Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Oskar on why we comes along to the Wednesday Sub30 Meditation each week

By Ksantikara on Tue, 9 Feb, 2021 - 12:54

Oskar on why we comes along to the Wednesday Sub30 Meditation each week

By Ksantikara on Tue, 9 Feb, 2021 - 12:54

Sub30 Meditation Every Wednesday
7.30am – 8.30am (UK Time)
8.30am – 9.30am (Central Europe)
6.30pm – 7.30pm (Sydney/Melbourne)

A weekly chance for those aged 30 & under, who know both the Mindfulness of Breathing and the Metta Bhavana, to gather together. Expect 5 mins of brief teaching at the start, followed by 30+ mins of meditation and then a chance to meet (& talk about meditation) with other young people in breakout groups...

Taraloka Retreat Centre
Taraloka Retreat Centre

Longing for the Dharma: The Power of Dharma Chanda

By SophieAnn on Sun, 31 Jan, 2021 - 09:48

Longing for the Dharma: The Power of Dharma Chanda

By SophieAnn on Sun, 31 Jan, 2021 - 09:48

All you need is faith!

Follow the YouTube link for a short talk by Maitrisiddhi, given to Order Members during Summer 2020, during which she shares her renowned passion for the Dharma.

For more, joinMaitrisiddhi
online for ‘True Entrusting: Shinran, the Buddha and Bhante’ in February, an online retreat suitable for GFR mitras and OMs.

For more information, or to book a limited space, please visit:…


At Home with the Elements: a golden thread through February

By Dayajoti on Fri, 15 Jan, 2021 - 15:07

At Home with the Elements: a golden thread through February

By Dayajoti on Fri, 15 Jan, 2021 - 15:07

Come and join Buddhafield for our big winter event! A spacious, month-long journey through the Six Elements of earth, water, fire, air, space and consciousness.  We will meet them in our daily lives, wherever we find ourselves.  You can dip in as much or as little as you’d like. 

There’s a wonderful programme of meditation; bodywork; dharma and other talks; workshops, poetry, music and dance.  Regular emails to participants and a Facebook Event page. 

This event...

Community Highlights
Free Buddhist Audio

The Twelve Days of FBA (2020) - Day 9: 'Body Scan Including the Three Spheres and Diaphragms' by Vidyamala

By Free Buddhist Audio on Sun, 3 Jan, 2021 - 06:00

The Twelve Days of FBA (2020) - Day 9: 'Body Scan Including the Three Spheres and Diaphragms' by Vidyamala

By Free Buddhist Audio on Sun, 3 Jan, 2021 - 06:00

Today Laura Horwood-Benton, supporter and social media design consultant with the Dharmachakra team, spotlights a practice-based gem by Vidyamala, the founder of Breathworks: Body Scan Including the Three Spheres and Diaphragms

Vidyamala’s pioneering work in the field of mindfulness for chronic pain has helped transform many people’s lives. Speaking from personal experience, Laura shares how she has benefited from access to these kinds of practice resources. 

Become a Friend of FBA today! 

Community Highlights
Free Buddhist Audio

The Twelve Days of FBA (2020) - Day 5: 'Guided Mindfulness of Breathing Practice' by Kamalashila

By Free Buddhist Audio on Wed, 30 Dec, 2020 - 06:00

The Twelve Days of FBA (2020) - Day 5: 'Guided Mindfulness of Breathing Practice' by Kamalashila

By Free Buddhist Audio on Wed, 30 Dec, 2020 - 06:00

For the Fifth Day of our Twelve Days of FBA, Aryaketu enthuses about the impact of Free Buddhist Audio on his practice life in India. We invited him to recommend a recording that he feels has also played a significant role in the lives of many of our sangha and beyond in the birthplace of the Buddha.

Aryaketu’s offering is one of the most influential in our archive, The Mindfulness of Breathing meditation lead-through by Kamalashila based on his...

Bump elbows, say hello!
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Breathing In the World: A Journey into the Heart of Tonglen

By kusaladevi on Fri, 4 Dec, 2020 - 10:55

Breathing In the World: A Journey into the Heart of Tonglen

By kusaladevi on Fri, 4 Dec, 2020 - 10:55

A four-week course led by Yashobodhi 

Starting Sunday 6th December
Sundays: 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th December
(each session will be done twice to accommodate time zones)

‘Early’ session:  UK & IE 09:00 | Europe CET 10:00 | India 13:30 | Australia EST 20.00 | New Zealand 22.00

‘Late’ session: USA PST 11:00 | México 13:00 | USA EST 14:00 | UK & IE 19:00 | Europe CET 20:00 |

A last-minute reminder about this course, starting Sunday 6th December.

Tonglen is a meditation method that originates in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. In...

West London Buddhist Centre
West London Buddhist Centre

The Heart of Practice with Paramananda and Bodhilila

By Sophie_WLBCPublicity on Thu, 5 Nov, 2020 - 20:15

The Heart of Practice with Paramananda and Bodhilila

By Sophie_WLBCPublicity on Thu, 5 Nov, 2020 - 20:15

This retreat runs from 15 – 21 November. Register in advance for this event using this LINK. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the event.

In this online meditation retreat we will be taking a fresh look at the main practices taught within Triratna with the aim of connecting to the inner spirit at their heart. We will explore how the Mindfulness of Breathing, Metta Bhavana, Just Sitting and mantra chanting all share the single...

Taraloka Retreat Centre
Taraloka Retreat Centre

Story, magic and puppetry: Mandarava's upcoming online retreat

By SophieAnn on Tue, 13 Oct, 2020 - 13:15

Story, magic and puppetry: Mandarava's upcoming online retreat

By SophieAnn on Tue, 13 Oct, 2020 - 13:15

Here’s Mandarava, speaking about her upcoming retreat, Stories of Wisdom, Stories of Life retreat, now running *online* from Saturday 24 October to Thursday 29 October.

Mandarava’s puppetry and storytelling is legendary. During this retreat she’ll explore a simple, yet compelling, Jataka story. How are we are when we’re faced with our fear? How can we find ways to resource ourselves? 

Only 8 spaces left, so please book to avoid disappointment by visiting the Taraloka website.

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Getting Real With Viveka and Paramananda - Watch the whole series

By kusaladevi on Thu, 13 Aug, 2020 - 15:24

Getting Real With Viveka and Paramananda - Watch the whole series

By kusaladevi on Thu, 13 Aug, 2020 - 15:24

A reminder that you can revisit the series of conversations - “Getting Real” (Soulful Conversation and Meditation) with Viveka and Paramananda. Each episode features a different poem and is an honest, heartfelt and spontaneous communication and connection between two friends, exploring Dharma practice in our daily lives, as well as a short meditation at the end of each session.

In the first episode, Viveka is here exploring different ways we can listen deeply to one another and to...

Padmaloka Retreat Centre
Padmaloka Retreat Centre

The Next Phase at Padmaloka: Opening a Hybrid Retreat Centre

By Satyakirti on Wed, 5 Aug, 2020 - 12:54

The Next Phase at Padmaloka: Opening a Hybrid Retreat Centre

By Satyakirti on Wed, 5 Aug, 2020 - 12:54

We’re on the cusp of another new phase beginning here at Padmaloka, that is the opening of a Hybrid Retreat Centre.

Having looked at the UK Government’s advice for places of worship and the advice for accommodation providers, we will be able to run some events that have a small number of people physically on retreat here. The new programme will be made up of events that are either residential only, a hybrid of residential and online, or online only. In...
