Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center
Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center
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Wheel of Life - Mar 25
Dh Chandrashil

Wheel of Life retreat led by Dh Chandrashil. Supported by Dh Karmavajra, Dh Ratnasambhava, Dh Dhammanaga, Dhni. Modini and others.

It was weekend end retreat attended by around 70 retreatant. It was good to meet artist friends as well as to hear their poetry. 

Wheel of Life is one Dh Chandrashil favourite subject. He is teaching subject from long time. It was good to have teacher like for weekend which has drawn/attracted many retreatant.

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Chairs Course - Feb 25
Dh. Jnanadhara

Chairmen course led by Dh. Jnanadhara supported by Dh. Prajnaveer. 

Dh. Jnanadhara enjoy visiting Bhaja and Karla caves.

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Main Shrine opening and Guru Stupa dedication Anniversary
26th Jan 25

As most of Order Members were away on Convention.  Local support team from near by village and community members celebrated Opening of Main Shrine and Guru Stupa Dedication Anniversary on 26 Jan 25.

Main Shrine was opening ceremony perform by auspicious hands of Bhante Sangharakshita on 26th January 1992. 

Similarly Guru Stupa was build up in First Sangharama retreat for two months by retreatant with various rituals of placing Peace Vase below the ground upto top placing various symbolic things from Our Lineage Guru that was on 26th Jan 2020 in leadership of our Guide and Teacher Dh. Subhuti. 


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Some Guest Visit Jan_Feb 25
Jayadhi, Karunamaya, Saraka ......

It was pleasure to meet and see some of guest travelling for Buddhagaya convention keep up their connection with retreat center for example Jayadhi, Karunamaya, Saraka, Sthirjyoti, Mahashraddha and others. 

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Public Preceptor Retreat - Jan 25

Public Preceptor Retreat led by Srimala. It was good to see Abhayvati, Shubhajaya, Vijaya and Abhaydana.

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NVC Retreat - Dec 24
Led by Shantigrabha

Non Voilent Communication (NVC) led by Dh. Shantigrabha. After long time retreat center was able to held NVC retreat. It was good to meet Shantigrabha. 

Retreatant from various age groups and background were involved. It good to see some of our artist friend like Siddharth, Golap, Amit and others. Similarly various arrange of activities like Sufi music and dance.

Thanks to all Retreatant and Shantigrabha.

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Women Going for Refugee Meditation Retreat
Led by Dhni. Vijaya - Dec 24

Women Going for Refugee Meditation Retreat led by Dhni. Vijaya, Dhni. Shubhajaya and Dhni. Abhayavati.

The retreat was supported by Dhni. Shilvati, Dhni. Bodhiratna, Dhni. Maitriratna and others.

As  21st Dec was announce as  World Meditation Day so All Retreatant has Meditated upto 12oclock midnight of 21st Dec night.

Thankyou all the Team for Same.

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Dh Chandrashil 41th Ordination Day

Celebrated Dh. Chandrashil 41th Dhammachari Ordination Day.

Dhammachari Chandrashil is Kalyan Mitra as well as Preceptor to many of us.

He was Ordain at Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat center on 18th Dec 2024. In same month Main Building was ingurated by Bhante.

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Eight Fold Path Retreat
Led by Dh Prajnaditya

Eight Fold Path Retreat led by Dh Prajnaditya. During this retreat study second half of Eight Fold Path.

Retreat was supported by Prasadjyoti, Shuddhavajri and Modini.

We celebrated Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar commemorate Day on 6th Dec. Dh Chandrashil given Short Talk on same.

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Visitor Monks
From Srilanka

A Monk from Srilanka visited retreat center.

They also visited near by Bedas cave.

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Yoga & Meditation Retreat
By Dh Sughosh & Dh Adityabodhi

A new initiative by Dh Sughosha from Mumbai led Yoga retreat with Support of Meditation led by Dh Adityabodhi.

During this retreat we had 30th Dhammic Birthday of Dh. Vimaldhamma who has also supported retreat. 

In morning various type of Juices were offered to retreatant. Talks about Natural way of living were given by Sughosh with natural dietary. 

Thanks for all team involve with same.

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A Mitra from Patna

A Mitra from Patna visited retreat center. He has done solitary retreat and attended winter retreat and other events at retreat center. 

