🖥️ Attend this event live on Zoom
We are very pleased to announce that the following three women will be publicly ordained at Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Saturday, September 7 at 11:30 am local time.
Nancy Artz from Portland, Maine
Laura Rivchun from New York City, New York
Rohini Shah from Richmond, Virginia
Their Public Preceptors are Ashokashri and Amala.
🖥️ Attend this event live on Zoom
USA PST 08:30 | México 09:30 | USA EST 11:30 | IE & UK 16:30 | Europe CET 17:30 | India 21:00 | Australia AEST 01:30 (Sunday) | New Zealand NZST 03:30 (Sunday)
🖥️ Reserve your spot for the live stream
This event will be live-streamed. If you register to attend online we'll email you a reminder closer to the day. You don't need to register to attend online but please try to arrive at least 5 minutes before the start of the ceremony to minimize disruptions.
The three women will be privately ordained on a retreat between August 24 and September 5.
Their private preceptors are Padmadharini and Dharmasuri.