Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Sugar Skull Shrines and Sugar Cane Fields: Transformation in Mexico at the Pan-American Convention

By Candradasa on Fri, 25 Oct, 2019 - 05:20

Sugar Skull Shrines and Sugar Cane Fields: Transformation in Mexico at the Pan-American Convention

By Candradasa on Fri, 25 Oct, 2019 - 05:20

Chintamani Retreat Centre is a strikingly beautiful venue for Dharma practice in any season. And as we move towards November celebrations around the Day of the Dead here in México, the 2019 Pan-American Order Convention is underway, calling us to dwell on the impermanence of things, the impermanence of us.

Fittingly for a place built from scratch 15 years ago on old sugar cane fields and surrounded by sugar cane hills, our beautiful shrine is adorned...

Taraloka Retreat Centre
Taraloka Retreat Centre

Video links to various clips of Ratnasuri

By Hridayagita on Thu, 3 Oct, 2019 - 12:11

Video links to various clips of Ratnasuri

By Hridayagita on Thu, 3 Oct, 2019 - 12:11

A set of links to video clips of Ratnasuri talking about various aspects of her practice over the years.  

Ratnasuri on ordaining women - A clip from ‘Buddhist Women Speak on Ordination’ https://vimeo.com/358868155
Ratnasuri on becoming the first women’s Public Preceptor: https://vimeo.com/358805020
Ratnasuri on Dharma practice including attitudes to her death: https://vimeo.com/358863346
Ratnasuri on moving to Taraloka: https://vimeo.com/358788744
Ratnasuri on attitudes to money and time off: https://vimeo.com/358791961
Ratnasuri on aging in a retreat centre community: https://vimeo.com/358814092
Ratnasuri on her interests: https://vimeo.com/358819254
Ratnasuri on...

Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris
Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris

Décès de Sangharakshita

By Ujumani on Wed, 31 Oct, 2018 - 20:46

Décès de Sangharakshita

By Ujumani on Wed, 31 Oct, 2018 - 20:46

C’est avec une grande tristesse que nous annonçons le décès le 30 octobre 2018 de Sangharakshita, le fondateur de l’Ordre bouddhiste Triratna et de la Communauté bouddhiste Triratna. Voici une brève présentation de sa vie et de ses enseignements.

Les premières années
Sangharakshita est né sous le nom de Dennis Lingwood dans une famille ouvrière, à Tooting, au sud de Londres, en 1925. À l’âge de neuf ans, on lui diagnostiqua un problème cardiaque (ce qui plus tard s’avéra être un diagnostic...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Urgyen Sangharakshita 1925-2018

By Munisha on Tue, 30 Oct, 2018 - 11:27

Urgyen Sangharakshita 1925-2018

By Munisha on Tue, 30 Oct, 2018 - 11:27

With great sadness we inform you of the passing away of Urgyen Sangharakshita, today, 30th October 2018, at approximately 10 am in Hereford Hospital. He had been diagnosed with pneumonia and this morning the consultant said that he also had sepsis, from which recovery was not possible. 

Please join with us as we direct our metta towards Bhante, recollecting his wonderful qualities and remembering with gratitude all that he has given to so many of us. Local Centres around the world may...

Windhorse Publications
Windhorse Publications

Priyananda Introduces Mindfully Facing Disease and Death

By Windhorse Publi... on Tue, 29 Nov, 2016 - 13:02

Priyananda Introduces Mindfully Facing Disease and Death

By Windhorse Publi... on Tue, 29 Nov, 2016 - 13:02

Mindfully Facing Disease and Death, Bhikkhu Anālayo’s newest book, has been out for over a month, and is selling steadily. Our Publishing Director, Priyananda, explores the highlights/importance of this book in this 5-minute video, also an audio track on Soundcloud.

Priyananda Introduces Mindfully Facing Disease and Death by Bhikkhu Anālayo from Windhorse Publications on Vimeo.

Bhikkhu Anālayo was ordained in 1995 in Sri Lanka and completed a PhD on the...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Anādi - Without Origin / Sin Origen

By Centre Team on Mon, 7 Nov, 2016 - 23:20

Anādi - Without Origin / Sin Origen

By Centre Team on Mon, 7 Nov, 2016 - 23:20

Bringing to Life the Tibetan Book of the Dead
We’re delighted to launch a brand new original eBook by Binisa Colmenero Lira and David Prats Mira, and a dedicated space celebrating its beauty. Binisa and David are Mitras from Mexico City Buddhist Center. 

Visit the Anādi space | Visite el espacio Anādi

This gorgeously illustrated art and poetry work is an interpretation of the “Bardo Thödol” - known as “The Tibetan Book of the Dead” - derived...

Windhorse Publications
Windhorse Publications

New Book Out - Mindfully Facing Disease and Death: Compassionate Advice from Early Buddhist Texts

By Windhorse Publi... on Mon, 24 Oct, 2016 - 14:27

New Book Out - Mindfully Facing Disease and Death: Compassionate Advice from Early Buddhist Texts

By Windhorse Publi... on Mon, 24 Oct, 2016 - 14:27

We are pleased to announce our new book, Mindfully Facing Disease and Death by Bhikkhu Anālayo. Thank you to our sponsors for enabling the publication of what Roshi Joan Halifax (Abbot of the Upaya Zen Center) calls:

An invaluable and extraordinary resource on the profound teachings by the Buddha on dying, death, and grieving.

With a beautiful cover by Dhammarati, and Foreword by Jon Kabat-Zinn, this book provides a practical guide for those facing disease and death by...

Windhorse Publications
Windhorse Publications

Newest Book by Bhikkhu Anālayo on Disease and Death

By Windhorse Publi... on Tue, 30 Aug, 2016 - 16:18

Newest Book by Bhikkhu Anālayo on Disease and Death

By Windhorse Publi... on Tue, 30 Aug, 2016 - 16:18

Mindfully Facing Disease and Death, a new book by Bhikkhu Anālayo, with a beautiful cover by Dhammarati, provides a practical guide for those facing disease and death by helping them to access the ageless wisdom of the Buddha’s teaching. We are on track and Mindfully Facing Disease and Death will be published in October this year. Jon Kabat-Zinn describes it beautifully in his Foreword:

This book is an invitation to systematically deepen our own lived understanding of mindfulness in relationship to...

Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

Faith, Health Care, and Dying (2011)

By Centre Team on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 16:45

Faith, Health Care, and Dying (2011)

By Centre Team on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 16:45

Faith, Health Care, and Dying – Some Points from a Buddhist Perspective
This is an article from Dayasara at Ipswich Buddhist Centre, looking at issues of health care and dying from a Buddhist perspective.

Geographical diversity of Buddhism
Sri Lanka, Thailand and Burma preserve the ancient Theravada form, with its characteristic yellow robed monks. The relatively later-developing Mahayana form(including Zen) is associated with Japan and China, Hong Kong, and Tibet. People from immigrant communities practising the religion of...

Abhayaratna Trust
Abhayaratna Trust

Death and Dying - what will you do?

By The Abhayaratna... on Tue, 10 May, 2016 - 13:04

Death and Dying - what will you do?

By The Abhayaratna... on Tue, 10 May, 2016 - 13:04

In my fantasies I am exempted from the general truth of death.
But that is a delusion, and death will come to me, even me, as well.’ 

– The Four Reminders, Vishvapani

Despite this truth, we often shy away from talking about death and dying. By opening up this conversation, and by taking steps to make your wishes known to friends and family, you can ensure that your wishes and choices are respected.  What are your funeral wishes? Who would you like to benefit...
