European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly
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Full-time Executive Assistant to the International Council
starting April/May 2025

Are you inspired to work at the heart of Triratna?

There are various groupings of senior Order members who have overlapping responsibilities that, between them, cover the whole Order and Movement [...]. There needs to be some liaison between them all so they are not each just going their separate ways or coming into some sort of conflict… We definitely need such a structure if we are to be effective… 

Sangharakshita, What is the Western Buddhist Order? 2009

This is your chance to make a real difference. 

We seek an Order member to join a new team as the Executive Assistant to the International Council (which replaces and expands the current International Council Convenor role).

Working directly with Mahamati (Chair of the College and International Council) and Vajrashura (Deputy Chair of the College), your responsibilities will overlap with those of the Executive Assistant to the College of Public Preceptors.

Inspired by Bhante’s vision, you'll play a pivotal role in connecting and uniting Triratna across continents and its key structures, fostering discussion and collaboration so that our efforts resonate as one powerful influence for the Dharma in the world.

Here's what you'll bring:

  • a deep understanding and appreciation of Triratna's culture and core institutions
  • a confident and proactive attitude
  • exceptional oral/written communication, facilitation, planning, and organisational skills
  • the ability to collaborate easily and effectively with diverse individuals
  • the ability to engage constructively with complex issues

Being located at (or near) Adhisthana would be an advantage but isn’t essential. 

If you're ready to be at the heart of Triratna and make a positive difference, we want to hear from you!

You will be financially supported to live simply and give yourself fully to the role. This will include eight weeks annual leave, a retreat allowance, national insurance and pension contributions, and order dana.

Would you like an informal chat to find out more?  Contact Arthavadin at

Express your interest by December 31st, 2024. 

Learn more about the International Council:

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Racial Diversity Co-ordinator(s)
One full-time position or two part-time

The European Chairs Assembly (ECA) is committed to increasing access to the Three Jewels as shared within the Triratna Buddhist community. As part of this, since 2022, the ECA has been co-ordinating the Racial Diversity Project to develop activities to increase racial diversity within UK and European Centres and groups. This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to the existing efforts already taking place within Triratna centres. 

The Racial Diversity Coordinator(s) will be part of the ECA’s Development Team, and will be managed by the Team’s Director.

The Racial Diversity Coordinator(s) will also be supported and guided by the ECA’s Racial Diversity Steering Group, which takes strategic responsibility for the ECA’s work to promote the conditions in which racial diversity can flourish. 

If two part time persons are hired as Co-ordinators, we envisage that one Coordinator would have a particular remit to support the London region, and the other Coordinator would have a particular remit to support the regions outside London. Both would support the bigger strategic events including a European reach. 

Key Responsibilities

  • Sangha building for people of colour (PoC) in Triratna Centres across the UK and mainland Europe
  • supporting and participating in strategic events open to PoC across the UK, mainland Europe and beyond
  • supporting the growth and development of PoC groups/hubs
  • supporting Centres to publicise and promote events: avoiding unnecessary clashes, maintaining a good online and social media presence, sending out a regular newsletter; sharing information with Chairs via the ECA
  • being in dialogue with Chairs seeking to increase the racial diversity of their Sanghas
  • signposting Centres and Chairs towards racial awareness training
  • supporting the Racial Diversity Steering Group with other initiatives

Suitability and Characteristics

The successful candidate(s) will:

  • be a member of the Order or a Mitra actively engaged in their training for ordination within the Triratna Buddhist Community
  • have strong project management skills able to plan, organise and run events, meetings and gatherings
  • be competent with IT and have knowledge / capacity to learn the key communication tools used by the community
  • be able to present ideas in a coherent and engaging way verbally as well as produce clear and succinct reports
  • will have a strong awareness of racism and its impact on community life, have lived experience of facing and tackling racism in community and public life and be able to negotiate comfortably in the issues involved in promoting racial diversity
  • be passionate about widening access and inclusion across Triratna

Work location and hours of work

The role, which requires working mostly from home, is offered either as one full time position of 35 hours per week, or two part-time positions which together total up to 35 hours per week. 


Our principle is to provide a level of support which offers a simple, dignified standard of living  supportive of Buddhist practice. 

In the UK, the level of financial support is set by the independent Living Wage Foundation, which is linked to the cost of living. For 2024, this is £12.00ph outside of London, and £13.15ph within London. For applicants from other European countries, an alternative support rate providing the equivalent standard of living will be offered.

In addition to base support, we also provide 40 days paid leave per year (pro-rata, and including bank holidays), a generous retreat allowance, and 4% employer pension contributions.

The role is financially supported until December 2025.

If you have any questions, please email: Saravantu at or Suryagupta at Please copy both into your message as each can cover different time periods while the application process is open.

Application and Timeline

To apply, please complete and return the brief application form (see below) to

Closing date for applications is midday 8th August 2024

Online interviews will take place in the morning of the 12th August.

Start date negotiable, but would ideally be as soon as possible.

