Triratna in the Buddhist World
Triratna in the Buddhist World
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International association of Buddhist women

Sakyadita is a worldwide association of Buddhist women. It holds an international conference every two years, at which Triratna Order members have spoken in previous years.

As they say on their website, "Sakyadhita provides a communications network among Buddhist women internationally. We promote research and publications on Buddhist women's history and other topics of interest. Our members strive to create equal opportunities for women in all Buddhist traditions. We work to empower the world's 300 million Buddhist women to work for peace and social justice through local branches, the content we offer free of charge online, and through our biannual conferences.

The UK branch of Sakyadhita states that the organisation's role is "to empower women in Buddhism, and thereby empower all" and that "anyone, regardless of gender identification, is warmly invited to be involved."