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Newest Book by Bhikkhu Anālayo on Disease and Death

Mindfully Facing Disease and Death, a new book by Bhikkhu Anālayo, with a beautiful cover by Dhammarati, provides a practical guide for those facing disease and death by helping them to access the ageless wisdom of the Buddha’s teaching. We are on track and Mindfully Facing Disease and Death will be published in October this year. Jon Kabat-Zinn describes it beautifully in his Foreword:

This book is an invitation to systematically deepen our own lived understanding of mindfulness in relationship to human wellbeing and health, to wisdom and compassion embodied, or, as Anālayo puts it in this book, “to learn to face one’s own being subject to disease and death, in order to be able to assist others in the same task”. – Jon Kabat-Zinn, co-editor (with Mark Williams) of Mindfulness: Diverse Perspectives on Its Meaning, Origins, and Applications

While we are committed to publishing it, we still need sponsors! Thanks to 18 generous people, we’ve raised £1,632.00 so far. However, we are far from our target of £7,000.  

If you sponsor this book with a donation of £30 or more, you will receive the paperback and the eBook upon publication. A sneak preview of the book is available here. If you like what you read, consider helping us, either by sponsoring the book or by spreading the word about our funding campaign.

We are honoured to publish the work of this prolific and committed writer, and look forward to this book, which promises to be an important and useful resource. Says Roshi Joan Halifax:

An invaluable and extraordinary resource on the profound teachings by the Buddha on dying, death, and grieving. Bhikkhu Anālayo has given a great gift to all of us by bringing together in this book the compassionate wisdom of the Buddha on our mortality. – Roshi Joan Halifax, Abbot, Upaya Zen Center