Are you a Mitra aged 18-34? Keen to transform yourself and the world? We need you!
A renewed Buddhism needs to confront the modern world as it is. It needs to be a radical alternative to an individualistic consumer society. It needs teachings that help to overcome hatred and prejudice. It needs people living and working together to reduce suffering, tackle loneliness and give meaning to people’s lives.
The world needs a radical blueprint for change. The Dharma, as elucidated by Sangharakshita, provides a sustainable way to work with our minds and an alternative path to changing the world. In order to bring about this vision of a better world, we need to deepen our own practice, connect with others and build Sangha.
I'm organising two Changemakers weekends in early 2022. Both long-weekends offer opportunity to get to know other young Buddhists from different countries and will have workshops focusing on living together, working together and teaching the Dharma together.
20 - 23 Jan at Adhisthana (particularly for those in the UK).
3 - 6 Mar in Berlin (particularly for those in mainland Europe).
It would be great to see you there!
Young Buddhist Convenour (Europe)