Suryavana Retreat Centre
Suryavana Retreat Centre

RETIRO de INVIERNO - El Mundo en Llamas...

By Sudaka on Tue, 3 Dec, 2019 - 10:59

RETIRO de INVIERNO - El Mundo en Llamas...

By Sudaka on Tue, 3 Dec, 2019 - 10:59

Cambia tu Vida, Cambia el Mundo

Con las aguas frescas del Dharma

Como cada año os ofrecemos la preciosa oportunidad de aprovechar este espacio del solsticio de invierno para empezar el nuevo año de manera diferente y mejor. Abierto a todo el mundo con o sin experiencia.

El mundo en llamas: Hoy, quizás mas que nunca, el mundo y nuestra propia vida están en llamas. Un fuego causado por la avidez, el rechazo, el odio y por la ignorancia profunda. Hoy mas que nunca buscar una respuesta...

Windhorse Publications
Windhorse Publications

Meditation is ‘a whole way of being in the world’: an interview with Paramananda

By Windhorse Publi... on Mon, 21 Oct, 2019 - 12:21

Meditation is ‘a whole way of being in the world’: an interview with Paramananda

By Windhorse Publi... on Mon, 21 Oct, 2019 - 12:21

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing the well-loved and highly respected meditation teacher, Paramananda, about his latest book, The Myth of Meditation. Here’s a transcript of excerpts from the interview.

In the title of the book, why do you describe meditation as a myth?

Paramananda: I can’t really give you a better answer to that than the subtitle [restoring imaginal ground through embodied Buddhist practice]. It was an attempt to relocate meditation in what I understood its original setting to be, which is a...

North London Buddhist Centre
North London Buddhist Centre

Animated Programme for the North London Buddhist Centre

By Ratnaprabha on Sat, 12 Oct, 2019 - 17:22

Animated Programme for the North London Buddhist Centre

By Ratnaprabha on Sat, 12 Oct, 2019 - 17:22

Have a look at this lovely animation of an Autumn Buddha by Aryajit, featuring our Autumn programme of open events. 

Online Meditators
Online Meditators

Wednesday Meditation: Above, Below, and All Around - The Four Immeasurables

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 7 Oct, 2019 - 12:06

Wednesday Meditation: Above, Below, and All Around - The Four Immeasurables

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 7 Oct, 2019 - 12:06

Body like a mountain, heart like an ocean, mind like the sky.” - attributed to Dōgen, 13th Century Japanese Buddhist monk and founder of the Sōtō school of Zen

The Brahma Viharas are sometimes known as the four immeasurables because the number of living beings to whom they apply is immeasurable and the benefits of practising them are immeasurable. 

The Brahma Viharas meditation consist of cultivating loving-kindness (Metta), compassion / solidarity (karuna), sympathetic joy (mudita) and equanimity (upeksha).


Windhorse Publications
Windhorse Publications

New release ‘most complete and in-depth guide available’ for core Buddhist meditation practice

By Windhorse Publi... on Thu, 26 Sep, 2019 - 11:24

New release ‘most complete and in-depth guide available’ for core Buddhist meditation practice

By Windhorse Publi... on Thu, 26 Sep, 2019 - 11:24

The team at Windhorse Publications is thrilled to announce the release of Mindfulness of Breathing: A Practice Guide and Translations, by renowned Buddhist teacher and scholar, Bhikkhu Anālayo. 

Mindfulness of breathing meditation is a core practice in many branches of Buddhism and is one of the two foundational meditation practices taught and practised in the Triratna Buddhist Community.

In Mindfulness of Breathing Anālayo explores the practice of mindfulness of breathing in the sixteen steps of the Ānāpānasati Sutta. The book is an authoritative, practice-orientated elucidation of a foundational Buddhist text, useful to meditators...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: The Point of Freedom

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 5 Sep, 2019 - 14:00

Here Prajnamati offers gentle guidance for meditation inspired by the Anapanasati Sutta. In meditation we choose to center our attention on what arises – initially we may tighten or harden or contract which is movement out of meditation towards hindrance. There is another direction we can go, alternatively we can relax into our experience and move into the point of freedom.

From the talk entitled The Point of Freedom given at Bristol Buddhist Centre, UK,...

Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

Aryajaya - Sangharakshita’s First Connection with His Teachers and Receiving Practices (Triratna International Council 2019)

By Free Buddhist Audio on Tue, 3 Sep, 2019 - 23:36

The second in a series of talks from the 2019 Triratna International Council. This year’s theme is major elements from the Dharma biography of Sangharakshita, Triratna’s founder, which are of wider relevance to anyone endeavouring to lead a Buddhist life. 

Aryajaya explores Sangharakshita’s relationship to his teachers, who form the lineage for the Triratna Buddhist Order. A lovely exploration of the experience of relationship to the Bodhisattvas of Buddhist tradition via meditations passed from teacher to disciple, evoking a wide open sense...

Buddha image
Buddhism in Great Yarmouth, Gorleston and Lowestoft

About Us

By sinhadakini on Sat, 24 Aug, 2019 - 11:45

About Us

By sinhadakini on Sat, 24 Aug, 2019 - 11:45

We are a friendly Buddhist group which meets on Tuesdays from 7pm to 9pm in the heart of Great Yarmouth at the Friends Meeting house, behind Palmers Department store. Everyone who is interested in finding more about Buddhism and Buddhist meditation is welcome at any time though we would like people to do one of our 6 week meditation courses at some point (we have two of these a year).
Every four weeks, there is no class in Great Yarmouth but the...

Buddha image
Buddhism in Great Yarmouth, Gorleston and Lowestoft

Introduction to Meditation - six week course starting September 24 2019

By sinhadakini on Sat, 24 Aug, 2019 - 11:43

Introduction to Meditation - six week course starting September 24 2019

By sinhadakini on Sat, 24 Aug, 2019 - 11:43

The course will give a thorough grounding in our two meditation practices: the mindfulness of breathing, which enhances our awareness and peace of mind; and the metta bhavana - the development of loving kindness - which brings about a gentle but potentially radical transformation in our emotional experience. Led by Saroja.
Six Tuesday evenings starting 24 September
Cost: £55/£40. Book by clicking link below

