Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Death and the Self, and the Buddha’s Unanswered Questions

By Rijupatha on Wed, 18 Feb, 2015 - 15:00

FBA Podcast: Death and the Self, and the Buddha’s Unanswered Questions

By Rijupatha on Wed, 18 Feb, 2015 - 15:00Subscribe to the FBA Podcast

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Our FBA Podcast this week is entitled “Death and the Self, and the Buddha’s Unanswered Questions”. Here Vaddhaka delves into the Buddha’s unanswered questions; questions that Vacchagotta, Malunkyaputta and others asked him. Among them: ‘What happens to a Buddha after death?’ And what happens at our own death; what did the Buddha really say; and why did...
Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Bodhicitta and Spiritual Death

By Rijupatha on Mon, 9 Feb, 2015 - 20:45

FBA Podcast: Bodhicitta and Spiritual Death

By Rijupatha on Mon, 9 Feb, 2015 - 20:45Subscribe to the FBA Podcast

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Our FBA Podcast this week is entitled “Bodhicitta and Spiritual Death” by Vijayamala, a talk given as part of the Understanding, Exploring and Realising Spiritual Death retreat, led by Kamalashila and Vijayamala, at Adhisthana Dec 2014.
Portsmouth Buddhist Center
Portsmouth Buddhist Center

Preparation for the Moment of Death

By viriyalila on Tue, 18 Nov, 2014 - 21:19

Preparation for the Moment of Death

By viriyalila on Tue, 18 Nov, 2014 - 21:19This Preparation for the Moment of Death workshop based on the Bardo Thotrol (The Great Liberation Through Hearing in the Bardo). In the Tibetan tradition there are six bardos or opportunities to become liberated from habitual tendencies; a to become awake or Enlightened. In this workshop we will explore the bardo of the moment before death by means of meditation, exercises and readings. How can we be with ourselves and how can we be others in the dying process?

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Our First Original eBook: A Buddhist Cancer Memoir by Suvarnaprabha (Suvanna Cullen)

By Candradasa on Fri, 17 Oct, 2014 - 19:16

Our First Original eBook: A Buddhist Cancer Memoir by Suvarnaprabha (Suvanna Cullen)

By Candradasa on Fri, 17 Oct, 2014 - 19:16Just over a year ago, our friend Suvarnaprabha passed away in the company of her friends from the San Francisco Buddhist Center. Some readers may recall our coverage of Suvarnaprabha’s last few months in which she generously shared much of her process of dying as a way to encourage people to meet their own mortality in the light of the Dharma.

Suvarnaprabha kept a great blog to document the ups and downs of...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Dhammachari Suvachin: Triratna Buddhist Order 1999-2014

By lokabandhu on Mon, 24 Mar, 2014 - 12:58

Dhammachari Suvachin: Triratna Buddhist Order 1999-2014

By lokabandhu on Mon, 24 Mar, 2014 - 12:58Karmavajra writes from India, saying -

“Dhammachari Suvachin passed away around 10 am Tuesday 18 March 2014 (Indian time) at his residence in Nanded Maharashtra, India. He was 81 years of age. His son Dhammachari Padmasen was with him in his last time. He had been hospitalised for the last month.”

Suvachin was ordained in 1999 at Bhaja in India, with Subhuti as his private and public preceptor.

For many years he had been a close colleague...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Dharmachari Taranatha: Triratna Buddhist Order 1992-2013

By lokabandhu on Mon, 25 Nov, 2013 - 09:06

Dharmachari Taranatha: Triratna Buddhist Order 1992-2013

By lokabandhu on Mon, 25 Nov, 2013 - 09:06Purna writes from New Zealand with news of the death of one of their longest-standing Order Members, Dharmachari Taranatha. He says - “This is to inform you that Taranatha passed away around 1 am on Monday 25 Nov 2013 (NZ time) at his residence in Point Chevalier in Auckland, New Zealand. Born 12 Nov 1929, he was 84 years of age. With him at the end were Ratnavyuha, two of Taranatha’s daughters, and also in the house was his...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Dharmacharini Candrasri 1945-2013

By Munisha on Fri, 22 Nov, 2013 - 15:19

Dharmacharini Candrasri 1945-2013

By Munisha on Fri, 22 Nov, 2013 - 15:19With sadness we report the death of Candrasri, in Cambridge, UK, on Monday 18th November, aged 68.

Candrasri’s funeral will take place at Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Monday, 2nd December at 12 noon, with a memorial service on Wednesday 18th December at 7.30pm.

Candrasri was ordained at Akashavana in the summer of 2012 and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer shortly after.

According to her preceptor Viryaprabha, “Candrasri faced death in the way that she...
Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Death is Certain, and Other Points of Freedom

By viriyalila on Sun, 3 Nov, 2013 - 02:22

Death is Certain, and Other Points of Freedom

By viriyalila on Sun, 3 Nov, 2013 - 02:22We rolled out some esoteric talks through the rest of October, giving space for reflection on Padmasambhava, the great guru of Tibet, including a ‘long-lost talk’ by Sangharakshita given at the London Buddhist Center in 1979 along with sprinkles of death, change and compassion.

Check out these little Dharma nuggets in our twice weekly FBA Dharmabytes podcast:

In “Death is Certain” from the talk “The Transitoriness of Life and...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Dharmacharini Sumati: Triratna Buddhist Order 1977-2013

By lokabandhu on Fri, 1 Nov, 2013 - 06:19

Dharmacharini Sumati: Triratna Buddhist Order 1977-2013

By lokabandhu on Fri, 1 Nov, 2013 - 06:19Sridevi writes from Finland with news of the death of Sumati, one of the elders of the Triratna Sangha in Finland.

She says - “This is to let you know that Dharmacharini Sumati, from Helsinki, Finland, has died. She was ordained by Bhante in 1977 or 1978 in Finland and was very active in the early years of the Helsinki centre, especially in translating many important Dharma texts into Finnish. Her younger son has been attending some...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Death: your Hallowe'en treat!

By Munisha on Thu, 31 Oct, 2013 - 00:37

Death: your Hallowe'en treat!

By Munisha on Thu, 31 Oct, 2013 - 00:37To mark Hallowe’en, Siddhisambhava writes from north Wales about her workshops and retreats on facing death. (Some readers may need to know that Hallowe’en is a festival concerned with ghosts, witches, death and other things we’d rather not think about. Children often mark it by “trick or treating”: going house to house playfully demanding sweets in return for not playing tricks on the owners. Pumpkin lanterns are traditional too.)

“I keep a copy of Sogyal Rinpoche’s Daily...
