You can post your ideas as comments on our project page ( or email them direct to us; we’ll gather everyone's questions together and post them on the project page. We’ll record the seminar and share audio fragments and/or transcribed highlights with others in Triratna via our page.
It was nearly 20 years ago that Sangharakshita did a seminar on 'Right Livelihood' with Order Members who worked in Windhorse Trading (as the business was known then). For me as a young order member it was very exciting to hear Bhante's views on this topic and how he viewed Right Livelihood within the practice of the Dharma. In particular his reflections on approaches to Insight and lifestyle changed how we looked at the practice of Right Livelihood. We are keen to revisit, with Subhuti, the material in this seminar to see if we can take some of the themes deeper. We will also be looking at other material Bhante has written on this topic and the place of Right Livelihood within Triratna. Subhuti has also been reflecting on the wider topic of 'The New Society' and is likely to share some of his reflections on this theme.”
Sangharakshita’s original seminar is available via FreeBuddhistAudio here.