Aryapariyesana Sutta retreat for Women Mitra is led by Dhni. Prajnasakhi. Retreat is supported by Prashanti, Utpala and Shantida,
Thanks for all the Dhammacharini and Mitra for able to participate in retreat.
A extract from Bhante Seminar on - Aryapariyesna Sutta
"Buddha speaks. 'These, monks, are the two quests: the ariyan quest and the unariyan quest.' The word for quest is 'esana' which means something like 'will', 'desire' but in a very strong and positive sense. Search, quest - it is again a bit archaic isn't it. So you feel that? It's more like a search, a seeking. The ariyan and the unariyan. Here ariyan means 'noble', even spiritual, and unariyan means ignoble, unspiritual, worldly. So what do you notice about the talk that the Buddha proceeds to give? What do you notice about the way in which it opens once the Buddha has commended the monks and reminded them that when they're gathered together there are only two things to be done; either talk about Dharma or ariyan silence? He plunges straight into the subject and how does he open his talk, in what sort of way?"