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Dharmabyte: Transcending Paradigms

By Rijupatha on Mon, 22 Dec, 2014 - 17:17
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Continuing our exploration of Insight, today’s FBA Dharmabyte is one from Khemasuri on “Transcending Paradigms”. Given at the European Women’s Convention at Adhisthana, one of a series of talks on the topic “The Bodhisattva’s Reply: Triratna Paths to Insight”.
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Dharmabyte: Three Propositions

By Rijupatha on Tue, 30 Sep, 2014 - 18:31
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Our FBA Dharmabyte today is entitled: “Three Propositions.’” Candradasa presents the Buddha’s three basic propositions: the nature of reality; how we see things and suffering; and transforming yourself. From “Religion Without God, Part 1 – A Radical Community of Values” - the first talk in a four-part series looking at how you can have...