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Community Highlights

Buddhafield eBooks - Dhiramati: Myth, Poetry and the Goddess

Buddhafield eBooks - Dhiramati: Myth, Poetry and the Goddess

By Candradasa on Tue, 21 May, 2013 - 16:35An appropriately mythic start to affairs and to this series of Buddhafield eBooks beautifully produced by the textually heroic Lokabandhu…

Dhiramati delving into our deep pagan roots…

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Magnifying glass over Dharmachakra cassette
Dharma Tape History Detectives

One Great Glorious Mistake, 2005 Vajradharshini

By rodashruti on Sat, 26 May, 2012 - 16:23
Dharma, poetry, and humor woven together to help guide us out of the Tavern of Ruin. Vajradarshini is joined by readers from the listening sangha, while Rumi, Dogen, Nagarjuna and others make guest appearances in spirit. Emptiness has never been the same.
