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Community Highlights

Vajra Bell - Autumn 2015

Vajra Bell - Autumn 2015

By Candradasa on Tue, 6 Oct, 2015 - 00:19

Self-Compassion - Learning to Turn Loving-kindness Inwards
Vajra Bell is the quarterly journal from Triratna in North America, based out of Aryaloka Retreat Center in New Hampshire. In this issue, some moving and thought-provoking evocations of loving kindness and its radical effect - often in unexpected ways!

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Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Complete Archive Of Teaching On The Brahma Viharas

By Candradasa on Fri, 17 Apr, 2015 - 18:57

Ratnavandana has given much of her later life to the cultivation and teaching of Brahma Viharas meditation - helping inspire many people to move towards spending more of their time in the ‘divine abodes’ of love, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity.

Here is the complete archive of teaching from her Spring 2015 Rainy Season retreat in Bristol, UK. The theme was ‘Living In The Mandala’, looking at the Brahma Viharas in the context of the five Buddha mandala. Talks, readings, guided...

Bristol Buddhist Centre
Bristol Buddhist Centre

Day 7: Guided Brahma Viharas Meditation (With Notes on Bhavana)

By Centre Team on Sat, 11 Apr, 2015 - 20:27

Ratnavandana introduces and guides us through a composite practice of all four Brahma Viharas at once - loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, equanimity.

She sets the scene perfectly with an introduction to the notion of cultivation/development within the context of a Buddhist spiritual life, showing how each of these qualities may be called forth whenever needed in the face of our experience, just as the flower is called forth from the seed in springtime.

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Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction
Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction

A loving kindness meditation

By Vimalasara on Sun, 8 Dec, 2013 - 04:36
‘There are never endings, only separations and new beginnings.’ Separations can be bumpy, and often we move away from the uncomfortable feelings by latching on to an old coping mechanism. Over these past three weeks you have hopefully begun to cultivate some positive coping mechanisms. You can always go back to some of your favourite meditations and listen to them. We give you this final meditation in this series, to set you up on track for your journey that will...
Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction
Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction

May you be peaceful

By Vimalasara on Tue, 3 Dec, 2013 - 05:20
Day 17 is a song meditation on loving kindness, using phrases that are often used in loving kindness meditation. Loving kindness has a strong element of liking. Sometimes we can love people but don’t actually like them. This sometimes happens in our families. We love our parents or siblings but realize we don’t actually like them.. But to like someone, is to take love deeper. That is loving kindness. To like is to open up and accept ourselves and others...
Loving Kindness - Blazing Like The Sun
Loving Kindness - Blazing Like The Sun

Urban Retreat 2013, Complete Retreat Materials: 6. Complete Audio Recordings

By Candradasa on Mon, 18 Nov, 2013 - 14:32
And here is a complete set of all the recordings from the Urban Retreat 2013, including all the introductory material by Vajragupta and others, the daily guided meditations, and Vessantara’s full series on the stages of the Metta Bhavana…

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Loving Kindness - Blazing Like The Sun
Loving Kindness - Blazing Like The Sun

Urban Retreat 2013, Complete Retreat Materials: 4. Complete Guided Meditations

By Candradasa on Mon, 18 Nov, 2013 - 14:18
Here is a set of the complete guided meditations (with introductions) from the Urban Retreat 2013, led by Vajragupta.

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Follow us on Audioboo or iTunes for our podcast
Loving Kindness - Blazing Like The Sun
Loving Kindness - Blazing Like The Sun

Urban Retreat Program (PDF version)

By Candradasa on Fri, 8 Nov, 2013 - 11:22
Here’s a PDF version of the program for the retreat to complement the online version.

A note on using Issuu (the rather nice way we embed documents on The Buddhist Centre Online): you can usually download by clicking the Issuu document and, when it opens full-screen, choosing the ‘share’ icon (top right)…
File NameSize
Urban Retreat - The Program.pdf109.58 KB
Loving Kindness - Blazing Like The Sun
Loving Kindness - Blazing Like The Sun

Urban Retreat Online Program & Resources

Urban Retreat Online Program & Resources

By Candradasa on Wed, 6 Nov, 2013 - 23:45Here’s the full retreat program for the online version of the retreat. These resources are also for use by anyone taking part in the Urban Retreat around the world at their local Buddhist centre.

We’ve also included here details of the special web-only events we’ll be having as part of the retreat, including online meditation, Twitter Q & A and a Facebook discussion in our group there. Watch this space for more details!
