Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

New Podcast: Mindfulness of Death and Dying

By Candradasa on Sat, 8 Jun, 2024 - 19:42

Kamalashila is dying. So are we - we are dying. Really.

In this recent conversation with Kamalashila following his diagnosis of terminal cancer - and in the closing guided meditation reflecting on death - this is the core theme to which we keep returning: the value of familiarising ourselves with our impermanence: dying and death are going to happen to every single one of us. As Kamalashila says, “Taking it out of the taboo cupboard”.

We hear Kamalashila’s perspective starting out on what he...

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FBA Podcast: In the Footsteps of the Buddha - A Noble Path

By Centre Team on Sat, 13 Jan, 2024 - 11:00

Dharmashalin gives the first of a two-part talk on the first two of the 4 Noble Truths, evoking the miraculous communication of the Buddha’s dharma. Talk given as part of Dharma Day 2023 at the Birmingham Buddhist Centre and marking the 25th anniversary of the opening of the current centre.


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Dharmabytes: There’s Seeing, And Then There’s Really Seeing

By Centre Team on Thu, 11 Jan, 2024 - 11:00

Akashamitra introduces the Eight Ways of the Noble Ones with a talk on vision. Why does it start the path? Have we already had a path of vision experiences?

Excerpted from the talk Perfect Vision - How Far Can You Go? given at North London Buddhist Centre, 2020.


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Bite-sized inspiration three times every week.


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Dharmabyte: Freedom that Manifests as Love

By Zac on Mon, 24 Oct, 2022 - 06:00

Jnanavaca weaves magic and myth with the day to day practice of the Dharma in this talk From the talk entitled Freedom Or Death given on Buddha Day at the London Buddhist Centre, 2019.


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Bite-sized inspiration three times every week.

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Dharmabyte: Staying with Practice

By Zac on Mon, 10 Oct, 2022 - 06:00

Here Yashobodhi describes one of a list of five forces you use in Dharma practice to move towards awakening in life and also on approaching death, that of familiarization.

From the talk Point 4 Using the Practice In Whole Life, part of the series Training the Mind in Bodhichitta given at Aryaloka Buddhist Center, 2017.


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FBA Podcast: The Places That Break You

By Zac on Sat, 8 Oct, 2022 - 06:00

In this wide ranging talk, Amalayodhin gives an introduction to the history and symbol of the cremation grounds. Given on a summer men’s Great Gathering at Padmaloka, the talk covers topics such as death, taking responsibility and avoiding blame and resentment. He draws out the necessity of seeking out those places that demand more of us then we can give in our current form, and in process break and reform as more potent, loving and effective beings.

Given at...

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Dharmabyte: Creating a Dharma Context in Everyday Life

By Zac on Thu, 6 Oct, 2022 - 06:00

The Dharma is only truly meaningful if it allows us to live more fully and if we are able to take it with us into the final moments before our death. There is nothing more practical than this. Mahasraddha explores what this means for us.

From the talk The Dharma as Context for Living and Dying given at Manchester Buddhist Centre, 2016.


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FBA Podcast: A New Knowledge of Reality-Buddhism and Poetry

By Zac on Sun, 28 Aug, 2022 - 06:00

Maitreyabandhu draws out the deeper meaning and finer detail of five different poems, each around the theme of death with the final poem focusing on spiritual rebirth.

By discussing the background of the poems and poets, the intricacies of their structure, and bringing in a Buddhist interpretation of the themes raised in the poems, Maitreyabandhu shows us the importance and profundity of poetry and how it can help us to explore Dharmic themes more deeply.

This talk was...

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Dharmabyte: Taking Our Seat in the Cremation Ground

By Zac on Thu, 31 Mar, 2022 - 06:00

To plunge ourselves into the crucial citation takes tremendous courage. Sangharakshita asks:

Are we ready to face our own death, and the total transformation it symbolizes? From the talk The Symbolism of the Cremation Ground and the Celestial Maidens part of the series Creative Symbols of the Tantric Path to Enlightenment, 1971.


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Dharmabyte: What is In This Moment?

By Zac on Mon, 17 Jan, 2022 - 06:00

Sanghadhara shares reflections on death and awareness of the present moment. How consciously are we living our life? 

From the talk entitled Happy Dying, Happy Living given at the Dharma Parlour at Buddhafield Festival, 2018, on the theme of ‘The Dance of Life and Death’.


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