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Surrendering to a Greater Beauty: The Fourth Laksana

By vajratara on Wed, 6 Nov, 2019 - 20:37

Starting with a story from the Rastrapalapariprccha-Sutra, Vajratara draws out the significance of Sangharakshita’s paper on the Fourth Laksana. This is the path of beauty, from contemplation of ugliness to the gateway of liberation called ‘the beautiful’. To be on the path of beauty, we don’t merely enjoy beauty, we have to surrender ourselves to that beauty.  Given on a weekend retreat at Tiratanaloka.

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Dharmabyte: Being More in Tune with the Middle Way

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 30 Sep, 2019 - 14:00

Here Samantabhadri expertly and imaginatively tackles the theme of Wisdom, using the verses in the third section of Tsongkhapa’s short text on the “Three Principle Aspects of the Path”. Dharma themes of the laksanas, suffering, niyamas, self - and no-self - are interwoven with more personal reflections, and with thought-provoking quotations - “…. emptiness, activity and compassion are not three things, but one thing looked at from three different points of view….”

This is the third of three talks all based on...

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Dharmabyte: Dukkha to Compassion

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 2 Mar, 2018 - 10:49

Dayajoti gives us this FBA Dharmabyte entitled ‘Dukkha to Compassion’. From the talk entitled, “Bodies of Earth - Beyond Me and Mine - Dukkha” given on a two-week women’s retreat at Eco-Dharma in May of 2012.

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Dharmabyte: Nothing is Standing Still

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 2 Mar, 2018 - 10:33

In this FBA Dharmabyte ‘Nothing Is Standing Still’ Sangharakshita describes the characteristic of anitta as the whole universe is one vast set of processes, all interrelated.

From the talk, “The Texture of Reality,” given in 1966, a lecture dealing with the three marks (lakshanas) of conditioned existence and their transcendence via the three liberations (vimokshas).

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