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Tag: right livelihood

New Ventures
New Ventures

Introducing Lamas Pyjamas Right Livelihood

By lokabandhu on Sat, 17 Nov, 2012 - 00:16
And the second talk - after a short introduction by Lokabandhu, Claudine Edwards introduces Lamas Pyjamas as a Right Livelihood business, as part of the Triratna Buddhist Community’s New Ventures weekend in Birmingham, Nov 2012. Find out more at www.lamaspyjamas.com.

Again, if the widget below doesn’t work, you’ll find her talk at soundcloud.com/thebuddhistcentre/claudine-introduces-lamas-pyjamas.
Windhorse Evolution
Windhorse Evolution

Ethics at Evolution

By Windhorse Evolution on Mon, 8 Oct, 2012 - 12:13
Ethics was the theme of some training with the retail team and evolution shops. Several members of staff from the shops gave talks, and their transcripts are available here. There are a variety of perspectives and reflections, well worth a read.
Windhorse Evolution
Windhorse Evolution

Buddhist Right Livelihood: An Opportunity For Spiritual Practice At Work

By Windhorse Evolution on Tue, 4 Sep, 2012 - 11:40
This booklet is written by Dharmachari Saddharaja, who has worked at Windhorse:evolution for 22 years. It’s an overview of Right Livelihood, looking at:

What is Right Livelihood?
A brief history of Right Livelihood practice at Windhorse:Evolution
Dharma Practices at Work
Non-Dharmic Practices at Work

“Surely we are very near to heaven, if not to nirvana, if we enjoy our work, and if our work is our life!” - Sangharakshita

File NameSize
Buddhist Right Livelihood booklet.doc110.5 KB
