Buddhist Teachers in Europe (BTE) is an informal group of Dharma/Dhamma teachers from a range of traditions and countries within Europe, including the UK. Their main meeting is an annual three-day gathering hosted in turn by one teacher or another, somewhere in Europe or the UK.
As part of my work as Triratna's 'Liaison officer' I have attended BTE meetings every year since 2013. While they have varied in style I think at present they most resemble a small Order gathering, usually with a theme, open space for new topics to arise and plenty of time for discussion.
This year it's my turn to host again and the BTE is returning to Adhisthana following their very enjoyable meeting at Adhisthana in 2018, in which Bhante took part, just a few weeks before his death.
Interesting in attending?
Attendance at the BTE is open to Buddhists from Europe (including the UK) who have been teaching for at least 10 years; in Triratna terms Order members who have been ordained and regularly teaching in Triratna for at least 10 years.
Particularly seeking 'younger teachers'
Established attenders may bring with them those who have been teaching for at least five years: in Triratna terms Order members who have been ordained and regularly teaching in Triratna for at least five years.
If you are interested in attending, or can suggest someone I should invite, please email me at munisha@triratnadevelopment.org.
Liaison officer