Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists
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Sub30 Symposium: Four Gifts to the World

Fri 3 Jul | UK & IE 7pm | Europe 8pm CET | Mexico 1pm

Sat 4 Jul | UK & IE 10am | Europe 11am CET | Aus 7pm AEST

What can Buddhism offer the world today? What does it mean to live a Buddhist life? Gather with young people from around the world for four intergenerational conversations and a chance to meet others aged 30 and under through discussion groups.

On Friday 3rd July 7pm-9.30pm (UK time) join Prajnahridaya and Satyaraja for a conversation exploring ‘a method of personal development’, followed by smaller breakout discussion groups and then a chance to ask your questions. After a break we’ll return with another conversation (and group discussion), this time with Moksadhi and Parami on ‘a vision of human existence’.

Saturday 4th July 10am-12.30pm (UK time) follows the same format of: conversation, breakout discussion groups, Q&A, tea break, repeat! But on Saturday Ksantikara and Devamitra will talk to each other about ‘the nucleus of the new society’ before a conversation between Akasajoti and Saddhanandi on ‘a blueprint for a new world’. 

Spread over a Friday evening and a Saturday morning, this is a fantastic opportunity to dive into a Buddhist response to the world’s needs with other people aged 18-30 alongside some of the most experienced elders from the Triratna Buddhist Order and Community.