Mindfully Facing Disease and Death, Bhikkhu Anālayo’s newest book, has been out for over a month, and is selling steadily. Our Publishing Director, Priyananda, explores the highlights/importance of this book in this 5-minute video, also an audio track on Soundcloud.
Priyananda Introduces Mindfully Facing Disease and Death by Bhikkhu Anālayo from Windhorse Publications on Vimeo.
Bhikkhu Anālayo was ordained in 1995 in Sri Lanka and completed a PhD on the Satipaṭṭhāna-sutta at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, in 2000. He is currently a professor at the University of Hamburg.
In the Introduction, Bhikkhu Anālayo writes, “I owe the inspiration to compile this book to my friend and colleague Aming Tu of Dharma Drum Mountain. As a professor of Buddhist informatics and a dedicated practitioner of Chan meditation, Aming Tu found the discourses on disease and death in the Chinese Āgamas to be an immense resource when having to live with the gradual deterioration caused to his body by cancer. The present book is the result of putting into practice the basic plan we developed together.”
Aming Tu explores this further in the Postscript: “Having read the discourses on illness after a new close encounter with death, I felt that it was truly a shame that this treasure had been buried deep in the vast Buddhist canon for so long; few had ever taken notice of it and even fewer had used it as a guide to their practice. I am grateful for venerable Anālayo’s dedication in carrying out the selection’s translation and writing accompanying explanations.”
If you haven’t yet gotten a copy, you can enter to win a free one in our Goodreads Giveaway, which ends Dec 2.