Triratna in the Buddhist World
Triratna in the Buddhist World
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Welcome to Triratna in the Buddhist World

'Triratna in the Buddhist World' reports on Triratna's relations and work with Buddhists of other traditions worldwide. 

Triratna is one of few Buddhist organisations in Europe sufficiently large and interested in inter-Buddhist relations and co-operation to support someone financially to work in this area.

Triratna's European Chairs' Assembly financially supports me as its Liaison Officer, and I am particularly active in the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK and in the European Buddhist Union, where I was elected to the council as Vice President in 2023.

In addition, some Triratna Centres in many countries worldwide work with other local Buddhists (as well as with those of other faiths). For example, Triratna Order member Gunaketu took up the presidency of the Norwegian Buddhist Union in 2023.

If you are an Triratna Order member or a mitra who has asked for ordination, working with other Buddhists locally, please ask me if you would like to be able to post news here every so often. It would be good to have news from around the world.

With metta,
Munisha, European Liaison Officer