Beginnings were chaotic and abandoned until forced into early retirement by a collapsing spine. Soon her life was transformed by joining Dharma study groups at the Manchester Buddhist Centre, plus writing workshops. In both she was able to share her dreams of a better world, so often overwhelmed by suffering caused by insensitivity, poverty and war. Aryamati describes the world as both dangerous and awesome and her heart as holding the promise of human warmth.
It’s these attitudes that form the subtext to much of her work. Of her work, she says, 'Many of the poems here were written in response to places visited, while others are the responses to friends’ experience. I avoid autobiography, but some topics are personal. Poets’ subject matter is all around them yet inside them. One strives to forge an individual voice (and voices) while trying to deepen awareness. This striving has been helped by outstanding friends'.
Proceeds from the sale of the book (an ideal Christmas and Solstice gift!) are being given to Breathworks to further their work. The price is £5 plus £2 p&p - if you would like a copy (or two) please send a cheque for £7 each, made out to “Breathworks Foundation”, to: Breathworks, Manchester Buddhist Centre, 16 - 20 Turner Street, M4 1DZ.
With metta, Taravandana”.