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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Life is King

By Rijupatha on Thu, 17 Dec, 2015 - 11:00

We’ve been moved to share an abundant handful of Sangharakshita’s writings and poems this month. Today’s FBA Dharmabyte is a poem entitled “Life is King”. Selected from “Conquering New Worlds”, read by the author and published by Windhorse Publications, Glasgow, 1986.

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Dharmabyte: Orpheus in the Underworld

By Rijupatha on Mon, 14 Dec, 2015 - 11:00

We’ve been moved to share an abundant handful of Sangharakshita’s writings and poems this month. Today’s FBA Dharmabyte is a poem entitled “Orpheus in the Underworld”. Selected from “Conquering New Worlds”, read by the author and published by Windhorse Publications, Glasgow, 1986.

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FBA Podcast: Glimpses of the Mythic Life of Sangharakshita

By Rijupatha on Sat, 12 Dec, 2015 - 11:00

Today’s FBA Podcast is a tribute to our teacher, Bhante Sangharakshita, given by Padmavajra entitled “Glimpses of the Mythic Life of Sangharakshita”.

Urgyen Sangharakshita, the founder of the Western Buddhist Order, is many things to many people. Yet all inspiration and controversies aside, he is first and foremost a follower of the Buddha’s way and his own evocations of his personal practice give many clues as to the nature of a committed Dharma life.

Here Padmavajra,...

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Dharmabyte: The Caves

By Rijupatha on Thu, 10 Dec, 2015 - 11:00

We’ve been moved to share an abundant handful of Sangharakshita’s writings and poems over the next few weeks. Today’s FBA Dharmabyte is an excerpt from “The Caves of Bhaja”, a moving poem in memory of Dharmachari Anagarika Maha Dhammavira, written, introduced and read by Sangharakshita. Full talk available here: “The Caves of Bhaja”.

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FBA Podcast: Sangharakshita – Facing Mount Kanchenjunga

By Rijupatha on Sat, 5 Dec, 2015 - 11:00

We’ve been inspired to share writings and poems by Bhante Sangharakshita this month. Our FBA Podcast today, “Sangharakshita – Facing Mount Kanchenjunga”, is a delightful talk from 1991. Sangharakshita starts by reading an extract from the new volume of his autobiography, Facing Mount Kanchenjunga. He follows this by talking about and reading eight poems that he composed in Kalimpong which give a real feel for his appreciation of the place but also for...

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Dharmabyte: The Lotus of Compassion

By Rijupatha on Thu, 3 Dec, 2015 - 11:00

We’ve been moved to share an abundant handful of Sangharakshita’s poems over the next few weeks. Today’s FBA Dharmabyte is a poem entitled “The Lotus of Compassion”. Selected from “Conquering New Worlds”, read by the author and published by Windhorse Publications, Glasgow, 1986.

We invite you to join us!

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Dharmabyte: The Bodhisattva’s Reply

By Rijupatha on Mon, 30 Nov, 2015 - 11:00

We’ve been moved to share an abundant handful of Sangharakshita’s poems over the next few weeks. Today’s FBA Dharmabyte is a poem entitled “The Bodhisattva’s Reply”. Selected from “Conquering New Worlds”, read by the author and published by Windhorse Publications, Glasgow, 1986.

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FBA Podcast: Sangharakshita – Reading Poems About Friendship

By Rijupatha on Sat, 28 Nov, 2015 - 11:00

We’ve been inspired to share poems by Bhante Sangharakshita this month. Our FBA Podcast today is an unusual, early, talk from Sankharakshita which will be new to most people. “Sangharakshita – Reading Poems About Friendship”. Bhante was invited by the Croydon Arts Centre, in 1990, to choose, discuss and read poems about friendship. His selection ranges from the Epic of Gilgamesh to 20th century poets and clearly shows Sangharakshitas love of poetry and...

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Dharmabyte: The Modern Bard

By Rijupatha on Thu, 26 Nov, 2015 - 11:00

We’ve been moved to share an abundant handful of Sangharakshita’s poems over the next few weeks. Today’s FBA Dharmabyte is a poem entitled “The Modern Bard”. Selected from “An Autobiographical Sequence of Poems”, read by the author and recorded at FWBO celebrations in London, September 1990.

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Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Maitreyabandhu - Poetry and Receptivity

By Candradasa on Tue, 24 Nov, 2015 - 18:47

Maitreyabandhu - Poetry and Receptivity

By Candradasa on Tue, 24 Nov, 2015 - 18:47

It’s not too late to join the Urban Retreat! 

A lovely short talk by Maitreyabandhu, illuminating why poetry is itself an act of receptivity and requires that of us as readers and, in the context of an Urban Retreat, Buddhist practitioners. Taking as his source Kay Ryan’s poem ‘The Niagara River’ we get a simple but encouraging close reading of how poetry can help us slow down, take things in, and really...
