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Community Highlights
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Emergent Community Online (The Dharma Toolkit Daily, Episode 16)

By Centre Team on Wed, 15 Apr, 2020 - 23:49

We’re several weeks into lockdown and, as we continue to explore the experience of global intentional community, today’s star is the Internet itself.

Our guests discuss the new online contexts for Buddhist practice, evoking the uses of imagination within transitional, liminal spaces. We riff on new emergent forms of practice and modes of engagement that are bringing our community to life in unexpected ways.

We also look at how surprisingly well the early promise of the...

Bump elbows, say hello!
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

The Unexpected Intimacy of Online (The Dharma Toolkit Daily, Episode 2)

By Centre Team on Tue, 24 Mar, 2020 - 11:41

Today’s episode brings friends together from Ireland, England and the USA to look at the very technology that connect us for use in things like this. Come and get meta with us about Zoom!

With the launch of our daily meditations we discuss how better versions of the Internet and its underlying technologies mean an evolution – and possibly a revolution – in how we conceive of Buddhist practice (and everything else) in community. 

What does a mature web context for...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Turning Towards Uncertain Times (The Dharma Toolkit Daily, Episode 1)

By Centre Team on Sat, 21 Mar, 2020 - 00:51

Welcome to The Dharma Toolkit Daily, our new podcast from The Buddhist Centre to keep you company through the weeks or months ahead in these extraordinary coronavirus times. 

We’ll be with you every week day with a diverse range of guests to renew your sense of a wider Dharma community standing with you. What better way to stay connected than to hear the voices of friends and strangers who understand something of what you may be going through in your particular...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Parami, Lokeshvara and Saddhaloka In Conversation

By parami on Sat, 18 Mar, 2017 - 15:08

A new podcast from some members of the Adhisthana Kula as they come to the end of a 10-day meeting of the College. 

A great little summary of some of the more general issues discussed, including those arising from historical controversies in Triratna (formerly the FWBO). We get a little taster of other conversations to come - with news of new media, and of prospective reconciliation possibilities within the wider community.

What emerges is a picture of the College at a...

Adhisthana Kula
Adhisthana Kula

Parami, Lokeshvara and Saddhaloka In Conversation

By parami on Sat, 18 Mar, 2017 - 15:01

A new podcast from some members of the Adhisthana Kula as they come to the end of a 10-day meeting of the College of Public Preceptors - the body responsible for maintaining the integrity and spirit of the Triratna Buddhist Order. 

A great little summary of some of the more general issues discussed, including those arising from historical controversies. We get a little taster of other conversations to come - with news of new media, and of prospective reconciliation possibilities within...

Adhisthana Kula
Adhisthana Kula

A Conversation With The Adhisthana Kula

By Centre Team on Tue, 28 Feb, 2017 - 21:49

The Adhisthana Kula is a new group made up of some of the most experienced members of the Triratna Buddhist Order, meeting together to help the community find lasting reconciliation in the face of renewed interest in historical controversies and some of the issues arising from them.

We hear Dhammarati, Lokeshvara, Mahamati, Parami, Ratnadharini and Saddhaloka share thoughtful perspectives on the work ahead, considering what is required to meet any suffering involved, to promote good communication around difficulties, and to encourage confidence...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

New Podcast: Safeguarding In The Triratna Buddhist Community

By Candradasa on Sat, 18 Feb, 2017 - 14:52

Welcome to a new year of podcasts from The Buddhist Centre Online!

We’re delighted to welcome our first guest via Skype, Munisha, Triratna’s European Safeguarding Officer, to discuss some strong work in an ever-changing field of care. A fascinating look at what’s involved in contemporary safeguarding, how it relates to controversies of the past, and the challenges posed by the need to have an international approach in an online age. 

What comes across most clearly is Munisha’s deep sense of integrity and compassion. We...

Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

Giving Avalokitesvara a Hand by Dhammaloka

By Mokshini on Mon, 21 Nov, 2016 - 17:33

“Giving Avalokitesvara a Hand”  by Dhammaloka 

An exploration in imagination and Sangha-building. Taking images of the 42 ‘major’ hands or emblems of Avalokitesvara/Kuan Yin participants explore both the great variety of Bodhisattva activity and how they might themselves contribute to it.

Possible objectives:

  • Exploring the variety of enlightened activities
  • Introducing GuanYin / Avalokitesvara
  • Sangha-building, getting to know each others’ personal interests and strengths
  • Playful exploration and gaining of commitment to contribute to the mandala
  • Contextualize Avalokitesvara / GuanYin in the White Lotus Sutra
  • Introduce Avalokitesvara as a symbol of the WBO

The material :

  • Images of the 42 emblems/hands.
  • Instruction and explanation
  • ...
Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

International Buddhist Youth Convention, India 2016

By sanghadhara on Wed, 12 Oct, 2016 - 17:52

Sanghadhara in conversation with Max, Stephanie and Erika share their experience of this year’s international Triratna Youth Convention in India.

Get the podcast (iTunes) | Get the podcast (other services)

Watch the video from the Convention

Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

Day 7 Summary - Imagining A Vision Into Being

By Dassini on Tue, 9 Aug, 2016 - 16:05

Dassini asks Viveka and Maitrisara, our amazing facilitators, what kinds of growth they see emerging from the 2016 International Council. And Viveka touches on how the spirit of friendship and imagination play a part in enriching our vision and the effectiveness of what we can offer the Triratna community around the world.

Get the podcast (iTunes) | Get the podcast (other services)

See all posts from the International Council 2016