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ECA Development Team Director
3 day (21 hours) per week average, permanent role

Development Team Director

3 day (21 hours) per week average, permanent role

The European Chairs Assembly (ECA) is a collaboration between European Triratna Buddhist Centres and some of Triratna’s other major charitable organisations, each represented by their respective Chair or Director.

The three main structures of the ECA are the Membership (the Chairs and Directors) who hold voting rights; the Executive, a small elected group of volunteer Chairs who help shape and direct the meetings; and the Development Team, a small team who are responsible for project development and implementation of the priorities of the membership.

A recent review of the ECA’s structure and processes identified the need to appoint a new Director of the Development Team. 

NB - there are no prior preferred candidates for this role, and applications from any suitably qualified Order members are welcomed.

Key Responsibilities

The main functions of this role would be twofold: 

  • to develop new projects and manage the ECA’s current projects, in accordance with the ECA memberships strategic priorities
  • to provide management and pastoral care to the other members of the Development Team, as well any temporary employees, freelancers or volunteers commissioned to carry out work on behalf of the ECA

The current projects which the Director/Development Team will be involved with,  along with others,  include:

  • ECA meeting organisation and all the ECA’s legal functions as a charity
  • managing the Development Fund contributions and budgets for the Executive
  • implementation of the recent ECA review proposal
  • the Racial Diversity project
  • the Young People’s project
  • the Group and Pioneers project
  • supporting growth, training, support and resources for Buddhist centres 
  • safeguarding in our centres
  • translations
  • liaison with other Buddhist Groups

These projects have been pursued in accordance with the ECA memberships priorities set in 2020, but are subject to change following an upcoming strategic priorities exercise in 2025.

Suitability and Characteristics 

Candidates should feel they fit all of the essential characteristics, while stronger candidates may also have some preferred skills or characteristics.


  • be a Triratna Order member of good standing, and be inspired by the vision and activities of the ECA Development Team
  • excellent project management skills, with the ability to guide and maintain oversight of a variety of projects simultaneously
  • excellent communication skills, with the confidence to engage in difficult conversations when required
  • experience of managing employees and/or volunteers, ideally in a Triratna context
  • be inspired by the principles of right-livelihood, and a willingness to guide the culture of the team to express these principles 
  • able and willing to attend twice yearly ECA meetings at Adhisthana (7 days) and twice yearly in-person executive meetings in the UK or Europe
  • technically competent in the use of basic online tools (e.g excel, google docs/sheets, gmail, zoom etc)
  • has an excellent command of the English language 
  • be based in a European country (including the UK)


  • experience of working or taking significant organisational responsibility (e.g as a trustee etc) within a Triratna Buddhist Centre or right-livelihood organisation
  • experience of the ECA, especially as a former or current Chair or Director
  • has a good understanding of the financial aspects of running a charitable organisation e.g. budgets, payroll, pensions etc
  • has an interest and understanding of the relationships between the ECA and other Triratna bodies e.g. the College, International Council, FutureDharma Fund, etc

Team and Work Context

The Development Team comprises a core employed team who usually hold more significant responsibilities, supported by various contract and temporary workers as required by current needs.

Current team members are:

  • Aparajita, Executive Officer. (0.6 FTE)
  • Hridayagita, Safeguarding Officer (0.6 FTE)
  • Viryanaga, Centre Development Consultant (freelance)
  • Munisha, Liaison Officer (0.2 FTE)

Recruitment is shortly commencing for two new racial diversity coordinators (0.4-0.6 FTE each), and proposals are currently being considered for 0.2 FTE young person’s coordinator.

Work location

The members of the Development Team are based at various centres around the UK and Europe, so team members work remotely and currently meet online as a team on Monday mornings. The role of Director would therefore be home based, although you would be required to attend the twice yearly ECA meetings (7 days each, January  and June and usually held at Adhishtana, UK), and at least two in-person Executive meetings (1-2 days, usually but not necessarily hosted at a UK Buddhist centre)

Hours of work

This role is initially offered 3 days per week (21 hours). Some flexibility in working hours/days would be beneficial, especially around ECA meetings (see above)


Our principle is to provide a level of support which offers a simple, dignified standard of living  supportive of Buddhist practice. 

In the UK, the level of financial support is set by the independent Living Wage Foundation, which is linked to the cost of living. For 2024, this is £12.00ph outside of London, and £13.15ph within London. For applicants from other European countries, an alternative support rate providing the equivalent standard of living will be offered.

In addition to base support, we also provide 24 days paid leave per year (40 days pro-rata, and including bank holidays), a generous retreat allowance, and 4% employer pension contributions.

Application and Timeline

To apply, please complete and return a brief application form

Closing date for applications is 7th August 2024

Online interviews by the ECA Exec will happen between 14th-16th August

Start date negotiable, but would ideally be the start of September

For further information about the role, or to submit an application (see attached) please contact:

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ECA Safeguarding
ECA Safeguarding

Triratna’s model policies for Safeguarding children and adults, updated for 2023, are now available over on the Triratna Resources page, along with guidance documents and the Triratna Model Ethical Guidelines.

