Sangharakshita Memorial Space
Sangharakshita Memorial Space

An impromptu 'Indexer's Obituary'

By Satyalila on Sun, 4 Nov, 2018 - 12:59

An impromptu 'Indexer's Obituary'

By Satyalila on Sun, 4 Nov, 2018 - 12:59

I’ve been working on the index for Volume 13 of Bhante’s Complete Works for the last few weeks and finished it on Friday morning, having worked late into the night before.  It has felt like its own kind of vigil for Bhante to be doing this.  A great privilege to tend his ‘Dharma body’, or one physical manifestation of it, at least.  I’m not a professional indexer but a (supported) amateur - tho’ as Vidyadevi kindly reminded me, the etymology of...

Sangharakshita Memorial Space
Sangharakshita Memorial Space

Questions arising following your passing

By Bodhidasa on Thu, 1 Nov, 2018 - 06:42

Questions arising following your passing

By Bodhidasa on Thu, 1 Nov, 2018 - 06:42

Should I mourn your absence?
What form could contain
that unrivalled presence?

Should I weep for you?
What tears offer release
to one already freed?

Should I run to your side?
What frantic display
reveres your stillness?

Should I recall you?
What image gives shape
to your shabby elegance?

Should I speak of you?
What eulogy does justice
to your eloquence?

Should I bequeath garlands?
What wilted flowers
could embody such wisdom?

Should I hold to your words?

Buddhist Voices
Buddhist Voices

50 Years, 50 Voices - Aryavacin y Manjugita (Highlights)

By sanghadhara on Mon, 15 Oct, 2018 - 20:46

I’m men’s Mitra Convenor in Nottingham, very actively involved with the Venezuelan Sangha and exploring William Blake’s legacy…


…and I fell in love with the Order.

Track titles in English
01 Manjugita reading one of her poems ‘The Mirror’ (El Espejo) - the metaphors she delights in
02 Our ordinations – the impact on Sangha in Mexico and on Venezuelans
03 Our Order names – the meaning given at ordination, how we responded at the time, how...

Dublin Buddhist Centre
Dublin Buddhist Centre

Maitreyabandhu at Poetry Day Ireland 2018

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 25 Jul, 2018 - 18:06

Maitreyabandhu discusses his childhood, forbidden love, his path to writing poetry and what Buddhism can learn from poetry (and what poetry can learn from Buddhism) in this wide-ranging interview with Jnanadhara, the chair of the Dublin Buddhist Centre. 

He also reads a selection of his poetry - including from a forthcoming book on the painter Paul Cézanne - as part of this special evening held as part of the programme of events during the 2018 Poetry Day Ireland festival.


Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Kindness - A Poem & A Story

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 23 Jul, 2018 - 11:30

This Dharmabyte podcast is the reading of the poem ‘Kindness’, by Naomi Shihab Nye (1952) followed by the back story to the poem.

‘Kindness: A Poem & A Story’, by Ratnaguna, is a commentary on two poems: ‘Singapore’ by Mary Oliver and ‘Kindness’ by Naomi Shihab Nye. In this excerpt we hear of the latter poem.

The full talk, The Tender Gravity of Kindness, was by Ratnaguna on Sangha Night at...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Science and Poetry - new writing from Sangharakshita

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 18 Jul, 2018 - 11:33

Science and Poetry - new writing from Sangharakshita

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 18 Jul, 2018 - 11:33

After reading Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time and Carlo Rovelli’s Reality Is Not What It Seems, in this piece written over three nights towards the end of June 2018, Sangharakshita reflects on the connection between science and poetry, and their common language of insight, intuition, inspiration and imagination.

This piece is open to all and can be read on Sangharakshita’s website: Science and Poetry: A Note along with other articles he has written.

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: A Prayer to the Moon

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 14 May, 2018 - 12:51

In this Dharmabyte podcast, ‘A Prayer to the Moon’, Paramananda shares a David White poem about the moon as a means of expressing consciousness that is inspired by longing for something greater than us.

From a talk called ‘The Moon’ given at the West London Buddhist Centre.

Subscribe to the Dharmabytes Podcast

Buddhist Voices
Buddhist Voices

50 Years, 50 Voices: Manjusvara (Highlights)

By Satyalila on Thu, 3 May, 2018 - 15:00

Who needs perfection?  

Perfection is useless in the human life…

Listen to two component conversations with Manjusvara—and subscribe to the Buddhist Voices podcast for more full-length recordings from Fifty Years, Fifty Voices.


A few months ago I remembered that I’d heard a talk Manjusvara gave in 2007 called ‘20 years in the WBO’ on the 20th anniversary of his ordination. I thought it might contain some useful material for this project, so I looked it up on Free Buddhist Audio, only to discover that it...

Buddhist Voices
Buddhist Voices

50 Years, 50 Voices: Ananda (Highlights)

By Satyalila on Wed, 18 Apr, 2018 - 22:55

So my impression of Bhante was that he was a magician who had some secrets that I wanted to get…

Listen to the whole conversation with Ananda—and subscribe to the Buddhist Voices podcast for more full-length recordings from Fifty Years, Fifty Voices.


Ananda’s Annals 
In 1968 I was a 24 year old hippy living in a Buddhist commune in Purley.  I was also a sound engineer working at the BBC.  I was ordained into the Western Buddhist Order in April 1968.

In 1978 I...
