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Tag: right livelihood

Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Opportunity to join the Manchester Buddhist Centre team - Dana Project Leader

By Nandavajra on Fri, 25 Nov, 2016 - 17:28

Opportunity to join the Manchester Buddhist Centre team - Dana Project Leader

By Nandavajra on Fri, 25 Nov, 2016 - 17:28

Opportunity to join the Manchester Buddhist Centre team

Dana Project Leader:  17.5 hours per week 

Manchester Buddhist Centre is rapidly changing and developing in line with a clear and exciting vision.  Located in the heart of the city we are home to a positive and rapidly growing sangha.  

Participation and sharing responsibility for the MBC and each other are central to our ethos.  The MBC was built by volunteers and members of our sangha continue to give generously in terms of time, money...

Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

Team Based Right Livelihood - Part 3: Handouts

By Mokshini on Mon, 21 Nov, 2016 - 19:04

Handouts from Saddharaja’s Teambased Right Livelihood book, created during and for his work at Windhorse:Evolution  - many thanks!

Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

Team Based Right Livelihood - Part 1: Resources

By Mokshini on Mon, 21 Nov, 2016 - 18:46

Right Livelihood Resources 

This page contains a wealth of material on Right Livelihood as practiced in Triratna.

It contains both canonical and contemporary material, much of it coming from Windhorse:Evolution. Many thanks to Saddharaja of Windhorse and Paul Powell of Karuna (and others) for collecting it making it available.

Please also see part 2 and part 3.

File NameSize
Quoes on Right Livelihood: Extracts from Bhante’s aphorisms, lectures, seminars and written material108.88 KB
Bhante in Seminar with Windhorse Authority and the Individual288.54 KB
Bhante in Seminar 153 Q&A at Windhorse Trading1.23 MB
Bhante seminar excerpts on Sigalovada Sutta 143.65 KB
Bhante talk 051 Noble Eightfold Path Right Livelihood 158.49 KB
Bhante talk 138 authority and the individual in the new society 119.98 KB
Bhante talk Sigalovada Sutta 76.12 KB
Dhammaloka - ethical virtues in business 37.38 KB
Dhammaloka - introduction to right livelihood 43.09 KB
Jnanavaca Introd to Right Livelihood. Including an exploration of Subhuti’s five categories for Right Livelihood72.06 KB
Ratnaprabha: A compilation of traditional material on Right Livelihood Ratnaprabha, 2007 (12 pages)100.44 KB
Ratnaprabha: The five aspects of R L – Non-harming; Appropriate happiness; Growth and Awareness; Simplicity; and Service28.75 KB
Ratnaprabha notes on Communication and Kindly Speech 46.44 KB
Ratnaprabha - themes for RLH meetings:Very useful set of suggestions for themes to explore in Right Livelihood meetings 39.02 KB
Ratnaprabha: Five aspects of R L – Non-harming; Appropriate happiness; Growth and Awareness; Simplicity; and Service49.44 KB
Saddharaja and Ratnaprabha, draft version, Sept 2006 Ethos & R L course outline34.45 KB
Saddharaja work as spir practice: A major (though still draft) study of the principles of R L as practiced within W:E209.78 KB
TBRL 12-page mind-map created by Paul Powell of the Karuna Trust. Print it out, stick it together, and pin it on your wall!238.58 KB
Vajradarshini notes for 8 short talks on Dogen’s ‘Tenzo Kyokun’,(13 pages)90.52 KB
W:E ethos statement: based on 5 principles or values – generosity, ethics, personal development, collectivity and communality,34.5 KB
Ratnaghosha July 2008 spir practice, productivity and efficiency 69.3 KB
Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: The History of and Value in Team-Based Right Livelihood

By Rijupatha on Sat, 10 Oct, 2015 - 11:00

In this week’s FBA Podcast, Subhuti gives a very comprehensive introduction to one of the Six Emphases of the Triratna Buddhist Community with “The History of and Value in Team-Based Right Livelihood”.

Subhuti gives a rousing talk on some of the history behind team-based Right Livelihood within the Triratna Buddhist Movement. He then goes on to explain why it is so important; because it represents an opportunity to live a ‘full’ Buddhist life for...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Lama’s Pyjamas: A Story of Right Livelihood

By Rijupatha on Thu, 8 Oct, 2015 - 11:00

Claudine Edwards tells us her story of Team-Based Right Livelihood in today’s FBA Dharmabyte entitled “Lama’s Pyjamas: A Story of Right Livelihood”. From the longer talk “New Society Weekend 2011″, this short excerpted talk presents a great example of the benefits and creativity of this way of working, as we continue our exploration of the Six Emphases of Triratna.

Talk given at Birmingham Buddhist Centre, 2011

Subscribe to the Dharmabytes podcast