See/download the model policies, guidelines and guidance documents.

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Summary of January ECA 2023

The pdf is a brief description of the recent ECA meeting at Adhisthana - if you want to know more, talk to your local Centre Chair.

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ECA Safeguarding
ECA Safeguarding

The ECA's Safeguarding team is happy to present the latest versions of Triratna's Model Safeguarding Policies and Ethical Guidelines, updated for 2021.

See the policies and guidelines and read all about Safeguarding in Triratna on the dedicated Triratna Safeguarding page.

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Development Team
Development Team
Short summary of the January 2021 ECA Online Gathering

Here's a short summary of the Chairs Meeting that was held online in January 2021.

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Members of Triratna's European Chairs' Assembly (ECA: the Chairs of Triratna centres, retreat centres and other initiatives in Europe) take seriously their responsibility to protect children and adults from harm in the course of Triratna activities.

The ECA employs an overall Safeguarding officer, Munisha, who works with the Safeguarding Adviser, Amaladipa, who is very senior in the criminal justice system in the UK.

Triratna has model Safeguarding policies and ethical guidelines, updated every year. 
Read about the 2020 documents and find out more about Safeguarding in Triratna.

Report an ethical concern to the Triratna Safeguarding team:

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Keturaja, Danayutta, Maitrinara and I, from the Triratna Money Group have just met to discuss how we might help Triratna centres deal with their fall-off in income now that most have closed their doors.

We'd be willing to research, summarise and share, for example, government crisis support schemes in the UK, and ways of negotiating rent and mortgage 'holidays'.

However before doing this work we'd like to know whether you would find this useful. Please reply in the comments box.

With metta,

Amalavajra, FutureDharma Fund

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Development Team
Development Team
January 2020 ECA Report

Here is a short report of the ECA Winter meeting that was held at Adhisthana from 4-11 January 2020.

Videos and a podcast recorded by Sadayasihi are to be found here:

Amaragita, the new Chair of Buddhafield
Maitridevi on the ECA’s new strategic priorities
Munisha on being a Safeguarding Officer
Listen to a podcast about the ECA’s new strategic priorities
video farewell from Nandavajra

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Here are some photos from the 2020 Winter European Chairs Assembly meeting which took place at Adhisthana. The ECA meeting is a chance for those chairing Triratna Buddhist Centres across Europe to come together, practice the Dharma, develop friendships and discuss issues of relevance to their sanghas and the Triratna movement, as a whole.

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Video - Farewell from Nandavajra

Farewell to Nandavajra who has been the stalwart director and member of the ECA Development team for the past six years. Here he says his farewells and shares what he has enjoyed about his time working for the ECA.

In a comprehensive rejoicing for him on the last night of the European Chairs Assembly (ECA) meeting his good friend and Chair of Brighton Buddhist Centre, Subhadassi, described him as "the grandfather" of the meeting due to his depth of experience and his conscientious care for both the people and the work involved.

He leaves to become full-time director of Future Dharma Fund.

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Munisha, Triratna's Safeguarding and Liaison Officer and member of the Development Team, talks about what she loves about her work.

Read more about Safeguarding in Triratna

+Follow the Triratna in the Buddhist World space

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Gunabhadri and Aparajita from the ECA Development Team talk about what they love about their work during the 2020 Winter meeting.

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Amaragita is the new Chair of Buddhafield. She's been a trustee for Buddhafield these past six years and recently became the Chair after Jayaraja stepped down.

In this short video she introduces herself and talks about what Buddhafield offers and their vision.

Visit the Buddhafield website

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Maitridevi from Taraloka outlines some of the strategic priorities that the European Chairs Assembly have agreed upon during the 2020 Winter meeting - and speaks more fully on the priority close to her heart: Dharmic engagement with social and ecological issues.

Listen to a podcast about the ECA's new strategic priorities

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Development Team
Development Team
A short summary of the July 2019 ECA

The attached pdf is a short summary report of the July European Chairs Assembly (ECA)  meeting at Padmaloka.

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Triratna Chairs Assembly Accounts 2017 and 2018

Here are the annual reports and accounts for the (European) Triratna Chairs Assembly (commonly referred to as the ECA).

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Development Team
Development Team
Buddhist Action Month Handbook 2019

The BAM Handbook 2019 is now available.

Kaspalita Thompson from the NBO (Network of Buddhist Organisations) writes:

The handbook explains the theme: Climate Action - Personal Action. It suggests Buddhist ways of engaging with the theme and thinking about climate change, including avoiding polarisation. There are suggestions of personal and group actions, and other groups that you can join with.

You can download it here: BAM 2019 Handbook

Or as an attachment below.

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If you’re interested in Sangharakshita’s seminars in book form for your Centre Library or community, , Lulu have a 20% off discount until midnight on 7/2/19, simply quote TWENTY19 at checkout…  You’ll find the seminars (and his Collected Lectures) by going to Lulu and searching for “sangharakshita seminars” or “sangharshita lectures”…

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