
Open retreat at Adhisthana

By Maitriyogini on Wed, 24 Jul, 2024 - 10:16

Open retreat at Adhisthana

By Maitriyogini on Wed, 24 Jul, 2024 - 10:16

Friday 30 August - Friday 6 September

A retreat led by Saddhanandi, Jvalamalini, Manjuvajra + Ratnaghosha

The natural tendency of the mind is to set limits and settle down, but positive emotion goes against this tendency.

We have all been taught the Metta Bhavana, and it is tempting to imagine we know what we will get with a retreat on kindness. But do we consistently act to nurture the seeds of metta in our hearts and minds? It’s possible to live our everyday lives in a way...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Happy Indeed We Live (FBA Podcast)

By Centre Team on Sat, 22 Jun, 2024 - 14:05

“Happy indeed we live, friendly amid the haters. Among those who hate we dwell free from hate. Happy indeed we live, healthy amid the sick. Among those who are sick we dwell free from sickness. Happy indeed we live, content amid the greedy. Among those who are greedy, we dwell free from greed.” (The Dhammapada, chapter 14, ‘Happiness’, verses 197-199). Ratnaghosha explores the Buddha’s vision of spiritual community as it is expressed in three verses of the...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabytes: Longing to Illuminate Truth

By Centre Team on Mon, 11 Mar, 2024 - 10:00

Vishangka explores the joys and challenges that arise in a spiritual community. He explores several suttas and what we can learn from them. Excerpted from the talk Blending like Milk and Water: Sangha In the Buddha’s Time given at Manchester Buddhist Centre, 2019.


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Bite-sized inspiration three times every week.

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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features


By Centre Team on Wed, 15 Nov, 2023 - 22:11


By Centre Team on Wed, 15 Nov, 2023 - 22:11


Una de las características únicas de nuestra Sangha Triratna es la naturaleza internacional de nuestra comunidad, una fuerza desde el principio. Este año, en el Día de la Sangha, se invitó a todo el mundo a unirse a Bodhikámala (de México) y Jnanadhara (de Irlanda/Nueva Zelanda) para un evento en línea para conocer a nuevos y viejos amigos de otros...


Could you live and work at Adhisthana?

By Maitriyogini on Mon, 28 Aug, 2023 - 17:47

Could you live and work at Adhisthana?

By Maitriyogini on Mon, 28 Aug, 2023 - 17:47

Adhisthana is a team-based Right Livelihood and home to two Communities, where our collective life and work is a spiritual practice.

We are looking for a Kitchen Manager and a Second Cook.  For both roles you will need to be physically fit and able to work full time, be self-motivated and work well with others.  Key areas of work will include:

  • Cooking and serving retreatants, guests, and community members, including any restricted diets
  • Taking care of the kitchen and related spaces
  • Maintaining and ordering food and equipment and upholding hygiene standards
  • Working with and leading
  • ...
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Could you live and work at Adhisthana?

By Maitriyogini on Mon, 28 Aug, 2023 - 17:47

Could you live and work at Adhisthana?

By Maitriyogini on Mon, 28 Aug, 2023 - 17:47

Adhisthana is a team-based Right Livelihood and home to two Communities, where our collective life and work is a spiritual practice.

We are looking for a Kitchen Manager and a Second Cook.  For both roles you will need to be physically fit and able to work full time, be self-motivated and work well with others.  Key areas of work will include:

  • Cooking and serving retreatants, guests, and community members, including any restricted diets
  • Taking care of the kitchen and related spaces
  • Maintaining and ordering food and equipment and upholding hygiene standards
  • Working with and leading
  • ...
Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabytes: Being a Friend

By Centre Team on Tue, 25 Jul, 2023 - 12:25

How do we go beyond the duality of subject and object, self and other, to experience the true nature of reality? Here, Jnanavaca shares personal experiences about the challenges of creating sangha and being a friend.

Excerpted from the talk What Is Sangha & Kalyana Mitrata? given at London Buddhist Centre. 2019.


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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Building Sangha In a Rootless Society

By Zac on Sat, 6 May, 2023 - 06:00

Modern Dharma Challenges: Building Sangha in a rootless society with Subhuti. The third of three special evenings with Subhuti, the LBC’s President and a renowned teacher of fifty years experience. What does a Buddhist life look like in practice? Where can we hope to get and what are the essential teachings that will get us there? Come along for meditation and a series of exciting new talks - a real highlight. Talk given at ...

Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Brixton: Work in a context which values your spiritual practice

By ianjacobsdean on Wed, 1 Mar, 2023 - 10:21

Brixton: Work in a context which values your spiritual practice

By ianjacobsdean on Wed, 1 Mar, 2023 - 10:21

The team at the Brixton Buddhist Community is currently recruiting for a new Publicity Coordinator (14 hrs per week), and a new Supporter Care Manager (3.5 hrs per week).

We’re seeking people inspired by the vision and activities of the Brixton Buddhist Community, who would like to be part of a capable and collaborative team working to share the benefits of Buddhist practice throughout South London.

We’d value another Order Member or mitra joining the team, but we are open to applications from anyone who...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Maturing The Heart

By Zac on Thu, 17 Nov, 2022 - 06:00

In a sutta from the Udana, Meghiya overestimates his spiritual development and sees the goal in terms of his own individual, personal development. Vadanya shares some reflections on the Meghiya Sutta on the theme of learning about yourself in solitude as well as in relationship to others in the Sangha.

From the talk Meghiya and The Path - Beyond Individualism given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2007.


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