In between his father also attended winter retreat. Before going back to Patna community celebrated his birthday. 

He developed some good contact in Maharashtra like Sharanya, Vikas and others. 

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Aryapariyesana Sutta - Nov 24
Women Mitra Retreat by Dhni. Prajnasakhi

Aryapariyesana Sutta retreat for Women Mitra is led by Dhni. Prajnasakhi. Retreat is supported by Prashanti, Utpala and Shantida,

Thanks for all the Dhammacharini and Mitra for able to participate in retreat. 

A extract from Bhante Seminar on  - Aryapariyesna Sutta

"Buddha speaks. 'These, monks, are the two quests: the ariyan quest and the unariyan quest.' The word for quest is 'esana' which means something like 'will', 'desire' but in a very strong and positive sense. Search, quest - it is again a bit archaic isn't it. So you feel that? It's more like a search, a seeking. The ariyan and the unariyan. Here ariyan means 'noble', even spiritual, and unariyan means ignoble, unspiritual, worldly. So what do you notice about the talk that the Buddha proceeds to give? What do you notice about the way in which it opens once the Buddha has commended the monks and reminded them that when they're gathered together there are only two things to be done; either talk about Dharma or ariyan silence? He plunges straight into the subject and how does he open his talk, in what sort of way?"

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Women GFR Retreat - Nov 24
Kalyan Mitrata Led by Dhni. Suprabha

Kalyan Mitrata retreat led by Dhni. Suprabha from 8th to 14th Nov 2024. 

Dhni. Abhayvati and Dhni. Shubhajaya and other team members supported retreat.

Buddha has replied to Anand when ask by Anand that "Dhammic Life is Kalyan Mitrata itself"

True Friend really help one to be on Dhammic Path effectively. It was really good to see it during retreat.

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Monks from Dudjom Rinpoche Lineage
Tashi Friends

Tashi a Friend of Ratnasambhava brought some of his Teacher to Visit retreat center.

Tulku and Lama belongs to Dudjom Rinpoche Lineage. 

It was nice they visited retreat during Winter retreat so they were able to interact with new Buddhist from Maharashtra.

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Winter Retreat - 2024
Led by Dhni. Gunmegha

Winter Retreat led by Dhni. Gunmegha. During this retreat Gunmegha explore Sigalvad sutta.

Retreat is supported by Dhni. Bodhiratna, Dh. Suvidhya, Dh. Jnandhish, Dh. Sanghasiddhi and Dh. Shreekumar.

Familiy, Young, Children and people for various age attended retreat.

It was started on 30th Oct which was Bhante 6th Death Anniversary day. They had nice ritual around Guru Stupa.

Thanks for Order Member who supported retreat.

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Bhante 6th Death Anniversary Puja
By Dh Chandrashil

On the occasion of Bhante 6th Death Anniversary Retreat center perform Puja around Guru Stupa.

It was very delightful to have Dh. Chandrashil for function. 

In evening again had Puja around Guru Stupa led by Dhni. Gunmegha with 100 retreatant. 

Feel very glad we had Bhante Stupa in retreat center premises. 

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Sadhana Retreat - Oct 24
Dh Chandrashil

Sadhana Retreat led by Dh. Chandrashil. It was good to see some of old friends of Dh. Chandrashil attending retreat like Dhammanaga (Nagpur), Aryasangha (Amravati), Viryachandra, Anantmitra, Tejovajra and Ratnachandra.

As our support team is on tour of Buddhist Circuit, Dh Guhyacakshu, Dh Guhyacitta and Shantivardhan has help with various activities to support retreat. 

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Early 90's memory
Thanks to Dh Dhammananda

Really feel glad when saw image of old community members of early 90's of retreat center community. 

Thank you to Dhammachari Dhammananda for sharing it.

In picture we can see from left to right - Dh Varanand, Shantipriya, Dh. Siddharth, Dh. Dhammananda, Dh. Manjuveer and Dh Dhammakosh.

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Dh. Khemmadhamma Visit - Oct 24
With Dh Tejdhamma

Dh Khemmadhamma visited retreat center along with Dh Tejdhamma. 

Feel glad to see Khemmadhamma keeping touch with retreat center each year. 

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