh - especially over the long-term? Can we get lost and bogged down in our meditation and lose connection with creativity, play, and freshness? How do we go deeper? Responding to these questions, Vajragupta looks at the Four Iddhipadas - the four 'powers' or 'means of accomplishment' taught by the Buddha. These are: desire, discernment, heart/mind, and resolve. They are both four ingredients of a creative meditation practice, and they also draw out the alchemical process of meditation, or how the transformative process of meditation works. This second talk (25 mins) in a four-part series looks at discernment - good judgement, investigation, curiosity and interest, learning about how the mind creates experience.
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Free Buddhist Audio
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The Alchemy of Meditation 1 - Desire
How do we keep our meditation alive and fresh - especially over the long-term? Can we get lost and bogged down in our meditation and lose connection with creativity, play, and freshness? How do we go deeper? Responding to these questions, Vajragupta looks at the Four Iddhipadas - the four 'powers' or 'means of accomplishment' taught by the Buddha. These are: desire, discernment, heart/mind, and resolve. They are both four ingredients of a creative meditation practice, and they also draw out the alchemical process of meditation, or how the transformative process of meditation works. This first talk (26 mins) explores how we need to stay connected to our deeper desires, yearnings, and spiritual longing - and how to hold this desire in a way that sustains our practice.
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Free Buddhist Audio
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Buddhism and Politics - Talk 3
In this third and final talk for Buddhist Action Month 2021, Vajragupta takes the Quakers' involvement in the 19th-century anti-slavery movement as a case study of what happens when spiritual communities get involved in political issues. He highlights the potential power of a small community inspired by ethics, but is also realistic about the challenges and dilemmas that political issues will bring into a spiritual community. Vajragupta then explores the principle and practice of "consensus" - the way by which spiritual communities make decisions, before rounding up by highlighting Triratna's Indian movement as successfully combining the transformation of self and world.
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Buddhism and Politics - Talk 2
In another ambitious and wide-ranging talk, Vajragupta suggests that changes in Western societies in the last 40 years have undermined our sense of the "common good". He then reflects on what a Buddhist approach to the common good might be. A highly stimulating talk, drawing on the inspiration of Dr Ambedkar, as well as other thinkers and writers. Second in a series of three talks given for Buddhist Action Month 2021 at Croydon Buddhist Centre.
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Buddhism and Politics - Talk 1
Should Buddhist sanghas and Buddhist Centres get involved in politics or remain politically neutral? When political debate can be so fractious and polarised, how can Buddhists make a helpful contribution? In this ambitious and challenging talk, Vajragupta asks us to reflect on our political views and conditioning, so as to come to a deeper appreciation of what a Buddhist perspective might be. First of a series of three talks given for Buddhist Action Month 2021.
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What Is Nirvana and Do We Really Want to Get There? Talk 5
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Sangha As a Gift to the World
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Free Buddhist Audio
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What Is Nirvana and Do We Really Want to Get There? Talk 4
Vajragupta talks about Nirvana as seen in the early Buddhist tradition - as the eradication of greed, hatred, and delusion, and the cessation of the whole samsaric process. And then he explores how Nirvana was seen in later tradition - linking this to the Bodhisattva Ideal and the realisation of emptiness and compassion.
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